Show CHRISTMAS candy at isa the beat in town at the provo city bakery 7 line of perfumes fancy soaps brushes etc ever in provo at druc co t CAKL kandy kitchen ia well supplied with christmas nick and carl is doing a tine feathers further reduced to per pound at gates furniture gos store NOVELTIES in dread trimmings pearl and dimps gimps at T G web bers HON john mcneill was a visitor today at the office A few baby carriages still left which we will sell at cost gates furniture company COMPANY A propose getting up a masquerade ball in the opera house at an early date HAVE you seen those beautiful xmay presents at the excelsior pharmacy BALL dresses ball dresses the latest shades and weaves at FINEST line of cream candies in the city at carl Oster lohs centre street between H and I 1 paavo merchants bay that their holi i day trade has been much better thia year than ladt year ROAD reports at skelton co s t TIIS ia cold winter weather santa clause has brou clit H H ia improving rapidly he will probably be around again in a faw days graham was seen on the abam today after his of diphtheria JOHN turner has buffered a severe relapse again and there are grave fears aa to his recovery TOYS and doua dolls nod toys in variety at T G gebbers webbers Web bers t licenses have been issued elias aston and annie C carr both pleasant grove and albert T taomas of fairfield and minnie of provo tanner after renouncing his allegiance to the democratic party to day left to visit his republican con J M tanner at salt lahe straw a temoer anci young man from tho prohibition town of got to earn pi ing too freely the holiday liquors in provo saturday eye nine and got run in he ith marshal knight for bis appearance batore justice wedgwood up to our going to press he had not mada bis ex cusee before his honor SILKS from 40 upwards in beautiful shades at T G gebbers webbers Web bers t the elegant gold watch and other presents that are to be given away by osterloh tha confectioner at chiq place of business january lt l t THE provo book and stationery C mcany hao done a larger trade this year than they did last bad room suits at 1600 at the gates furniture Fuin iture co WHAT are bros co introduce intro duc ing so much furniture for this their third car in the last four weeks the fact is from ashi on the north to george on the anuth people are continually oi dering booda aiom the old reliable houge sae theia stock NEW night there is to be a grand ball given at the opera housa under the direction of he management ALL kinds of produce wanted in ex chadee for woolen goods PROVO WOOLEN MILLS CO HAVERCAMP A co are making three to five years farm loans interest 10 percent call on or write hem at provo 1 FAMILY trade solicited goods delivered promptly by the popular grocers bombard baxey would not have seemed half BO cheerful without the beautiful we are glad cigua can use hia sleigh AT 0 D glaziers you can find a co molete line of bucks stoves in the line of heaters parlor stoves etc EARLIEST fruit and vegetables at bombard Saxe ys opposite post office KINDLING WOOD for eale at provo city lumber oo 00 delivered to any part of the city telephone 31 or P 0 box SILK from ny upwards at S b jobea co s old stand to rent on 0 street apply to evan corner 0 and ath street THEY are determined to have prove the centre of the music trade in the new state and bros co have been selected to represent them in a few aab there will be unloaded an entire car ot chicago cottage organs in this city at prices and terms that all can af lord to pay woods of taylorsville Taylors ville sat lake county who was committed 0 o the asylum a short time ago died this morning do you travel are you a shipper the band mcnally railway guide and hand book contains all pertinent information ask your news dealer wa are in receipt of an inn to a grand ball to be held in the first ward assembly hall on friday night next under the of the young peoples associations of the ward ir you have a few minutes to spare it will you to call and see that ful stock of chinaware silverware and crockery anat received by boylor bros Co Provo this house is also head quarters for watches clocks and jewe iv marshal fowler sheriff brown and sheriff bilac of weber returned last saturday evening from another trip after and mickel the officers went off on a falce rumor through millard count into nevada SHERIFF brought chaa garr down the salt lake county poor house to be placed in thy asylum carr is the man who jumped out of the second story window of the poor house a few dav ago this is the patient down for the asylum since his term commenced boma oay somewhere will maag letter piano than the up to this vear of grace J nobody has done so the c e piano makes no false pretenses claims no intangible merit the things everybody in a piano are an artistic case a full ric tone action and a guarantee of durability to thase features the emerson adds that of reasonable price sold for cash payments or rented by bros co provo pride of japan is the popular tea in utah and first class grocers never fail to keep a supply constantly on band the public are warned when applying for that brand against the answer enst as good bat should on getting the pride of japan there are several imitations abroad and ahe people are cautioned against deception the label can ba seen in advertisement form in our edition any one who has children will rejoice with LB Mul tord of plainfield N J his little boy fayn years of age was sick with croup for two days and nighta he tried various remedies hecim mended by friends and he says 1 I thought sare 1 would lose him I 1 had seen chamberlains cough remedy advertised and thought I 1 donld try it as a last hope and am happy ti t i say that after two doses he slept until morning I 1 gave it to him next day and a cure was effected I 1 this remedy in the bouse now and as soon aa any of my children show signs of croup I 1 giva it to them and that is the last of it 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by smoot drug co MAYOK holbrook is investigating the case of charlea boren sent up for stealing rat bides with s view to commet pk his sentence charles was with steve jones und save steve took tha hides unbeknown to him they had been out trapping as partners and charles bot mixed up in the sale of the bedei he waa bivon 25 davs and steve only cot 10 days where the justice of comes in the former cannot understand |