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Show Salt Lam Cmr. Nov. 4 G Lt Bajini 1 104; elling, 112. OfBAjr GMS To-day is the jrrand cloiirnt -lay of Prof Kiwood't Oriental K ahull. JJon't fail to atUnd the laat sale. d6 AoctiovSalb, this day at 11 a.m., at the now Auclinn House of H. A. R'-ad. iumilure, beds, bedding, clothing, cloth-ing, bouts and shoes, etc ., etc. 5n A BOLT KOOLS, at the Institute, on Tueday nvening. Admission 50 cents. GiUI'-ry Si cent-. Course ticketa for sii erilertainrnnnu (half price) $1.60. n'i Uao. Suowel, tjcaYanger for the Complete assortment of CLOTHING, CLOTH-ING, just opened at L. Uohn'B California Califor-nia Store. o'2l To outfit your houso or office go to Harratt'a. o2 Everything in tho Dish lino at Bar rail's. octl'J To r l st Setts and Travs, at Barratt's. on in Maqazink. rt.rapl.lol, Periodical, Music Book, Scrap Book, etc., etc.1 bound in all forms and ilyloa at the . UkrjlLD liindorj. tij "Turks Ch kicks Tor Ureeloy and Grant." U. Dinwoodoy has just ro-coivod ro-coivod two cur loads of Chairs, and is proparod to furnish a gros3 at the drop of the bat. oc3 Nkw Arrival of School Books at CAMPBKLL & PATXKKdONS. octS-2t Strrrt Cars. Tho public will please takp nut'co lhnt the ftrt'tit cars aro now running regularly between tho railroad depot and Third South street. Ticketa $7.00 per 100. Single faro 10 cents, j- Tnn Ar?TRALiAJ Orator and HUMORIST, Hon. Cha. E. Jones, ommri at tho Inslilut on Tuoedav evening. eve-ning. . BL'DOETOF COMICALITIES every evening except Friday, nS. Dress Goods in great variety at the California Store. o2i Job Panr-mfc all sizes and Elyles 3one promptly and cheaply at the Herald Office. selo Complete Stock of Lamp Chimneys at liarratl's. octl9 Four diplomas awarded by tho Mechanics Me-chanics Institute of San Francisco to P. D. Codr & Co., for CANNED FRUIT, JELLIES, PlCKLES, etc, etc. Cash taid for Hay; inquire of C. R. Barratt, next to PosLoflico. oclG Hknrt Dikwoodet is agent for Peard's Patont School Desk. Call and see tho sample. oc3 Call aud see H. Dinwoodoy's assortment assort-ment of Mirrors. He offers them choap. oc3 Immkxsb btock of .Furniture at lUr-ratt'B lUr-ratt'B o2 Do dorrs printed cheaplv and tatw fully at the Hkrald Job Otfico. f e-121 Bureaus and Washstands at Bar-ratl's. Bar-ratl's. o2 Bills, Cards, and Circulars, in latest styles, printed at the Herald Office. sel5 T1IIS WELL KXOWX BRAND -OF- JAPAN TEAS -FOR S.'.IE AI Grocery Department, ill C. B-CLAWS0S,5al. First National Bank of ttt-ajh:, SALT L AKK CIT V. DESIGNATED DEPOSITORY AND FINANCIAL AGENT OF THE UNITED 3TATE3. Wabim HnrtiT, 0. I. Pavlii, President. Vioe Preit. Axthoi-t 9o&aa, Caskler. I Aataerlad Capita.!, 500,09') J PAID CP CAPITAL, I0,OO0. EAKIIXOI, - tl3ft,O00. Dividend In 1871, 50 per cant BamJdnff Jiutifutisn m Utah ; -A Q-enarml JBsmkina BasioMS J TravncteH AGRNCIBe IN OOLORADO A!?D COlLKTtuNl PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. HfTKBBST ALLOWRD OK TIMS DAfMiiia. US NOTICE. I HEREBY warn all r-rsoni art te buy or PihemJe necpi:te for the Prorru-known Prorru-known tii Miami Miae, limited en m:i Siorm liill. Dry Caaroa, Opbir Piitritt. a thsv re now working oa the Caiu Mineral wiLhcut li;enw or K-I claim, and the party thi buj lae ilianii Mine will buy s lts-ja. noi I. &- AUIlLEK- ilORE ARRIVALS. Y f Different Sizes and 13 Styles of JD O O 3FL S. Difterellt Sizes of WINDOWS. The most complete Stock eTer bronght to Utah.J L1TDIER,T1YL0R&C0'S LUMBERYARD. SASH and DOOR FACTORY, One block west of the Tabernacle. T. LATIMER. W. H. TOLSOM Q.TAVLOK. O. EOMNJY. HOW TO KEEP WARM NEXT WINTER, GET OXE OF THE FVENING STAR HEATING Stoves TUE GREATEST WONDER OnTHE AGE, Every Stove Is Guaranteed to oivti a moke untfokm and pleasant plea-sant 1 1 hat, to use less wood, akk moke carefully fitted, are mure easily & cheaply cheap-ly .MOUNTED, ARE UNliKR MoKE PERFECT CONTROL, CON-TROL, HAVE ST ROXU-E ROXU-E 11 DRAFT, and Ive bettersnt1factlon, and eold for a Less Prlee than any Sleet Iron Parlor Stole in tho market. Sold by EXCELSIOR imfUTHIK DL SAINT LOUIS, And all LIVE STOVE DEALERS. octl JOB PRINTING! The varied wants of the MINER, '."." AttTIZAS nnd TRAVELER ron JOB PRINTING CAN J! K Fit, I, K D AT TUB . '- HERALD JOB OFFICE. The unanimous satisfaction given by the work done at our offioo in tbe past baa justifiod us io continually importing im-porting all the Newest Attractions with wbich to please onr patrons in Elegance and Style, and perform Job Printing to compare favorably with any importa. tioo m this line frum the Ka.t or Went. Aiirthiog io the nature of PAMPHLETS, POSTERS, show cards," mixing blanks, business blanks, certificates, handbills,: business cards, visiting cards, bank checks, countinghouse wqb, ball ticshs, circulars, billheads, . Cards, ETC., ETC., dooe. iq qitz io black, oolon or (old, UTAH NORTHEFi' On and after Oct. 28th, Trains will run B T TV E X BRIGHAM JUNCTION with C. P. R. R. HAMPTON'S for MONTANA. Dii- OISQ SOUTH . r.k. Fare. Tis. OOINO KORTIT a.V. I f Fer Lear Hampton's t , (l-ve Bruimm at 8:15 j . j ?; - Dtwerrillt- j ' i " Box Elder - , S: J j 35 11' HoneyviUe " l 1:S5 J 7o ll " Clb Fort 9s J , ' 13 " CalU Fort " j I 1:45 1 " Hoseyvilt " 9:W j "a 3iM " Box Elder - 2:15 125 W " DoireyviUe" j Pii"' j t 1 25 ArriTO at Brisham , 2:30 1 SO 2". Arrive st Hampton'' ! 1 SPECIAL RATK3 TO EXCURSION PARTIES. Passentrars will please purchase their tickets at tbe Company's Offices, or 50 oenta additional will be charged when the Fare is coll- oted on ma train. ArraBeements have been made with the Central Paoific and Utah Central Railroad Companies whereby patenters can purchase Ticketa at the U. O. Offion in Salt Late Citv or C. P. OSee at CMn for Box Klder or Hampton's (Jtnoo in bait LAke Uity or J. t . U.Tice ar vir-in ror dlix r-iuer or mmpwu s on the U. N. K R., and from Hampton's or Box Elder to Ogden or Salt Lake City at greatly reduced rates. Thorough Connection as follows : G0IXQ SOUTH , 'p. M. OOIKO K0RT5. M.I Leave Hampton's at l':46 Loavo Salt Lake City. L'CKR., at Arrive at Brigham, U. 3f. R. R. 2:30 Arrive at 0len, 7S Leave Brituam. CP.B.B, at 2:30 Leave Offdea, C. P. TL 1L, at 7:15 ArriTo at Ogden, C P. R. R. 3:30 Arrive at BrUham, " " Leave Orfen, U. C. R. R, 5:W Leave BriEham, U. X. R. It, at 8:15 ! Arrive at Salt Lake City 7:30 Arrive at Hampton's " " 10.-00 ! THE TIME TABLES AKK CALCULATED OS SALT LAKE TIMS. j FARES, . Hampton's to Oifden 52 .SO I Salt Lako City to Box Elder to Salt Lake City, 4 .0 " " Hami'toa's W Box Elder to " " . 3 I OgJon to llaMpton'a, 2 " 10 Ojdn 1 25 1 " " Lax Elder ....... 1 35 : H. G. Wilier & Co's Express leaves Uamptoa's every mornin.e for Logan , on arrival of the 10 a.m. train, and tri-wok!y, Monday, Wednendny and Friday, for principal Bet tie meats in Cache oounty, returning daily from Logan to oonneot with the 12:45 p.m. train, and Howo'a Express every Tuesday Tues-day morning from Franklin to Soda Springs, reluming therefrom vory Friday Fri-day morning. jial . JOHN W. YOUNG, Gen'l Supt. Julius Bauer dh Oo., MANUFACTURERS OF TI1K IMPROVED BAUER ORGANS AND JUL ELODE O KTI8. Every Instrnmeflt FULLY WARRANTED for FIYE YEARS. Upward of 26,000 now in use. CATALOGUES sent FREE to any address upon application. ALSO IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN PIANOS aii ALL KINDS of MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. JTTLITJS BETTER & CO., 650 Broadway, 390, 392, 394 & 396 Wabash Ave NEW YORK. CHICAGO, ILLIliOIS. . J. DAYNES & SON Agents for Utah, 1st South St., jyl TWO DOOES KVST 01' GODBK'8 DUUO 8TOUK. DUSW0RD & SONS. MAMMOTH BOOT, SHOE ANO HAT STORE. WHOLESALE & RETAIL. Orders Solicited from Town nud Country, and promptly and cm-fiil)y filled nt the very Kiimllent possible innrgin over coM. f 1 piil,, ' ? EVER BROUGHT TO L'TAif. JJAVINO JI'ST KKTUKNKD KKIJM T1IK KASTKRN BTATE3, whflre I aclectcd with (rrt-at care and a knowlcdo of the rwioirorocDU oi ti rcmon, ao immcnac Slock of Furniture, 1 am dow prepared lo offer UDtumal isduoemenui to purchawrs in the toiowing articlcb : BEDROOM SETS IN GREAT VARIETY, I'AHI)R FET3 LATZ' PATKNT KEU-IIINGES. UI'.KISii SI-KINO-BACK CHAI1W. SUtKBDAKDS, HI I'.EAI'rj. H A lit, fULU and f-MtiMi MATIKKootS-PATEM MATIKKootS-PATEM BED-Sl'KLNGS. Th bMt Alock trtr iatrdoe ia tkil markrt. I an al pr.rar t Isak. SHADES, VALANCES, DEAPEEIES, ni to LAY CARPETS AT TEN CENTS PER YARD, I hT ft oic 1L Hd ol 01MPS ASSKLS,REPS,TERRT-CLOTBS t JSROCATELLES hiofa 1 will 111 U) qoulitiM U lOit pnrawrt. S: Call and eiamine ray Stock before purchasing 2 elsewhere. J. 31. JOELSON. Grooebcck'i Boildiug . M.u) Btzei i2Jg "miscellaneous. This!! THE DESERET RESTAURANT LUNCH KOOM Under D.Crenig'sStore, I? NOW OTKN. IN THE BASEMENT. NrMtly Fitted "P- MeaU (rot up on ehort notice and in 1 W GtV-U 1 he Ihtnnttffe of th Ihibh'c it rr pecyVij toticitfit. PERFECT SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Daniel Grenu;, Proprietor, EA8TS1DK liABt TKMPLK STRKBT. Abort SeBd So"Ui Stri, ftujll Pure Bread! Pure CanSy! T'H 8 B5TATK of RICHARD tfOLJOHTLT Jl be to inform the Publia, lht tney till carry on tbe bniinwi of Bakers and Confectioners, At th Itl lUiid of Tlie "OLOBH," BAIT TEMPLK HTRIBT, AdjolDlnir th Co-onwritive flroeery Dpftrt-merit, Dpftrt-merit, whore cn.n ba found rornhioi In their line of bun in ruts, and they hop, by trict attention to the want of thoir caatomera, to oontlna their plTODa4ie uil upport.t Fare Home-mRrt CaudKi m Spec adit)'. ORDERS FILLED WITH DISPATCH. CHICAGO & ALTON It. II, The Only Flrat-Cl. Hard In the Wtit, LOUISIANA, MISSOURI. Hew Short Rout front Kansas City to Chicago, Without Chang. I all. h'i'"' FXl M""b.ra Tillfl. fll.Qmintton and Jgllou Th. Shorltst and Best Koute Is th Ksst, via Clilcatfol ELEGANT BAT CARS AND PULLMAS PALACE SLE2ISG CHS Ub throaBh from Kanras oltr and Rt. Luttii lo Chkage, without chane I Fillll PALACE Dill BOOM AND SMOKING CARS 0a all dallr traim : Ik. o.lj Un. ruanlai tbM. .an from K.B...UIly .nd Bt.l,.ui to Ohlkta No Line makes as Good Time, dallon.. b.t .r Ir.ok nor. l.i . Jar , r?n'.':?i "J ,r""al. I..p. oarr. 1 r.irm of K inuil'ir bo and llW.,i-r ro.d, ,o,ol fl.., with train, ."ibl. lla la Loioa il.pou Kuta, olu. JA8. CUARLTON, J. 0. MoMULLIN, 0,0. Bupl.. 0. 1 A.R. R.. Cbloaao. FRANK 1J1GII, Wl.ro Tr.T.lln, ,mt,0. k A. R.R. a.n, oily. Mo. L P. FISHER , ADVERTISI NC AmniT -i-, Rooms 21 dr 21 Mrrcv,ti J.;,,rUun fii.irijK.viA .'nu;F;r. 8AN FRANCI8 0, tn'lhi" Adr"u-""'""t' and B.l.wri..,ni Slt Lake Daily and Somi- Weekly Herald l,".'n?l I""", ""''" I" California. ,),.. i., . i I a;limoD. 1 ub, Htb, n, .l,..r.i.o. and Cbi.; N ,.,. ADVEHTJSINd IJm crlJ man? new hn.inw,- tit erilmcH ninny n tiM . ilai tttnH iua.-,7 4xiM h;1rttmt. ' II a ren"iivJ msnj a l-.it l.u,n. Ill- nvi m.n, fail,n, lm,lr)M;. JU. Wr.rHl ,nt,, m Imr t,.m.-And t,.m.-And imuM iu)'-14 En, buiIUM(. -.lib. IJl nir .n'f; "'I'll" rol. , .d.m,.. in lb. lu,,':in,l'J V thai Bn.r Ibur .! ., .1 ,,J " ' wu, would Bare leal." u ita,r- AdT.rtl,. rour Bnaln.,.. at..p rourn.m. h.ror. tho Pabllo, Jndlrlnii, Advertlai,,H ir,l".iV.'.'i'. '"Du1i, a3',"?,'.V I Bo.ln... I, Brl.k, A,t Tkb" m "no didn't b.lior. i adYT- ab it aid uUl usual d, ii, aTui!iifc |