Show A biff MM plum DAIRYMEN AROUSED will bight atie recent favorable ine rubine I 1 special to tas 1 l LONDON dec 24 the duke and D of and the Prince fB louise will be the guests of the queen at the dinner at laborne tomorrow the prince of wiles will remain at where he hae aa the duke and of file the prince of wales ia abill with her mater the empress dowager of russia and will probably epema bome time at copenhagen before to engana En gand th steer from which the baron if beef for the roval launer party will be served waa d today at od borna with the quaint ceremonies which hate been in boue educe the days af henry VII it is calculated that th baron of beef after being prepared foi the tabie will weita in ihu neighbor hoad of one hundred pounds and the christmas plum padding in the preparation of which a half dr zen chefs of the royal kitchan have been engaged foi mure than eix will five pounds the pudding will be carried into abu danin hall on a platter hepting upon a bad of holly the queen hag made the usual i presentation t bums of money to the servants of the royal household hou Behold her majesty will remain at lahorne fur faix when she will return to windsor for a brief lay bc fare going to nice where she will spend tha spring |