Show SUNDAY SERVICES alic birth of the prophet joseph smith sunday was the birthday of joseph smith and dr karl G maeser a powerful sermon on bis mission at the prove tabernacle it had always been a mystery to many why the lord shaula have called a mere boy from the depths of poverty and without scholastic attainments to bring about his purposes in the dispensation measured from a worldly standpoint he would be considered a weak vessel the savior was born in poverty none was lower in society than he and he was even born in a manber yet we read that he was glorified with god before the world waa in the last moments of the saviors life he prayed again for that glory there is the key to christs calling ha was pre ordained before the world was to fill the that he did joseph smith waa to braug abu hospel to earth again in the last dispensation all of us have had oar laid out for ua before we came wo were with the father before this existence and he there proved us there is no fear but he placed the limit of our capacity bieh enough in the mission we mav be called upon to perform many of ua may tail in our calling in this mortal probation we are prone to failure satan knew that when tie the savior it was necessary thai christ come to the earth in uia hemblo birth that he learn charity BO it ia written charity cannot be learned except by experience it cannot be taught in theory speaker had noticed that the higher the grade of the prist bood the more existed it would be impossible for all to obtain salvation if god had not more chairty than one cf ua trail mortals chanov as we near the tarone of race the life of the prophet joaeph smith was also filled with charita chari tv there waa but little sunshine in his mortal existence and he gave his lile to establish abe dispensation of the fullness full nees of timea professor giles spoke briefly on music that art had always charmed the inhabitants of the earth hundreds of thousands used to chant the psalms of lereal and four thousand musical m were made for the occasion of the dedication of solomons temple rip closed by calling attention to the tabernacle cho concert next thursday evening president john wanted it understood that seats were reserved on the stand for aih councillors councilors counci lors presidents pres identa of seventies and the bishopric of abe several wards he expected those seats to be occupied by abe priesthood hereafter he reatter the congregation praise to the man who communed with jehovah etc and abe meeting was adjourned by benediction |