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Show Large Package M of Enjoyment SjlPost 'jl g Toastics ('CKStfeftrS H 'ife Served with cream, 'ffi- Crisp, golden-brown "SmKt tlilPlaB bits of whito corn" cle" kCK?52 III ' 'f'A A flavor that appeals gjjft 'The Memory Lingers" & 'tPostuni Cereal C!o.. L1d Battle Creek, Michigan. Py 1 Hay's mJSggljgm Restores color to Gray or Faded hair Removes Dandruff Dan-druff and invigorates the Scalp Promotes a luxuriant, healthy hair growth Stops its falling out. Is not a dye. SI, 00 and 50c. t Dm Stores or direct upon receipt of price sad dealer' name. Send lOo. foriample bottle. Phllo Hay Specialties Co.. Newark. N. J.. U. S. A. Hay's HarlSna Soap i unequaled for Shampooinf the hair and keeping1 ttie Scalp clean and healthy, alio (or red, routfh chipped banda and (aoe. 25o. at Druiili. I REFUSE ALL SUDST1TUTES J"'or sale and. rccominondod by SCHRAMM JOHNSON, DRUOS. 11VB STORES. Felt Hats fFTJi j 1 Almost daily we are receiving new ideas ThjPl VrJf Qr'&P I H in early fall felts in smartest shapes and smgg5gjggggg 1 HB tive Showinff for todaV. - .. .. PHONES: Independent ZZI I laaflal 6 1vua.jr. csll all Dprtmtnts. Bell EXCHANOE a 1 oKm j Walker's Store News 1 1 Is proving extremely interesting to thrifty 1 H I shoppers as evidenced by their ever increas- I H I ing patronage. August is natural house I B8 I cleaning time here, so a visit through the I H I store just now will show many lots of choice, 1 H I clean merchandise reduced in many cases H I to half or less. Come Today. H 50c SHEETS, 36c EACH. 25c CURTAIN RODS, 14c EACH. . H I "White hemmed sheets, size 72x90, well made, Brass curtain rods extending from 30 to 54 HH with seamed centers, sell regularly at 50c inches, with large brass ends, regular value jH I each. Special QiC eac n special A aH I today 30C Bale, complete 14c jH 15c PILLOW CASES, 10c. ' INFANTS' WEAR AT HALF. fl White hemmed pillow cases, size 45x36 Infants' long or short dresses and skirts Hj inches, sell regularly at 15c - r al1 nicely made and trimmed with laces and L Wm 1 each. Today's special iUc insertion a big table full tr -j ' H a choose from. Today 2 priCC H I TWILLED CRASH, 4c YARD. INFANTS' SHIRTS REDUCED. 1 H I Unbleached twilled cotton crash, soft finish. Hllbenfj knit vests for babies in silk, silk and J H I To be closed out at A wool mixed, wook wool and cotton or all H I yard TU cotton 1 A 07 J " H I 50c WHITE DIMITIES, 25c YARD. iU 0 dlflCOUXlt ffl I White Irish Dimities, 30 inches wide, in INFANTS' CASHMERE BANDS. j Hj 1 pretty checked and plaid effects, a beautiful, A specially smooth, nice quality in just the j -wM 1 sheer quality for ladies' dresses, waists, im- right weight finished with narrow shoul- ' 1 dergarments and for children's wear. Regu- der straps r aa j fl 1 lar 50c quality. Q Fx Special O OY l.UU j H I On special sale, yard LOZ INFANTS' LISLE HOSE. H 1 15c CANTON FLANNEL, 12c YARD. Pink sk' tan or ,black lon6 stockings, in j H 1 m i . . i v i mi j very fine French rib, regular price 25c. f- White Canton Flannel, with heavy twilled fc J 1 j IH I "X;tay!.Bad.a'.12c aViri7o;o;-:::::3 pairs, 50c g I SAFETY PINS REDUCED. j jH I 10 YARD BOLT, 90c DIAPER FOR 76c. The good Lock-it" "brand in all ..a j I White cotton diaper, 22 inches wide," our ses today card 4C .'H I 1ot"yarrlily' S0'd Vr' WOMEN'S SKIETS AT HALF. ' Special today tOC White and tan linen and Rep skirts, made in j '"' newest models values 4.50 QQ "Bi 15c HYDEGRADE CLOTH, 12c YARD. to $13.75. Sale prices !j)0.00 H 'New Hydegradc Suitings, 27 inches wide, in And down to $2.25. j K pretty Galatea designs, light, medium and 52.CO WHITE WAISTS AT 89c. H dark colors to select from. Excellent for End of the season ciean up 0f lingerie waists H ladies' dresses, etc., and for children's school low neckj no sleeve styles trimmed neat- I iwear. Always sold at 15c yard. IO y with fine val laces values up to $2.50 g H Special today i.Z'C each choice QQ I H today ,...OyC E 20c SCRIMS, 14c YARD. I New drapery scrims, 40 inches wide-in MILLINERY SACRIFICED. I M white cream and Arabian color, in plain and All summer hats for women regardless of I B barre' effects to choose from, excellent for former prices, have been grouped into three H long and short curtains, regular price 20c lots prices are ridiculously low Oj ?X- spe.c:::..:. i4c $4.98, $i.98.ana 98c 1 : " SHOP E ABLY TODAY. j Hay Fovor, Asthma and Summer Colds Must be relieved quickly :ind Foley's Honey and Tnr Compound will do it. K, M Stewart, 1031 Wilfram St.. Chi-writes: Chi-writes: "I hnvc been Rrciitly troubles durinc thc hot munmcr months with Hny Tcvcr and find that by using Foley's Honoy and Tar Compound I tet p;rent relief." Many others who suffer similarly will be glad to benefit by Mr. Stewart's experience. Schramm-John son Drugs, fivu stores. Snllair .bathing parties lire ven- enjoyable. Sail Lake City, Utah, August 1". lfU. Tho Tndinn War Veterans :iro requested re-quested to meet it t Lambert Pnpor company com-pany otlice. 14:t West Tirit South, at Suit Lake- City, Wednesday. August Hi, at 7:30 p. in. The purpose is to make arrangement.; to attend the funeral of Vice Commander Com-mander James Hague. By order of O. P. ARNOLD, Commander. Spend part of your vacation time at Saltair. Bathing is great. Saltair Jbathing parties aro very en- JH .joyablc. 3HI j If you want to get full i . H 1 benefit, from your SUM3EBR g jB I VACATION, nothing could I I be more delightful than a 1 H B trip through I fl I YELLOWSTONE PARK I I 1 "THE BRlfAHTWAY" , I The camping out feature 1 JH I is delightful. See the won- 1 jH R derland of the world seven 1 jfl I days of solid comfort and 1 &H 0 recreation coaching through 1 the park. "Thc Brj'ant 1 1 Way" costs ouly $35, in- I '.H I eluding meals, board and all I .jjj 1 expenses. FREE booklet JH I tells full particulars. 1 |