Show concert C the entertainment held in abo third ard meeting house satur day evening wan a decided success and was areat y enjoyed by the large audience present the boagard and pyne brot bera M re at best and were repeatedly recalled W D roberts alai splendidly and received an ovation amock those especially da eraine of mention although all were bood arts john lydia and kub roberts edith holdaway koe harding priscilla hoover and choules and clayton the ope reft holla berried Ber was bregent e i aa fan all the characters were well but could have bean better ahe moat pleasing features were the acting of mine emma chodes Chou es tha ablo words beyond recall by lydia roberts and the solo pretty holly berries by little eva rails the overs ahouee orchestra did excellent service aa did also the ac professor gilea and liaa lizzie baile the proceeds will be devoted to purchasing prea ente for the poor |