Show the prove kiver is a little literary gem from the poetic pen of S S jones that we present to conr readers as a holiday souvenir it is a pleasing contrast as the course of the river is traced with tha course of human existence in it may be fig curatively seen lifes various phase from babbling joyous childhood to the meditative mood of old age the little souvenir can tonch the condition of all our readers and with k we wish them a merry christiae Christ mae and a happy new tear PEOPLE atho these days are con tem plating the work of the democratic election thieves thi evea aad refracting acting upon the nature and tendencies of democracy as bality should start in again to read joseph smiths views the doctrine therein contained is especially refreshing those times to republicans Republic ane and to be to all other patriotic citizens joseph smiths views IP in print and can bo obtained at 1 HE office MYRON tanner a respected resi dent of provo and a democrat pince 1844 has a card in this issue renouncing noun cing his allegiance to the party with which he has so long affiliated with the commencement oe the new year ne will commenia com menca a new and better political life many others could follow his example with profit HOI MAN of indiana sava that the principles of the democratic party will survive when all other carlies have faded from memory and an exchange suggests that the principles at cover both sides of BO many questions that soma of them ae bound to pull through THE christmas number of the salt rjake argus is a gem of the printers art and an encyclopedia of rich resources |