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Show PAROLED CONVICT ATTACKS WOMEN Negro Narrowly Escapes Lynching After Attempting Assault on Women Bicycle Riders. SALEM. Or., Aug". IB, Ed Majors, a paroled negro convict, attacked two white women last nlsht In West Salem and was captured after a pursuit by a posse. A crowd of 500 mon followed the posse as they were taking Majors to Jail and thero wore threats of lynching, but tho officers succeeded In getting their priwoner behind the bars and the crowd dispersed. The nogro dragged one of the women from her bicyclo, striking her sevoral times In the face. He was frightoned away by the appearance o a wagon. The second attack was upon a young girl, also a bicyclo ridor. and she wan badly beaten about the face before the negro fled at the coming of an automobile. |