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Show ASSESSMENT NO. 27. New York Bonnnza Mining company, principal nlnce of business, room 2CM Felf bnlldlnc. Salt Lake City Utah. Notice is hereby Klven that at a meet-Inc meet-Inc of the board of directors of the New York Bannnsa Mining company, held on August 8. 1911. an aantissmcnt of two (2) cents por harc was levied and assessed on tho capltnl stock of said corporation, payable at thn offlco. room 204 Felt build -W. Salt I-akc City. Utah, to J. II. Dnmlnir. secretary, on or hefore September Septem-ber -8. 1911. Any stock upon which said assessment shall remain unpaid, on the Kald September S, 1911. will l delinquent and advertised for ale at public auction, and unless pavment is made before, will be sold on September 29. 1911 at 1 o'clock p. m. of said day, to pay the said delinquent delin-quent nnscERment thereon, together with the costs of advertising and expenses of sale. ,T. H, DEMING. Secretary. Room 204 Fell building. Salt Lake City. Utah. " ' |