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Show OFFERS S0LI1TI0I OF TMMPM Pennsylvania Railroad Advo-vates Advo-vates a System Designed to ! Decrease Our Vagrants. ' j The publicity bureau of the Pennsylvania Penn-sylvania railroad has sent out a long article legardlng tho solution of tho tramp problem. This company advocates the formation of labor colonies such as are to be found In Europe. These, they say. will furnish -labor for thoss who want It and a way to compel those who do not desire work to do so. The trespassers who are killed on the American railroads by far outnumber those who are killed In wars all over the earth. Ignorance or carelessness Is gncrally the cause of these deaths and the railroads are making a great effort to cut thin number down to the minimum. mini-mum. The Pennsylvania company says that tho people must be taught to have more respect for their lives and safety. With this end In view this company Is sending out pumphlets In eight or nine languages which will bo distributed In schools with Instructions for tho pupils to lake them home with them. The board of education of Pennsylvania has promised Its aid and the assistance of tho ministers of all churches will bo solicited. Already the efforts of the railroads huve borno fruit. The number of persons killed whllo trespassing on the railroads in violation of tho law was decreased from 8S7 In 1905 to 5S5 In 1010. The practice of running tramps out of the country Id condemned in tho article, ar-ticle, as It only thrusts the vagrants Into a now territory, whore they may subsist sub-sist on the kind-hearted and tho helpless help-less pcoplo of the new community. What Is wanted la to put tho -vagrants to work so that they will cease to be a menace-to menace-to tho community Now Weber Bridge. Special to The Tribune. OGDEN, Aug, 15. According to statements state-ments made hy Engineer J. Jj. Wltten-niyer Wltten-niyer of tho Harrlman Interests, a new bridge will be erected to span the Weber river at the side of the present one. The new brldce will have a double track nnd will ho made modern In every particular. Most of the material for the brldgo Is on tho ground and tho bridge gang will be put to work within a few dayB. The now bridge completed, the old one will bo removed. Railroad Notes. San Francisco Mooso delegates to the convention at Detroit passed through Salt Lake City yesterday. They camo In over the Western Pacific and left last night over the Denver & Rio Grando, A. W. Lee. chief clerk to Superintendent Superintend-ent E. C, Manaon of tho Oregon Short Line, returned yesterday from a short fishing trip. G. W. KIttrodge. chief engineer of the Now York Central, arrived in this city yesterday In his private car. He left last night for Yellowstone park. Preliminary surveys are being run for what Is to be the Taos. Sierra Nevada & San Francisco railroad. This will cut through the Koulhem part, of San Junn county, cross Verdue creek at Dodge point and run down Bull Pup creek and over White Mesa into the Ely mountains. moun-tains. The Bamberger Electric Road company com-pany has a special rate on Its road and the Rapid Transit, road of Ogden. which enables people In Salt Lake City to make the trip from here to Brlgham City and back the same day, with stopover privileges privil-eges for Ogden and Lagoon. This rate Is good until August 22. |