Show DAILY ENQUIRER MONDAY DECEMBER 24 JOHN C GRAHAM manager telephone number is 27 loial mention in thia colemn 30 cents fsr line each insertion advertisements and changes enst ba office not later anan 10 a m to alcare inser on same day awarded highest honors worlds fair MOST PERFECT MADE ft pure grape cream of tartar powder free fron ammonia alum or any other adulterant 40 YEARS THE STANDARD taic modern lias bound that her little ones are improved more by the pleasant laxative of fies when in need of the laxative effect of a gentle remedy than bv any other and that it is more acceptable to them children enjoy it and it benefits them the arne remedy sarup of figs is manufactured by the ofalia fornia fig syrup co only dr prices cream baking powder awarded gold madl midwinter fair san francisco nt call and see the fine block of opera glasses watches jewelry dilver waie acks etc of which jenann his the vane hestkind best kind call and examine our stock get oit ait 1168 l which are the lowest the finest bargains suitable pui table for taft holiday trade JULIUS provo the U S goat reports show royal baking powder superior to all others hands off why try to press back a side ache with your hand as so many do when an AIl cocks porous plaster will not only relieve the pain but prevent its return the best remedy known for weak back strains sprains lameness and all local pains hear in hind not one of the host of counterfeits ter feits and mutation is as food as the genuine All cocks corn shields All cocks bunion shields have no equal as a relief and cure for corns anil bunions bun ioni Brand reths pills A safe and sure remedy for arising from impurity oatha blood YOUNG GIRLS FORTUNE AN interesting SKETCH nothing appeals eo strongly to a mothers affection as her daughter just budding into womanhood following IA en instance on daughter blanche now 15 years of age had been terribly afflicted with and had lost the entire usa of her right arm she was in such a condition that we had to liep her from aud abandon her music lessons in fact ire ft irad st avitua dance find are positive but for an invaluable remedy the would have had that terrible affliction va had employed physicians but she received no benefit from them the farst of last august ehe weighed but 75 pounds and although she hai taken only three bottles of jenme she now weighs pounds her nervousness and eynik toms of st avitua danco arc entirely gone she attends school regularly and studies with comfort and ease ache has recovered complete usa of her arm her appetite la splendid eplen did and no money could procure for our daughter the dr miles has brought her when my brother recommended tho remedy J bad no faich in patent medicines and would not listen to him but aa a last resort he sent us bottle wo began giving it to blanche and the effect was almost immediate sirs K R N Y dr miles restorative Is sold hy all druggists on a guarantee or sent direct by the dr miles medical co elkhart receipt of price sl per bottle ciz bottles for 5 express prepaid pre paid it is positively free froia opiates or druga sold by all DruK Kiets now we are ready for yon our HOLIDAY GOODS are all on exhibition IN MANY NEW LINES and all kinds and varieties VASES CHOICE BRIC A BRAC CELLULOID ORNAMENTS and many handsome articles sox boxi and henty of toys for the latue ones w s an nal nfl cimfl u ui doii fi ly d buhy allilu ANNIE JONES A U SMOOT prop successor to milling co manufacturers and dealers in CHOICE BRANDS OF FLOUR AND wheat on df posit custom grinding a specialty cah paid for mill opposite pacific droit D K BEKKE manader altee DELIVERY AND CORN SHELLER THE SENATE MEAT MARKS keeps constantly on H illyia farls N aisi ss FAT CALVES AND DRESSED HOGS free delivery to any part of the city coutre hi I 1 druio third door east of cosmopolitan in appreciation of the valuable and liberal patronage of our many customers in alie past we will give to every person purchasing one ticket free with every purchase of v ONE TICKET alvr j WITH EVERY PURCHASE for the following elegant prizes 1 1 ftfe one lady s fine 14 carat solid gold fill d WATCH and CH VI N k U BB B warranted 20 years full jeweled ilg i i movement lid prize beautiful SOLID GOLD tiang warranted solid gold choice of finest pair of shoes in the stock choice of finest DRESS PATTERN and trimmings in prizes to be given away at the NEW CASH STORE on ast 1st 1895 at 11 a i and to be conducted by persons selected bv the the following your careful attention HATE t greatest bonanza for bargain buyers S DRY GOODS SHOES BLANKETS LADIES CLOAKS LADIES GENTS AND UNDERWEAR ETC ETC at a H A ss ifft is aej dry ais y 11 win r aeja 8 J XI A JL REMEMBER our store is the place to buy your relative friend and sweetheart a useful and abathe same time an inexpensive present for CHRISTMAS and NEW YEARS AT COST it will pay you to buy clothing for next aprin sprin j J ITS j A |