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Show By Deseret Telegraph. FATAL SHOOTING. Alia, Ulflb. 4 A fatal shooting affray occurred here last night. The particulars, as far as can be learned, arc as follows: A man named Bill Uawes. a former foreman of an ore shift in the Flagstaff, broke in the door ol Fritz Adolphy's shooting gallery, between be-tween the hours of one and two cn Sunday morning. The night watch- ; man, MilW, persuaded him to leave, though with sonic trouble. List night II a eves and Miller met in front ol Adolphy's saloon, when Ilawcs threatened threat-ened lo shoot and finally did so, while I Miller was trying to arrest him, the hall pacing through Miller's left ri-t. four phots were then fired in uiek finccession, which proved fatal to Hawcs, one ball parsing through hishoait. Others say there was an oid grudge between them, and that they met and commenced shooting, It is generally thought that Miller is justified. jus-tified. Hawcs had been drinking, but was not dtunk. Miller is undor arrest. |