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Show I Louis Blumenflial. a Plumber of Provo, Struck Down hy Unknown iMan'. RENDERED INSENSIBLE BY BLOWS RECEIVED Thug Is Frightened Away by a Passer-by Before Completing Com-pleting Work. A vicious and brutal attempt upon the person of Louis Ulumerithal, ngcd 22 years, a plumber of Provo. was lnnjlo this (Wednesday) morning at o'clock near the corner of Fourth South and West Temple streets, wncn a thus lioal' the Provo man over the head with a lead jlpe until he was unconscious. Hliimen-thal Hliimen-thal said thai he was not only knocked down hy his nssnllnnt but that "when he was down the thug continued to strike him over the head with the pipe. However, How-ever, before the robbery of the person of Blumcntkal could be effected the holdup was frightened away by a citizen who saw the heating and hurried to the aid of tho fallen man. Hlumenllial sustained four deep scalp wounds and one ugly wound over the left eye. Blumentbnl came to Salt Lake last Sunday and has been staying at the Hercules Her-cules rooming house, 50 West Third South street. After railing on a friend, last nlpht, he proceeded cast on Fourth South street. Near the corner of West Temple street, Blumenthnl says a man stepped out of the shadow and dealt him a violent blow over the head with a lead pipe. With the first blow, he said, he fell to the ground, nnd as ho lost consciousness the thug continued to beat him with the vicious weapon. A passerby, whose nnmc Is not known by the police, frightened the lone holdup away and after reviving Blumenthal led 1dm up West Temple street as , far as Postofflco place. The patrol wagon, with Jailer Gillespie and Detectives Janncy and Cleveland, picked up the Injured man here and he was taken to the emergency hospital at the police station, where his wounds were dressed by Dr. H, B. Sprngue. Detectives Janney nnd Cleveland Cleve-land are working on the case. |