Show mr A L arm an old and a prominent citizen of this enter town hays I 1 sell acme forty different kikua of coign medicines but hare never in my experience bold ao much of any one article as I 1 have of ballardi Ballar dB horehound barup all who ore it aay it is the most perfect remedy gold consumption and all diseases of the throat and lungs they hava aver tried it is for cromp and cough it will relieve a cough in one Jonta iru no opiates bv smoot brur co 8 abea baby waa sect 0 o her casport Ca stort aben ab was a child she cried for castorio Cae torio than aha became mias the clung to ca storta tabon aha aci chua nn abe gatte taza male help warned ak namo 1500 PER DAY at borne belling and piau ne watches tableware etc evera house has booda anaed ini plating no experience no capital no talking some kenta are makina 25 a dav cpr i ant n position po addrena H K delno columans Columb ns ohio the worlds fair tests showed DO baking powder so pure or so great in leav enelog power as the joyah hull for for christmas and new yeara holi the diio grand western ry will make a rate of one binkle fare for the round trip between all stations on the that is tickets may bo sold front or to any point oa the line sell inn dates dec 24 25 31 and jan 1 good for until jan for further information apply to auy ticket of the A G W by co C R children cry for pitchers cassorla Ca storla highest of all in leavening power latest U S goat report dr prices cream baking powder worlds fair highest award vo daily to in 0 w there will be no issue of the DAILY ENQUIRER tomorrow on account of the expected visit of santa claua money to loain on food farm property at 12 per cent per annum oo 00 euma of three hundred dollars and upward am jos OE both the method and results when syrup of figs is taken it ig pleasant and refreshing to the taste and acts gently yet promptly on the kidneys liver and bowels cleanses the system effectually dispels colds headaches and fevers and cures habitual constipation syrup of figs is the only remedy of its kind ever produced pleasing to the taste and acceptable cep table to the stomach prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects prepared onla from the most healthy and agreeable substances its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it tho most popular remedy known syrup of figs is for sale in and 81 bottles by all leading druggists any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will procure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it do not accept any substitute california FIG SYRUP CO SAN FRANCISCO KV NEW VORK HY W CENTRE STREET keeps constantly on hand all kinds of pays cash for fat live PHIL PROP mi 01 ol au A jit ewt I 1 n t fm kit AIA ly city city unit af ii umi ial alm M nr isrul you vhf tc r unit nth put antl thine isa and watch that tia itei doitt ti t i for mirth AI iv t ti tu buy anit book 1 I he mil apply to buur arti ats link at aur hull uy A CO california bakery has enst opened ap next door to grocery dri we solicit eon timi ance of the jf our old and new frienda frien dx fresh bread pies and cakes every LAWRENCE JOHNSON EDWARD MELSEN kinds of gold and silverware repaired and deflated re work guaranteed cheap and elegant nest door west of centre st provo S arte FOB monday 3 we have the goods to make your xmas a merry and happy one you are invited to call ANDREW EGGERTSEN mgr gity LUMBER GO W J ROSS manager EriLE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN NO I 1 KED LUMBER LATH sail and DOORS PLASTER HAIK AND ALL KINDS OF BUILDING MATERIAL square dealings our motto SS S for sile all delivered by teim to spanish fark and lake shoo sho o when telephone no 31 P 0 box provo city dealers in all kinds of LUMBER LATH HAIR GLASS and combination FENCE OF ajiC SJ y CORNICE STAIR WORK LUMBER YARD corner ath and J st MILL corner ard 3rd and H st telephone no 32 03 are positively going out of the clothing business and will sacrifice their A grand clearance sale commencing MONDAY NOVEMBER and continuing from day to day until sold out we maari what we say and you will have tue opportunity of buying regardless OF COST these are only a few quotations hut everything goes mens suits for mens 1100 overcoats for mens 9 00 suits for mens 1300 overcoats for mens 1000 suits for boys suits for mens 1150 suits for boy s suits for men s overheats boys suits sor boys at prices just as low dont bliss it you cant afford to the above prices are strictly for cash ayne SO an t AT THE CO OF i we advise you to use oregon kidney tei because wo know it will cure yeu it is I 1 lie on iv remedy that will ely cure kidney and bladder troubles of any kind and a trial will prove the moat convincing con vincine argument of it merit you can buy a trial size passage for 25 cants at adf drut store A boand efti ft well mm are you billioux Billi oue or iron bled with Juu sick Heti dache bad in the month foul breath boated tonga di IA hot dry fin in the bpck aart between the cibilla and Feva rAc if voi bave any of these your liver ia out 0 order anc your blood ie bein your liver does noi at proper ly will cure and disorder of the liver or bowels it hae no equal as a biyer medicine price 76 centa fro trial bottier kt smoot drag co dr prices cream baking bowd worlds fair highest medal and |