Show LEGAL NOTICE in the probate curt in and for utah county territory of utah in tue matter of the escale of peter M deceased order alnie and place for mont account and to hear for distribution OP reading anc filing the petition of julia E beav idna of the stale f peter M aesy deceased 1 tang forth baat she has tiled her fecal account of her upon said lii this court thai all the debt except balance ni cur fes have been illy paid and that a bostion 0 the said estate to be alvid d among the heirs of said deceased and pra other things tor au order billok gnp cald dudl account and of distribution ol 01 the residue of aca d diate among the his ordered that all derao is interested Interest od in the estate ol 01 the said peter M be and appear feiore the probate county of utah at the court boum koum of ld court lu the counte court houie on alie day of dec 1894 at ten a m then and thai 0 to show cause why an order allowing said onal account aud of uon should cot be made of the residue ol 01 said estate among the delra aud devises of he said peter M deceased according to law it 13 further ordered that the clerk cause notrea to be ported in three public place lu utah county aul a copy of ihn order IM published in said utah county four aweeka successively to said ol 01 dac 1894 in THE DAILY W N probate cudse dated dec 4 it antory of altah county or attah I 1 V L clerk of the probate choit in and for utah county territory of otah hereby certify that the foregoing Is a tall correct copy of the original order appointing time and place lor 01 anal account an 1 to bear geltion pel tion doruis of peter oe ceased and now ou file and of record in my office witness my hand and art ri fiAL at my office in ano city this ath da of dec A D V L HALLI ilAY cheit of the probate court |