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Show NIGHT REPORT. FOREIGN. French Indemnity. Paris, 4. France will pay to Germany, Ger-many, this week, two hundred millions of francs and will continue to make similar installments until the end of the year, so that on the first of January . only two milliards of the war indemnity j will remain unpaid. The report which j at first appeared in the "Gauloia," that ! the German ambassador had demanded I of Thiers a disavowal of general Du-crot's Du-crot's order of the day, is pronounced ' untrue. I Colden Wadding. j Dresden, 4. The golden wedding of ! tbe a inr and queen of Saxony was celebrated cele-brated here to-day. The splendid ceremonies cere-monies of the occasion were made remarkable re-markable by the presence of the emperor, empress, and crown prince of Germany, who thus gave proof of the complete com-plete restoration or good feeling between the German and Saxon courts. Germany. Berlin, 4. The excitement over the defeat of the country reform bill has subsided. The bill will again be reproduced repro-duced on tho reopening of the diet The emperor of Uussia has written an autograph letter to prince Charles, brother of the emperor of Germany, on thfl occasion of the fiftieth annivnrnarv of his appotntmeat to tbe honorary colonelcy col-onelcy of a Russian regiment. The czar calls to mind the glorious deeds of the allied armies of Prussia and Russia when fighting in the Holy cause, aud hopes the ties or friendship between the countries will endure for generations. Spanish Xwi, Madrid, 4. Armed Carlists have appeared ap-peared on the frontier, near the town of Figures- Thoy stopped three diligences ana turned the passongers out and robbed rob-bed and stripped them. Two persons were wounded, an English passenger and a postillion. Prima minister Serrillo is slightly ill. In the cortes tc-day, deputy Maizon-aue Maizon-aue complained of the man nor in which Spanish coast guards were treated at Gibraltar when in pursuit of smugglers, who crossed into British territory, and I denounced the insolence of occupiers of Spanish soil. Miscellaneous. Turin, 4. The inundation of the Po continues. Mantua, which was threatened threat-ened has so far escaped. British Kcwi. London, 4. An American seaman I was before tho courts at Bow street today, to-day, on charge of murder committed on the high 6eae. He was arrested under an extradition treaty with the United States at the instance of Nunn, American Ameri-can vice-consul general. At the examination ex-amination of the accused, the representative represen-tative of the U. S., failed to ;make out a prima facie case of murder. The evidence showed there was only manslaughter, and the justice decided that the degree of crime did not come undor the provisions of the treaty. The vice consul concurred and tho prisoner was discharged. |