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Show Texas has eighteea daily papers. New orkhasa"vooilgymnasium." Thero aro 1,450 huoohbacks in Paris. " ; Louisville Las takeu to vcloeipodos-trianism. vcloeipodos-trianism. The Dutoh aro exporting peat to Eogland- Dr. Dio Lewis has Btartod a oew periodical. . Stillwater has 25,000,000 foot.of logs to wiotcr over. Georpia farmora are exhibitiug 1,-200-pouDd hogs. Contral oity, Colorado, ishowliog for a board of trade Erjgliah sportsmen arc fixing for a grand dog show. Fifty new American novels havo been produced this fall. Philadelphia claims to build a house every Lwcnty nino minutes. An Illinois man coughod so hcnitily that one of his ribs suapped. The turtle fi-her? of Key West have been very succesful this season. Baltimore has an association of tailors called the Sons of Adam, i A pane of female nioenJituKS have been arretted in Oxcusburg, Ky. 1 Canada's lieutenant governor is buying buy-ing real estate in North Caroiioa. Michigan has already raised ice this season that would t-upport skaters. St. Joe hag a man so bow-lcgccd that ho has his pants cut by a circular saw. Chioapo is going back on its tracks, and would like to abolish street railways. Fifty five thousand public schools will bo fr-tablishod in tho ompiro of Japan. Juhn B. Gough subscribed $300 for a suitable testimonial to George Cruik-shauk. Cruik-shauk. A scooped pumpkin made an excellent excel-lent ballot box at a rceent Kansas election. The hitott acccs-ion in the uorps of lecturers is tho former prince imperial of France. A bill is before the Vermont legisla- 1 ture to repeal tho law for punishing blasphemy. Bucks county, Pennsylvania, has thrco new distilleries to work up iho gTCat applocrop. The Cincinnati college of dental surgery claims to bavo sent forth the first lady dentist. Commander Lull is prcpaiing to take command of the Nicaragua surveying sur-veying expedition. Earl Russell is writing an obituary no'ice of the British side of the "Alabama" question. The thrifty Dutchmen arc meditating another attempt to drain the 5U.UO0 acres of the Zuyder .jc. A Wisconsin tornado recently blew down 200,000,000 Icet of pine, and killed forty yoke of oxen. An accompaniment to a full toilette this winter is a chatelaine consisting of beautifully mounted ivory tablets nn 1 pencil with which to register engagements engage-ments to dance. The correct thing now-a-daj s for lady promcnaders is to carry ono arm bent at the elbow. the hand stickiog straight forward and allowed to bob up and down like a dislocated pump handle. Ameiican novels seem to be coming into fashion, tho Applctons haviog three in the press nt this time. One the third is by Julian Hrvwihorne, the son of the distinguished novelist. |