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Show UTAH COUNTY LEVIES. Rate of Taxation Is Fixed In tho Various Cities and Towns. Special to The Tribune, PROVO, Aug. 15. The tax levies fixed by the Utah county towns and precincts are as follows: For each city and town, the stato and state school, county and county school are the samo, 8 mlll3 each: making a total of 16 mills for state, county and school: tho city levy ranges from 5 mills to 20 mills. Among the larger amounts Lehi comes in with 18a mills city tax; Provo, 17J mills: Spanish Fork, 20 mills: Payson, 19 mills. Tho tota1 tax levy for each town and city Is as follows: American Fork, 41 mills, Alpine. Al-pine. 331 mills: Highland. 36 mlllsr Fair-child, Fair-child, 21 mills; Cedar Fort, 28 mills; Manning, Man-ning, 28 mills; Lehl, 481 mills: Provo, 423 mills: Lincoln, 25 mills; Ploasant Grove. 4SJ mills: Benjamin. 30 mills; Lako Shore, 23 mills: Spanish Fork. 51 mills; Maploton. 38 mills: Sprlngvllle. 48 mtlls; Thistle, 36 mills; Clinton. 31 mills; Colton.. 21 mills; Tucker, 2li mills; Goahen, 24J mills; Santaquln, 28 J mills; Spring Lake, 23J mills; Salem, 33i mills; Payson, 49 mills; sheep. 4 mills; cattle and horses. 2 mills outside of Incorporated towns. |