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Show LIGHTNING FLASHES. Boston horse cars stopped. Cold rain storm in New England. No horse cars running in Washington. Washing-ton. Horse disease increasing io Boston. Bos-ton. Miss Camp, of Jackson, Michigan, hio-ooughed horse If to death on Satur day. Kpizootia epidemic abating in New York. A thousand horses sick in Baltimore. Balti-more. Horse disease spreading rapidly in Maine Cholera has appeared at'Borlin and Prague. Horse dieoase increasing in Philadelphia. Phila-delphia. Enquine cpizoatio in statu quo at Chicago. . Secretary Cowan is to be Indian commissioner. com-missioner. Horse disease has appeared at London, Lon-don, Canada. don, Canada. Horse thieves are ubiquitous in southern Illinois. Half an inch of snow at Brunswick, Me., on Sunday night. No explanation yet found for the "Lao LaBolle" disaster. Westchester county, Now York, has a gold quart i excitement Father Burke delivers a Beriea of, lectures in reply to Fraude. New York preachers discoursed to 1 day's elections, last Sunday. The Northern Pacific has stopped depot building for the season. New York "Ledger" Bonner will erect a Fanny Fern monument. Springfield, Illinois, courts decide railroad tickets good either way. ' Governor Hoffman remains in Now York city until election is over. Emperor William refuses all compensation compen-sation in the San Juan arbitration. At Spriocfield, Mass , five horses died of the distemper, on Saturday. Preparations are makiDg to re-agitate the postal telegraph movement A flour mill at Elgin, Ills., has been stopped by eels in its water wheels. Bnzaino is rapidly sinking. He is not expected to live through his trial. Mayor Hall will sue Harper's "Week!y"andthe New York "Times," Three men were suffocated by gas in a new mineral well. opened at Avon.N. Y. New and alarming symptoms appearing ap-pearing among the horses of Brooklyn. Brook-lyn. The steamer "Parthia" from Liverpool Liver-pool arrived at New York on Sunday. Sun-day. Tiverton and vicinity, in Canada West, report severe oases of horse dis-ease. dis-ease. " - - - The Sunday closing of Chicaeo saloons still shakes- tho city to its centre. The Northern Pacific railroad grade will be completed to tho Missouri river this week. A voter at Liventon, England, yesterday, yes-terday, dropped dead while depositing his ballot The Boston "Globe" urges Bout-well Bout-well to succeed Wilson in the United States Senate. Great Britain calls for 8S,000,000 bushels of grain to keep her moving until next harvest. The National Democratic candidates ' of New York city have withdrawn in favor of Tammany. Geneva, Ills., has sent Omaha 20,000 pounds of cheese. Too young to walk it went by rail, Stephen Pearl Andrews was arrested yesterday Hn charge of being implicated implicat-ed with Mrs, Woodhull. Memento Mori, the Japanese minister, minis-ter, is studying up wooden nutmeg education in Connecticut. Barks "Lamb" and "Holbrook" and latter's cargo of naptha burned at St. Thomas. Loss $20,000. . Counts Chatek and Vilzthum, Austrian Aus-trian ambassadors at Brussels and Madrid, will exchange places. Mary Stevenson, a St. Louis girl eighteen y-are of age, was killed last week by falling from a lumber pile. The "Hartford" sailed from New York, on Sunday en roU, via Suez canal, to join the Asiatic squadron. The Loobiel rolling mill building, at Harrisbarg, Pa., was burned yesterday. Loss $100,000. Insurance $70,000. The Nova Scotia diamond was found in a ditoh and is "about three inches long and two inches wide." Too big ! The Halifax steamer "Hope" was burned yesterday, while lying at the wharf at Mill Covo, Dartmouth Canada. Can-ada. Wm. McVbersoo, resident of St Louis for 33 years, and a wealthy aod prominent citizen, died on Saturday night Chief justice Chase talks of tripping it to the Pacific coast. Bad health prevents his attending to business duties. I. W. Irvin. of Sa'monie, Ind., felled a tree to catch a coon, and killed an Irvin. His funeral was largely attended. at-tended. Germany will establish consul gen' era Is in A'.saoo and Lorraine in the same form as during tho b' reach do minion. Riotine, at Sheffield, F.nUnd, was reported at noon yesterday. The oatio was not jivcn. Five riog loaders had been arrested. In Spain the driver and stokcrn on tho railway from the IJaqui provinces to St. Naizinc have struck for an in crease of wagen. First snow uf '.he season fell at Augusta, Maine, on Saturday, lasting an hour. Thermometer four degree above freezing point Tho bile- Sir David Baxter, of Scotland, Scot-land, bequeathed toUU.mH) to the Scotch church, and 50,0iX) to tho Uni-, Uni-, verMty of Edinburgh, j The treasurer at New York will buy, on oaoh Wednesday of November, one million of bonds, aad on oaoh Tuesday will sell one million of gold. Tho corner-stone of the Washington St Patrick's church was laid, with imposine ceremonies, on Sunday, archbicbop Bayloy officiating. Mrs. Woodhull and Mrs. Claflin were indicted by tho graod jury thus beinir prevented from appearing before tbo United States commissioner. The large iteam cooper shop, of Andes. Brookbury k Co, at Jefferson-villo, Jefferson-villo, Ind., burned Sunday morning. Low $40,000. Insurance $12,000. Reports of moro coal veins aro received re-ceived from San Rafael, Cal., ind much excitement oxista. The Grst vein found increases in size as it is developed. The Paris "Gauloin" cays count Von Arnim demand of Thiers a di.wvowal of general Ducrot's ordor in which tho Germans are spoken of in bitter terms. George T. Pentnwt, pastor of the Hansom Baptist church, Brooklyn, ban resigned. Ilia congregation re- I bollrd became he admitted non-bap- 1 tized persons to communion. Very un-, I handsome. i |