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Show i'liO-SlOED" ; K(6 Declines and Rallies WLnd a Conflict on t HpACIFIO IS m FOCUS OP MOVEMENT Bloiir Featured by an -Krnpt Drop in Texas R'ntf A,ie 15. Some of the i '.IORK, AJ'fl.j by the stock t.Hnt rteaSy the list showing AH" KelSr tendency through-ftB through-ftB 'Tnre declines and rallies J' rt day? it clear tliat fK J conflict was In Process; IB11 ' 2-TCOhad become what Is o n "'two-sided." Krltnown " ,n the focus 'B' interest lS' converged. 'W 'Kmcnts indicated that h? 'influence of llqul-M llqul-M s bear pressure. With , Hr 5. c.ppI which was relatively BW,W the great bulk of the sHfea The one marked feature K.. hour was an llbr,Spt lrop f IBftSdMi weakness In the cop- v' . t intlmenlal value was ESto Jf the "al dividend by JKfftii other news embraced a ' lV J0 'L Union Pacific directors irf etlon i In the matter of ftlci?" successor was taken. ftfc of rates on time money due - IHrftock liquidations, another ad- RSn and weakness in the iljatt-'piclfic's annual statement. KiS of J'S20'T$rVoooo Hr..nim an increase of $0,300,000 -Hj 16 expenses. Louisville & M?7r ihfl vear reported a loss of :B'b net revenues? which Is fully -'E for by nn increase of almost IbBi In operating expenses, narket was steady save for JBtttUn o(23 points In New-York, 4K?ft Hartford convertible 6s. , HEIm nar value, 1.6o,ooo. tj elates government bonds were Kj on call. K. closing Stock List. t Salcs.l H. I L. ICTse 400 20J 20 m Eited Cop . S.SOO G3i 613 61 Rricaltural .. 200 5G1 50 554 sugar .. 3.600 524 51 5U 'te &'&"&'.. 1.000 52 51fi 51K i 400 515 54 5J3 j 'Rocomollvc - 86 .ftdt & Rtn;; . 4.600 Hi 714 714 -'Kl FiidrV". ""loo '36 36 36 !Knr Rfiur . 500 lion 114i 115 Tel .... 1.200 1345 1341 1349 : fcElUnlnK'co ""500 "374 3Gi 3G ' T 4.S00 106 105A 105J I 'KtJ .... .... 400 103 102) 102) IKCout L .. 500 123 i 1234 122 : iHn&Ohlo.. 700 102 J 102ft 102X Bb Stcol .... 400 31 3091 302 K&d Tnui . 1.500 76 753 753 teFielfla .... 500 239 2394 23SE Hiiher .... 400 2C1 251 26 ittiL & Ohio'! " 2666 75fc '742 is ' HAlton 30 ft1Vstera . 100 20 20i 204 md ., 100 40 40 393 Jfortliireslern, 400 142 14U 141 ' ItBtPaul 6.000 116J 1151 1153 14 Bt Louis fill Spl It Iron 400 30 29i 283 I Southern 493 ; BUedGas .... 900 13SJ 1373 13S4 ! fttduds 12t ' W t Hud IGoi fiRIo Grande 100 251 254 254 ! "Wfl , .... 1.200 53i 53a 5Sj W Btcurltles. 6.600 323 32 3il3 ' 4.400 303 30 301 , Wtered 1.700 50a 493 4Pn WfttTed 100 40 40 40 B Elfctrlc ... 100 1544 1541 154 ' ijerthem Dfd, 1.600 12C5I126 126 fttyj ........ 1.000 4SI 473 473 W'mteiM 100 138311383 13Si ;3-(ahMst ... 500 15 J 15s 15s 1 "" "001l4-''i7 117 i "t1 p"Sip" ' 360 'nig 34i 35I 'TBw Bouth"' 200 18 30 ' ' iK KasV" 1SJ lilipMst 1,;; ;;;;;;; "o iS jCf.8 .Sto M.. 400 137 136 1364 iW t Texas. 100 32J 324 323 BlHKult''" ' 1'0 419 42" '.I -IBH:5! PW." "406 29j "283 2S3 - "i?,ral - 1.300 1044 103fl 104 .. 'kJ.Veft. 200 40 -10 40 " CBTlcaSnerB ' 1,500 104 1025 ' .'fifliici'ic "woo iiii i20 1203 ' "'friii. 400 294 294 29R iSZ 3'S0 11:18 1s 12z 300 loiog .. K :8te' Sbrinsr 315 31 31 ,l Wi - 141E 145 1458 " E4 " "" 900 262 258 2iJ ''fspinV ''00 53i 531 52S i- 1.200 4S 415 415 'lE " 31 68 Sftv " 1S iiii 1141 ilBnM T'' SOO 29 284 284 ?K'iSflor "boo 'ai. '33 32s :;K ,;;rn 200 io 194 h ibV.s66"i73i 1723 1724 btocI- 113,500 744 734 732 i. 3Kfor,' 3.500 116 1154 115E . 1 " 500 56fl 55R 5S2 t . . 400 141 144 144 ' mki-' "8 8 iS? f,?S r jtMTpptij:. 28.300 167j 166 ICR 311H-W Sll!La day 433.100 shares. vimtoW 2;? Produce. hire, .l5.'-Flour wan mod-iS mod-iS j'jg'th Prices barely steady. ,'mL rrols; shipments, S081 tefESl,34iJr:Nl' 2 re(1. "ow. 93c . SLtttrkJt "-10S f.o.b. afloat. Wiled a on'Hy at tho start ' WL$ vLl ncovr,ns-, but late In CimJu , Ulc favorable re- PD91inf.bEr closed 96ic; De-I De-I flVH: autA -02,2r'9 b"Bhels. " w95 30c-: Pac,flc coa9t c5C ttug"'itn: uscovado, ,89 test. jfl&fr .Is tf.;d8i lst' ,-92: mo" W'14 st' U7c- Ketlned su- |