Show T J M M LAWYERS booma 13 H and 1 Union Block UTAH ATTORN AT LAW bank building brovo UTAH SAMUEL A kina ATTORNEY IT LAW rooms 5 and 7 bank building PRO VO UTAH J W N AT LAW coomb 11 and 12 coca and bank building PRO VO CITY UTAH JOHN attorneys AT LAW excelsior block up PROVO CITY UTAH J F HOYES M D physician ani surgeon excelsior block over pyne A brur store UTAH E E attorney at law room 9 bank building PROVO CITY UTAH D D HOUTZ AT LAW rooms 4 and 5 heed smoot block pitovao UTAH S K KING lawyer kotfica is martin bank alda PROVO UTAH W B SEARLE CIVIL ENGINEER irrigation and water power plana special city surveyor of deputy U S mineral office at court house CITY UTAH JOSEPH E GHOOK ATTORNEY AT collection agency office bank PAYSON CITY UTAH ROBERT AT LAW booms 4 and 6 reed smoot block PRO VO CITY UTAH R G architect and superintendent corner M nd ath st PROVO office haars hoars 9 to 12 a m 2 to 4 p m A me curtain jbf 2 ANO office palace baiocc 21 blocks east bank corner residence telephone no 45 office no as PROVO UTAH T T DA VIES ARCHITECT office at residence M between 7 and ath PROVO CITY ufah SAM landscape sign painter UTAH cornar f and th PATENTS abea aiea i au K isaur fros mark p HUH ai uther patent the bhore the aaa onre tully apon receipt or lietch liet ct of lc boake laft as arv oj walh pal nt fcc c lu ro aai abrio I 1 hayt a fr f r rt ait r nf aej fr K t ic c i w tr elfi alio ti urist lile lime givel to patent bentti abt naf reference on J R LITTELL y ithol and attorney in patent washington D 0 patent bac J D JONES attorney a tia in thurman office bank cief UTAH DR W E gallman gates block provo oily utah a specialty by the method no gas ether or ed specially ally adapted to Buffe nuR irom heart or lung trouble tio uble all warranted S H ALLEN K U W office at residence smoot brick house 1 block east of CITY UFAH F H physician and surgeon office od office B ceford block 1 2 taud 3 urail E B L jonea knowlden jones general fief and life INSURANCE AGENTS P 0 BOX 11 PROVO UTAH F F REED dentist save all modern instruments for the practice of operative ana prosthetic DENTISTRY artificial CROWNS AND BRIDGE WORK A feyall work guaranteed froom excelsior block provo A LADYS TOILET Is not complete fc without an ideal H ul combines every element of beauty and purity it is tying soothing healing health ful and harmless and when rightly used is invisible A most J delicate and desirable protection to the face in this climate insist upon having the gen aisa IT ES FOB SALE everywhere PROVO commercial and sayings CITY UTAH capital DIRECTORS reed smoot prest D T dark vice preat john jones A bean roger farrer E R eldredge Eld redee L S hills J R CAS general banking transacted 0 per rent interest on savings depos ts compounded conr times a year AND ALL KINDS OB MUSICAL AND SEWING tuning and impairing done on the shortest notice leave orders at taylor bros fur store arldt Arl WT THE it louis blobs globs democrat PAGES EACH TUESDAY AND FRIDAY SIXTEEN PAGES EVERY WEEK beyond all comparison the bigmeat big zeat best and brightest news and family journal published iri america PRICE ONE DOLLAR A YEAR will be FIFTEEN MONTHS FOR ONE DOLLAR to any reader of this paper not now a subscriber to THE THIS BLANK MUST BE USED to escure benefit of this extraordinary offer nl H fai it is worth three months free subscription fill in your name 11 post offida and state and mail with ONE DOLLAR aub abc craft oat adice or express money orcier or registered latter DIRECT TO GLOBE PRINTING CO st louis mo sample copies of will be sent frei on application 0 acier to GLOBE tINTING fl CO st louis mo herewith find U 00 for which flond to address given below ana GLOBE twice every week for FIFTEEN MONTHS as your special offer to readers of THE published at peoro city bamo of subscriber state be sure to use this blank it is worth three months free subscription pioneer newspaper of central and southern utah IN ITS TWENTY SECOND only daily paper south of salt lake containing the telegraphic news of the world vigorous aggressive and fearless our semiweekly edition HH aber circulation throughout all the counties coad aae te first judicial district than all other i 1 combined the F is alie oran of utah protection el oura gement of home industries for terms of subscription see top of first column on second page J GRAHAM FRAGRANT VANITY FAIR cigarettes FINEST VIRGINIA 6 THE HIGHEST SKILLED WORKMEN W MAKING THESE tre amen can tobacco 0 o successor STA meat market re opened in opposite poat oance choicest bleats iu season send io conr delivery prompt oar old patrons are invited to denew acquaintance best of treatment guaranteed wm BEDS J B mgr SAVINGS BANK main st salt lake city open saturday evenings from 7 to 8 5 per cent interest paid on deposits of or more and compounded four simoa a year TITLE INSURANCE TRUST 0 capital full paid president W S me cortlick CoRti iCK vice president A L THOMAS secretary and Ja abier zions savings bank and trust company salt lake chiy utah pays biye per cent interest per annum on any d posits you mase write for particulars NEW SERVICE TAKE R C W ry avenins train leaving provo 8 50 p m connecting daily with burlington ROUTE train no 2 at deliver tor omaha kansas oita st L ura and chicago through pullman sleepers free reclining chair cars dining cars A la carte secure tickets at EG wry office B F nealen W P mcmillan art pass abt isril abent room 11 over no 10 W second south st salt lake city utah IF YOU ABE GOING TO seass CITY ST LOUIS or any point east and to enjoy a daylight ride through the grandest scenery of the boccey mountains be eure to ask for a ticket that reads via ane no layovers Lay overs gload connections in and positively the quickest route to the great rivers and atlantic ae aboard elefant and thoroughly modern and chair cars in which the aerts are free to holders of regular train tic neta call on or address S V DERRAH commercial freight pass abt boom 21 block salt lake OR H general st louis mo A sure cur for pile itching files are known by tike perspiration causing intense itching when warm thia form as well B blind bladick Bla dinK or protruding yield at one to dr hiis remedy which acta directly on parts affected absorbs tamers ablaya itching and effects 8 permanent curs 50 acts Drue 01 abail Cir calara free dr Eoa anko philadelphia Phil adolphia pa hold by an 6 BLACK J practical blacksmith wagons and buggies repaired horse shoeing etc etc HH BEUS I 1 street one block north of depot CITY UTAH WORK bruers SOLICITED PRICES TO ajit THE TIMES guaranteed GUARAN rEED first door east of coop co op store estimates and designs furnished upon application tj ai UTAH mm AND SOCIETY WILL SELL YOUR BERRIES VEGETABLE POTATOES HONEY FISH GAME alock HORSES SHEEP HAY AND GRAIN it will nay you to call at their office corner ath and J streets Pro on aej of the officers for any information desired no middlemen to take a large profit it we sell for yon F H boyer evan provo geo F olinger lake view D M smith pleasant grove john amiller spanish fork 5 george D bnell spanish fork W H kelsey Springy ille prea thoa leonard vice pres JE booth freaa DR UVE ff LD PHYSIC ONE PILL A DOSE of tho acm ala each dy 1 CT t alth ness pills s cipf ly t all uie lacs t ra e regular ani z i c ite tir ra aad acte afao batter tinaa to her ciui do to T of thir bertte nh mau ebarli arte rte or a tuu ax a x fop 5 cea aak IL 1 I ca r SH tv iv adhn SUM care fir ir bierce loss cf Seii t en self distrust aiom of IS merit tc wiil ranae you a vigor oja mat price S boxes 0 o 00 sor i I 1 wahid afisu co ST LOUIS MO B ck springs lamp nut castle gate nut 4 00 pleasant n 1050 ton estra YARD 17 IFF iHli DIAMONDS 0 WATCHES AT milben s drug itne LOOK OFT FOR big stock of holiday boods adjusted to all without catra eli n za a AT THE nys im i mm Cs ta CEO STAYLOR manger manufacturers of and dealers in linol PI mito 1 Ti 11 quality guaranteed cosbie sf cl W HOOVER equal with the interest of those having claims against the government is that nho often lose the benefit of valuable inventions because 0 ahe incompetency or inattention of the attorneys employed to obtain their patents too much care cannot be exercised in employing competent and reli able solicitors to procure patents for the value of a patent depends greatly if not endredy end rely upon the care and skill of the attorney yes with the view 0 protecting inventors from worthless or careless attorneys aad of seeing that inventions are well protected by valid patents we have retained counsel expert in patent practice and therefore are prepared to tesi t e obtain patents in the united states and all foreign countries conduct ls make special examinations prosecute rejected cassa register trade and copyrights render opinions as to scope and validity of patents prosecute and defend infringement suits etc etc if yon have an invention on hand send a sketch or photograph thereof getner with a brief description of the important features and you will be at once to the best course to pursue models are seldom necessary if are infringing on your rights or if you are charged with infringement by others submit the matter to us for a reliable OPINION before acting oa tha matter THE PRESS COMPANY P STREET NORTHWEST washington oRM 63 JOHN wedderburn WEDDER BURH managing attorney ss cut this out ana t with acm |