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Show PACIFIC COAST SEWS. CALIPOK3U. General Schofield, lately eerionjly ill, U npidly recovering. San Francisco post office has been supplied with postal cards. The narrow gauge project between Visalia and Stockton is being energetically energet-ically agitated. Berton, French vice consul at Sacramento, Sacra-mento, has started for London on business. busi-ness. Sao Francisco Park bonds, at six per cenL, have been Issued for $75,-000. $75,-000. The arrival of Bmoked quartz crystal?, crys-tal?, rubies and other gems, from Arizona, is reported at PreEcott. No diamonds. Since July 1st, San Francisco has received 5,070,600 centals of wheat, and expects her total shipments will be over 12,000,000 bushels. Advance in copper ores is inducing a renewal of work in the mines. Delightful weather reported from Sacramento and San Francisco. Senator Cole is stumping in favor of arrow gaugu railways. Bierstadt is sketching near the mniith of the Truckee river. Boo raporfH ItX) bachelors in want of wives. A cargo of Japan teas just arrived at San Francisco is to be sold at auction on Thursday. The "Colorado," sailing for Japan on Friday, carried $474,000 of treasure : and $13S,000 of merchandise, including includ-ing 4,500 barrels of flour and 500 flasks of quicksilver. The San Francisco stock sales for week ending Wednesday last were $3,361,000. During Ootober the San Francisco refining works received 36,007 ounces crude gold and 2,285 ounces crude silver, and shipped 86,929 ounces fine gold worth $1,7S4,286, 5.S47 ounces fine silver worth $7,392. A small vein of coal has been discovered dis-covered at San Rafael. It is stated by D. Wilson of Vallejo that there are cases of the eastern horse diiease among the horses of Suscol. In order that his profits may be increased, in-creased, it is alleged by Dr. Toland that the contractor furnishes the San F'raneisco county hospital patients with swill milk, and watered at that. Two young ladies of the St. Mary's seminary at Bcnicia, having been cut oft' from the privilege of shoving letters under the fenoe for the St. Augustine cadets, were obliged to resort to flying a kite ovor tho adjoinioc yard and letting let-ting it drop. The tail, when unfolded by the boys, wa found to contain several seve-ral billet-dous.. This is dreadful. RKVADA. On Friday night Gold Hill blazed with a Republican grand rally. Cannons Can-nons roared and tar barrels burned until un-til day dawn. Count Edith O'Gorraanski, the escaped es-caped Russian nun, has been talking to thin houses at Kiko. The Ella mine. Railroad district, is shipping quantities of copper ore to Boston. Gold Hill has a co operative foundry. foun-dry. Reno is lo build a woolen ;n. Thoains Corrifjan. of Carson, was badly beaten about the head and neck, on Friday night, by some person unknown. un-known. "Coal Oil Toniojv." a fast short horse, and a Carson racer, is reported lulled at Viatia, California, by running run-ning into tbi- winning horse. Sixty prisoners now confined in the State prison. OREGON. Farmers complain of wot weather in Oregon, which prevents wheat growing. grow-ing. There ie 120,000 bushels of grain in the several warehouses in Independence Independ-ence Horace Dibble, of Molalla Prairie, raised on one stock of Norway oats S00 grains. It was a volunteer stalk. The stapo from Roscburg to Coos City now makes onlj one trip a week, leaving the former point each Friday. Two hniters, near Eugene City, last week killed nineteen geese at three shots. They sold the geese for a half a dollar each. |