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Show MEDICAL NEW MEDICAL WORK! "The Philosophy of Marriage." "or tl Debilitated aervouaSyil. T kit JOHPAV. of the Anat-jnjicaJ Maeam, 319 PR A SCI -TO. California. W pa.bLnh.-l four of bu a 't iui't'ntnt nd Imtructl.. Leetarw, in Deal tlIuixjo. those t"J cJiiiOt elliid Ui Lwrturf at I;.- M'---u"'- K'TJ oomnrnfd ar.d married m.n ii.oulJ read end tud j ibeae Important Lee- , tur fi r ilir cl of Limwlf and oflipnif. Ity w! -lr-awu the atcretary of the A n tom leal Hnvun Su Frai.eieo, Mid eneloelr-g Twoniy-Kit Twoniy-Kit C'tU In V.tt lUmpi r ihe ilotk tJJ Le krwaided to anj part ol Ibe ctaloe crTerril,rioi. Lr, Ji.rdau can be couolted bj letter. je HOTELS, ETC. ' TQWNSENDHOUSE, SALT LAKE CITY. THE L A I) I G HOTEL O V UTAH. JAMCS TOWN8CND PROPRIETOR. Thli Home le centrally sod pleasantly lo-ontel, lo-ontel, well lurniahed, and ha aooomiaoda-tioaa aooomiaoda-tioaa for l g-aeita. TUB PROPRIETOR.! now preparing o build lare addition to his Hotel, whjeh when nnnhed, will rec'i U the Mott Complete EttablUhment in the ROOKY MOUNTAIN REGION ! mil WALKER HOUSE, East Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Utah. Open for (lie Kcceptlon ofGucsts Monday, Sept. 2d, 1872. II. S. GREELEY & CO., KOPKIETOIIS. 23 TAYLOR'S HOTEL, EAST TEMPLE STREET. Free Coach from the Depot. Taylor & Cutler, PROPRIETORS. myll AMERICAS HOTEL, A Select and First-Class House. OJIIC 11 LOOK HAST OF THEATRE, i!ALT LAKE CITY, Terme 13.00 per day. Board with, out room 9111.00 per week. Bathe free to gueate. J.C.L1TTLK, anM Proprietor. Washington House : - hlrd Month Ntreet, (j A LT L. AKifi CITY Boanl and Lodging. pr Week $1 00 Uj linard " 00 French Spring Be tie 3 00 Beds, per Might - SO ' dealt - a m , New Commercial Loflpi Rooms, 16, (Jommoreial St., Suit Lako City. 0. W. TAPPAN, Proprietor. . OIJK N A L li NIGHT. HprliiR Br.le, 'AH , 37 and 50 cte. per MKI I1.1IO tolJ.UO per Week. Blnxle llnome, (10 and 78c. per Night) 3.0U to 9-1.30 per Week. IMmliU tlouuu, 91. 00 to 91.00 per N IH lit. ol5 GREAT WESTERN HOTEL, UN TUB KCllOTttAIf PLAJI. Hi tinted In bu'lnwn pnrt of the oily, with KcaouiLuodallon tor ilUU guosta. 1MKST-CL ASH accommodation for Fatnlliea and Trnvolorn. lloouii, OOo., Uo i 91.00 and 91. BO per day. Dining Hall nud Ilwlaurant undor the maiinitoiueiit of M. 11. Dourdelor, Ulooflho Mi'rnsuu llou.id. Uui tliu, and Tiohoor liouie. li in oo Id. Neb. Uoanl iier week, 97 flleala, flOo. i'Klit: U.MM1JUS 10 UUTKL. Huko Icavo dnily for tbo minor. LnuuJry ouuuootod with the hotel. 8P11T1I dt UIOA7.K, mylT Prorriotor. JONi:iH J4Htl,lNSKI, flIVIL Ij N C I N K K Ii i U. S. MtNKKAl. AND PEl'UT Y SUU-V SUU-V 11VUU full UTAH, Uili'i-: Vint timitli bUoct, nearly oi'iilo St- .Murk' tliuroh. cJt HENRY WACENER, SnU Lithe - Uy, Vdth, CALIFORNIA BREWERY, I vt.i tt in:i;n, xi.r. and roRTtat, WHOI.KSAI.K AM' RhTllL. CroNPSm i'll STUKET, thrco doors rast Kllhant St.no. wood: wood:: V E kooi constantly i-n band scai-'noJ. t-rd ami siovo wd. Ri:U PINK. MAPLE, til' AK EN ASP. AND COTTONWOOD, Vor'al-' oh.-.M-r tbti lUo chi'O-t. OllUo ;,l I yur.l nc.r t. C K. U. d.'it. jut w..-tol -.vim li"- wovk. rcv;l rates to l'ur- Wo ViUioi.iarait of our office on librml tPV,- SBWMA!I CO., Uox171. cOtOTsandy; GORDON & MURRAY Ar.i 10 receipt of several caf lca-Is of Jin? fortl t'rm tho now vein ot too tv'thi .Mnl NlAIN OM1. COMPANY, and oBer tlid Miiuo to ilio oiiuons ot Mmitv. BtTiRlinni. Little Cottonwood nud vlctulty. In 1((i:in!it;oi to wit, at low flsures. Send in your ordorj. Alio l"r tali n m,w wrH-soItotl stock of (;i-iircrle and PvorttlniH, llnm, Bac.tn.Oirn.Oale, Bavlc,Ac. At bottum lincoc. tlOKDON Jt Ml'ltKAY. , (V,-) t;inkLj' Station. W. B. CLAPP & CO., Manufacturing lewelers, AD IMTORTKHS 01 Watchea and Fancy lioodi, WEST WASIIIXUTOii tiTKEET, CHICAUO, KOTAP.iES PUBLIC. WH. X. GILLEiPIE. W. W. TO0D3 GILLESPIE asd WOODS, NOTARIES PUBLIC, CONVEYANCERS, AND - SEARCHERS OF RECORDS. AcKKowi-EDGFiiEXTS taken for the everal Office hour. 9 i, ii.. to 9 p. k. Rooti No. 5 ever First National Hank, tail Lake City, lub Territory. eo Jaa. W. SuiDDurn. Chan. A. Goold. STAIXBUBN & GOULD, NOTARIES PUBLIC, Searchers of Records, oortVEiy aw gb n s , Alt D C01LMISSI0NERS OP DEEDS FOB New York, Mai?aehaaetts, Penn'ylvania, Ohio. Illinois. Iowa. Nebraska, Wyoming, Wyom-ing, Montana, Nevada. California, OrcEnn. Texas, Colorado. District I Columbia and ether States and Territories. 4f Application! for Patonta, Mining Doedi, Acreeiuenta and Bonds lr Deeds, Moruauee, Powers of Attorney, Leases, OontraoU and other inatrumenta of writing: drawn with ciaracv and dispatch. Mining and other Companies le-aorporated le-aorporated ander the Liwi of Utah. Abeiract) of Titles to Mining and other prolans made in tho most complete form. Mining properly examined and re- P0ricBOAT BEID'8 BUILDING. EAST TEMPLE bT-. SALT LAKE CITY. U.T. A Notary Public always in the Ofpioe from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Transcripts famished from the first Mining Records in tho County of Salt Lake, to wiu those of the Mountain Lake Mininc District (nowliigand Lime Cottonwood DistnoLs), and from there of the Big Cottonwood Mining Min-ing Dm tr lot. myll CHAW. W. BTAYNER, NOTARY PUBLIC, Duly qualified and commissioned by the Gov-mor. UtTico 1st door south of Savage's Photograph Gallery. Salt Lake City. lui! NEW YORK TRADE. BENEDICT, HALL & Co. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in BOOTS AND SHOES 134 and 130 Grand fit., New York, Corner Crosby, one block oast of Broadwa JU JEHIAL READ & Co., Manufacturers and WholesaloDealora in FUR AND WOOL HATS, Straw Good$, Umlrelhs, dec, Mo. 408, Broadway, NEW YORK. Jo. Jim Huavjr. j 0 TH03. M. AR6ALL & Co., Mon's. Youths' Bojs'and Children's CLOT HINQ, AT "WHOLES A.LK, 313 319 Broadway, Sew Yoi-k, J. I. COWLKS. f27 Cochraiif McLean & Po. xuinortera and Jobbers of DRY GOODS, White Goods, lloalery, Notions, Woolens, Linens, Embroideries and Lucod, 4fi2, Iftl and 100 BROADWAY, K. a. r. wbiuht. KKW IORK. iuyJ) RICf, QODDWIN, WALKER & CO., Importer, and Jobbers of SILK AND FANCY DRY GOODS, i'lS anl i'A Broadway NEW YOU K. W. O. CARNEY. jai L. M. BATES &. CO., 4l . til Broadway, N1CW YOlt-it, luroaiiai Ara jobbiu w Fancy Dry Gooda, I10S1KUY. "WHITS CJOOD, WOOLKNS, SHAWLS, YANKEE NOTIONS, dtc. J. II. UULUKll. Jul HOLLAND & ftSPlNWALL, 54 South Street, NEW YORK. EDMUND WILKES, Agent, KIMBALL'S BLOCK, Salt Lake City. AVIll advance liberally on con.lgn-maut. con.lgn-maut. of Ore and Unlllon. Unillon pnroliH.etl at htfflie.t inark.t rate. n?7 LEGAL JOTICE. N OTIC P. IS HKHKMY C.IVKN', that we, Ueorgn Hi-arM, .lAfb Hwi, truf HawtcF and liobort 0. Ch-rrfber. d claim twentj-ti hiituriyt teet in IcniilT. tvy two hundrtsl loot in width, on tho Homce tea') MininR Claitu (bcine afilvcr bcarinK vein of ri'k in vlaocl and tho land and premise. ainiertftinmB to i-td mine all siiuatod in too Ohio Mining District, Conty of l'iutc. Territory ot I' tah. tho location nnd cttcnt iher- beins more fully dcecribod as lollows, to wit: Luimrn'itiK at a P'Mnt ouih seventy tour dosreo- nn't thirty uiinntcs eat, tw i thousand thous-and 1-ur hundred and eighty l.'.f" lt from V S. Mineral Monument . 1. thern-e porta twrnty-lo luin.red .AV (t feeU Th-nco e.vst two htindrrd i"1'1 'e?'. Ihence lOUth iwfnty-to hundred -.J.JO) tt. Thenco st t- hundred i3 ) icct to tho puce ol brh-inniriti. t'ntaininn icn and ten hnn-dredihMl'VUVaorcs hnn-dredihMl'VUVaorcs asset torlh m the d.a-BiBm- and wo do hereby civo lurlher notice, that. haing occupied and im-i-roT.d ttio .'J l'-da a'd iTunistM, acoordire to the local cumoujs and rule of miners In Minins Duuict aud having expended In aoiuU labor and im-nroveiiientj im-nroveiiientj thereon, an amount not less than One Thousand Do lars. and having a th's ti,ue actual MkmI ( pojswion of said I mining property, we have andied for a patent (' ibe ai.l cm.fW. under the Act , of Consrci-s entillrd "An Act itrantit-.g the kiTrir lit Way to Hitch and Canal Owners orertho Publlo t,an,i-,ard for other l'ur ! rof8.'' approved July 1 and the amendatory Act. approved July U. 1st) Act of Congress aprroved May 1". l-.i niitlcd "An o Promote toe develop ment of the Mineral resources of the L nited 3lTVofti our hands and seala tbU twentj' foutli day of Anjnit; laTi Gmncr HriBST. J UOB HrTSS, by R- C Chamhtrs, bin uy in fact. CfSt B. U MTLr-T, by K. C. Chamber, his att'yiufact. K. C. CHAUaEBB. , M. Klrkratrick, Attwt: m. F. Clements. V. S Land Office, ',!t t.-ikeCity. I'tah. Atic. Ct. 1ST?. Icertlty thst the aboyo notice and a diaeram of the Mining Claim was this day tiled in this ol'.u-e. together with a notice ot inten lion to apply lor a pa-ent thoreicr from the Government of the rented btatc. as pro-Tidci pro-Tidci in an Act of Congress, entitled An Aat granting the Kwht et U aj ;io Ditch and Canal Owners over the Palme Undi i. and tr other r.irpoef,'" approved July .i. and as amended by Act of t-ongrcss approved July -i11 Act "f Congress, aprroved May li" D'i entitled "An Act to promote the ilnvelopment of the Mining resources ot the t'niicd States." I direct Fid notioe to be printed in th Palt Lake "Herald." a newspaper published aaarost the location of the claim. 1 aU30 GEO. Hi MAAWKLL, BeciiteA LEGAL. C. E. WHITNEY, ATTORNEY -AT-LAW, OEco ovorDunford i Sons' Store, MAIN STREET, SALT LAKE CITY. j Warner Ear 11, 7. M. Smith. I EARLL At SMITH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, ALT LAK1 OITT, First South Street. Rooms 11 and 12. No Lifi, Kimball Block. JAMES M. CARTER, ATTORNEY -AT- LAW, Office over 1st Nat. Bank. octS LAST TEMPLE STREET. F. TILFORD. S. A. JI.lNrt, TILFORD & MANN, ATTORNEYS - A T - L A V , Xo. 36 First Sonth Street. oO J. B. Kosborouch, S. A. Merritt Rosborough & Merritt, ATTOKN EY S AT LAW, Salt Lake City, rtali. Office l?t South Street, Cnt building oast of Desoret Bank comer. vet W1I. HATOOX. C K. UlLL'liRIBT, HAYDON &GILCIIBIST, ATTORNEYS- AT - LAW, SALT LAKE CITY. Office ovor 1st National Bank of Utah. al2 QEOKGE C. BATES, ATT 0 RN EY-AT-LA W. C. QIYUON HAWLEY, Attorney -at-Law, Clerk of tho Supreme Court aud Territorial Librariaa. J. W. HASKIMS. OEco in Kimball's blooi, near U.S. Mar -ill shal's office. C. H, Hempstead, M. Kirkpatrick, HEMPSTEAD &. KIRKPATRICK, Attorncyi-at-Law, Main Street, opposite Vrollf, Fargo & Co., salt lax,: city. alO T. L. T1LLUK8, LK QBA.VD TOCSO WILLIAMS & YQUNQ, ATTOBNEYS-AT-LAW, Office, half-a-block south of Theatro, fci.vlt Xjake City. jl3 Zi SNOW. V. D. noo, SNOW &. HOUB, (Lttomeya end Coruuelorw at Law gait Lake City, Utah. Offlceat Snow's corner. 1st Kaat Street. Ja6 PITTSBURGH TRADE. ESTABLISHED 1S30 Win. McCully&Co., Maauactorors of tho Standard Brands of WINDOW CLASS ASD DRUGGISTS' GLASSWARE. Mako a specialty of lar?o sites of Window Glass, and all odd sizes cut toordor. Office--18 sndaOWooil atreet, Pittsburgh, Ptim. P. S. Having tho most extonsivo fr.ctorics in this country, and milking a linear lino ot goods, dealers will find it to their interest to got our quotations boforo pure hosing, iJ3 BALTIMORE TRADE. WiYI. LANAHAN & SON, DISTLLLEliS AND JOBBERS OV RYE WHISKEYS, Warehouse No. SO Light Street, DAbTinOIlK. mvai fgK VEGETABLE SICILIAN v.v; RENEWER. Kvcry year increases tho popularity of this valuable) Hair Preparation ; which is duo to merit alone. Wo can assure our old patrons that it is kept fully up to its high standard ; and it is the only reliable and perfected preparation prep-aration for restoring GitAY or Faded LlAia to its youthful color, making il soft, lustrous, aiid silken. Tho scalp, by its use, becomes white aud clean. It removes all eruptions and dandrufl', and, by its tonio properties, prevents tho hair from falling out, aa it stimulates stimu-lates and nourished tho hair-glands. By its use, the hair grows thicker and stronger. In baldness, it restores the capillary glands to their normal vigor, and will create a new growth, oxeept in cxtretuo old age. It is the most economical IIaih Oressinu ever used, as it requires lower applications and gives the hair a splendid, glos-y appearance. ap-pearance. A. A. Hayes, Ji.i)., State Assay or o Massachusetts, says, "The constituents aro pure, and ourofully selected lor excellent quality ; and 1 consider it tho Best Preparation for its intended purposes." Sold by all Druggists and dealers in mcd.cincx. PRICE OSB DOLLAR- Buckingham's Dye FOH TUB WIUSKKK!?. As our lteoewer in many cases re quires too long a time, and too much care, to restore gray or faded W hik-ers, hik-ers, wo have prepared this dye in rw nii'P'irntion; which will quickly ami ' ., ' 11 i: -i. .v.:.. -tt I, oiieoiuaiiy ucuuuii'iiu iiim iv.-.-. is easily applied, and produces a colm which will neither mo nor wash oil. -old by all Dru.sgists. Price l'i'y Con (a manufactured Ity It. P. Hall A. Co., Kuliat, S 11. FOR SALE AT Z. C. M. I. DRUG DEPARTKENT. JXO..S. 1J VRXES, WHOLESALE AND KETA1L DEALER IN Flour.Grain&Feed, "t. ! SIX'OM) SIUTH KTHCtT. l,A.'ll TAlU l.'B. WllLAT, OATA BAKLKY, KLOl'K AND DlilED PEACHES. Xi. -A BEED, AuctlonACommlssIonKcrcliant FIRT BOUTM mVIKjaW, West of Kimball iAwrfint'f, Fi ALT LAKE ITY. Liberal cash advances made on co-sien merits. 'l lllO iU'OAL. 1KD ROCKS OV NATION AL WEALTH, i I lrn ar.d C-l. CainialisU call on iuo, ! I own it. I will divide Artilrtta, S. 4f. 81.A1R. Sll P.O. Hox ISO, Salt Lake Illy. "1IT" ANTED, SiA""' CASH. Fi'R r,NE Y.ar. IV ill divide the fir.on rninic-intere't rninic-intere't in I'tah tor th-i use ol" tho lanm-v. Address, a, iL RLALH, dait. Lake UD', P. 0. BiS lNi. INSURANCE. AGEITCY OF THE Home Mutual iraiXCE COMPANY, OF CALIFORNIA. CAPITAL $650,000. JO FIX ir. nF.niXGTOS, President., CilAKLUS II. STOKY, Secretary. Principal Ojfice, 433 California St-t SAN FRAKCISCO. ' H. R. 'iMNN, Agent, Office: Bankinsi IIoqso, A. W. AVhiteJt Co. a- TRIUMPH FIRS IXSl'RAXCB CO.'S, CINCINNATI. Capital - - $3,000,000 Reliable UnderTrrltluK. Perfect Indemnity. Wc ask Fair Rates and Promiso to Pay Just Losses. Risks taken throunhout Utah II. II. MAK1V, Apenr, SALT LAKE CITY: Dfllcet Ranking Iluuae of A. AV. White ;o. P. 0. Knx fVW. 1 FIRE iMSUR ANCE. HOME IKSURAKCB CO., Columbus, Ohio. M.A.D.,UH1!ERTV. JACOB PEKTRY, PrciHtem. Secretary. Cash Asstls - - $n,lJ2.SI. By reapoa of a heavy cash capital and a largo husincE3. well distributed, we offor tothepublio indemnity that is second to none. Our Chionso record is -i k-uarantco of rromi't nnd ciu:tnbla aJjustiuent and paT-ment paT-ment of losses. II. E. BIAira, Agent. OOlcet llnnklnsf Ilousa of A. V. White . Co. PostOffie. Box. No, ffii. mylfl AMAZON IXSCRLXCE CO. .T. II. Ili:" VICTT - - President. It. I. Al i;S'l" - - Secretary. Cincicnati, Ohio, ASSL'TS, JI NK 30, lbt2. Cash on hund. in bnnlt. nnd in courrio of Irun.-iuU.-dun SI H.TOR ! ? Collateral Lonns VX.iiu Aceruod Iniurost- - 'Jl.iil'J oS Iiills Keceivnhlo ""'.'HT 15 State ISnnds and Miscellaneous W Duo from Agont3 S.1"" I.IAItll.ITIIIS. Outslnnding Losses nnd other Lin bUitios 877,111 04 H. R. EVlflNN Agent, Olllrc RaiiUlli IIm of A. W. ,VllKe.Vt O. i. O. liul, 334. s p4 . i s : s ' tr30 s'-. - S a a ; 1-1 t .? g H q TRIUNE BAKERY Cracker Manufactory, liiir li.Iow W.lkrr llnusr, ntu Mint, Suit l.tike (.Ity. Woliuvo now rrcrivnliiur CRACKER SIACHINE i.'KAt'K Lli. GALLAGHER Sl SONS. K." Send l'-r riico Li-t. nJ! Address 1. 0. IK-xi'IL ASSESSMENT NOTICE. 1 nin-alil Dill Miiilmf t'nin pnny. l.-eau-.a n W -r.r. .i,t J.-l.o t.-n..iv. I .ih K't-irt r- N'i-:i t" i- ti. en ri.t at a mivlnu-fllif K.:ir.l frn-io ,.f -:ihl .m-,,ui. .m-,,ui. b.-ld ..:i Til- iTtii ).. vM oer. iSJ. an a v.iit . f i i;i t .-n'r i ir ..li.tro u.n lei it-d ii j ..n e.it.Ml ir.y, i-a- the ..vn: iry, a: tb.- ..- k: :..e G'lii; , :n . 1. 1 M.-kji-.-u1 Lj.jh.ir.co, ta.ifi.-r-m i ,-;re-!, .-.in 1 r.ir. I'.i.ir.i.u -:v -i -Oh .ii-.n-.-iK ;,-.i:-i .i-ioWinr.t ;hall re'ii.Jin ii;'.; -i. i :i " ulnrsilii) , Ihc ilHh tley of Aovcniltrr, fhall h- deeaied lifiin 'jer.;. and Ifo duly advertifod it-r .lie .u ublie ;i;;.-:: 'n. and u:.lo' i'd:nent liny. Hit l.mtlay of lltcrmbfr, 1-TJ. nh ' '?U -f .i- e:l.-in; ar.i e. ea-al jI ulIq. V-y order of tlio A 1'r i-ie. t. .M.U-.r.. sornivr. Oili-e-N. t;l -M''rha;i:s L.. ::.in;e, tali-I tali-I feroia f trevt. San t rancisco, t'aiifurma. oc22 GODBE & CO., EXCHANGE BUILDING, SUCCF.SS0K3 TO B. W. ALLEN & CO., r-.-uiHE CELEBRATED GOLD SEAL WHISKEY. B00K-BIXDIXG. TS CnNNBTTTON WITH THK HERALD A 0eeu a Bindery, where all work is that lin will be attended to axpvditiOTUU a&d la rxxi. nWtAatUiol. , LUMBERYARD. AH Kinds of Lumber DOORS, IWLN'DOWS,' BLINDS, MOULDING?, 8HINGLES, LATHS, T. R. JONES Hlf-hloflk i.aih nf n. C. Da not. C. H. BASSETT, HARDWARE STORE All ktadl of HEAVY HARDWARE, Iron nnd Steel, Stoves and Tin Ware BLACKSMITH TOOLS, A.rlmltura.l Imjiltmoti Ad Ulialaff Tools, At Low at rUttaa. OPPOSITE SALT LAK1 IlOtJIK all (0 1 : ft S ; P. - ss ; a CO A si o (13 W. J. HOOPER &. CO. 11 OnuiEKCltL STRtfKT HENDRIEBRO'S 33 MAIS BTRKBT, SALT LAKE CITY, Manufactory California and Eastern STAMP MILLS. Contracts taken for the erection of STAMP MILLS AND SMELT- i LNG FURNACES COM PLETE in any of the Mining Districts. wo mnnafataro tha Varncy A- Whreltr Pain, Puieiit 1'rennrtl S linen ind Dlci, Patent Slcin Unities, .ud l lie Alncblnrrj o.njilele for STAMP MILLS a y d- REDUCTION WORKS. ofwhioh wc muke n siojiaUr and gnarantM satisfaction in all cu?c. MAiiufncturo Boltholl 's lfall Pulverizer, FOa 1RY CIlL'SllINO, Will do the work of 15 Stamps, Prioa, $1500' Manufacturora' Agoots for tha Sale of Ntnrtfviinl A Hoot n louvers, Karlc A. tnmtron Stem I'umpi, Uulmlnlf Portnlil il Nlatiouary Ki.Kiiics. Wire lloidtlnR nope, (Plat and Round.) Tunml Hall Iron, 10, 12 and i Ibi. to the yard. Iron Plp for tin unrl Wnter, DnilIC A IJmUr Kit C'l'il'"'. m rtH CnrH n it I roil It nuked, ArKHlc Klre Urick, nnd Mini n jf nppltca. ESTIMATE-" DUAWINQS furnifhad "'JB ALL OUR H'uKK. alO IMPERIAL. Ilaving CTiiIadud arrangementa with the Largest Rijfiucry in the c-it to manufacture man-ufacture for us a .-eci-'il qtialitT of CARBON OIL for our trade We hercKy ci"c notice that wo now have f -r sale the IMPERIAL C1RB0X OIL, Which is far superior in quality and safety to any ever offered in this market. It is water white and stands bS fire test. We recommend it to those that want a Good Quality of Illuminating Oil. CALL. AD EXAMIXE. E. REESE & CO,, 87 FIRST SOUTH ST. mm MISCELLANEOUS. W-T-RETNOLPS k CO., E- B. ZA?TU5KIS, S&n rrucuoo. Salt LjAo Citj. WHOLESALE LIQUOR HOUSE. ZABRISKIE & CO. HAVE TOR SAL A FINE LINK 0 WINES AND LIQUORS, To whioh they call th attention of DEALERS. Orders Solicited and Satisfaction Satisfac-tion Guaranteed. SOLE AOESIS P0R1 "HOUSER'S" STRAIGHT WHISKIES. THE FINEST IB J. IR, IN THE CITY OONSKOTED WITH TOT HOUSK. 64 MAIN STREET Two doan ouiti of WLUf Wtrgo tCo'i Bk. msf City Gas Works. Tho undersigned is now opening up he largest and most complete stock and assortment of Q&s fixings ovor brought to the western country. Store 42 Main street, third door north of DosereL tf&nk. Gilt, Bronze, and all tho latest etyloe of Chandeliers, Brackets and drop lights of every pattorn to luit the purchaser. Have now on hand and will centimio to keep tho largest stock of Gas and Steam tilijoa bu lu iXfuoJ TTl.it, p nn 'li Pa- citlc Coast, and am now prepared to ; contract for tho piping of houses, offices, 1 buildings and dwellings gonornlly at rates that will defy competition. Over 50,000 foot of gas piping now on hand and am roceiving it dally. My Gas Fittings and Fiituroa will be supplied to the inhabitants of Salt Lake City at tho lowest possible rates. I also keep iin hnnd a full nnd complete com-plete assortment of tho latest improved pumps for mining and domestic use. The Celebrated Snowies Steam Pump! with boiler connections cornpleto always on hand. All work connocted with Pumps and Plumbing of overy description, and with Gas, Wator and Steam Fittings will bo done with dispatch. B. LYONS, 42 Main Street, Three Doors North of Deeerot Bank, Office of Salt Lakn City Gas Company. jnl SCOTT, DUAIIA3I & CO., WHOLESALE nd RETAIL - DKALEMS IN - IEON & STEEL, WRICHT'S PICKS, IRON BARROWS, - AND ALL KINDS OF - MINING TOOLS, Wrought Tuyers, PIPKAAI.I. KIM OP riTTIWH for r, R.-VAt r-s a nii.i.s. HABDWARE, BELLOWS, ANVILS, - AND OTHER BLACKSMITH TOOLS, IRON PIFK, irn-K FirriNos. BRAFS (JtlOHR, KUKBEKI'ACKINO. A0EKT8 fOR Hooker Pumps, Fairbanks' Scales, Fireproof Safes, G. S. Lubricating Oil, Portable Forges, ALL LOW FOB CASH. Ts whom it may concern. WrK. the tiDdar'rnd. clatm an4 fa tw) r hundred .iaV t, inclgding Jnn. two (2) ni tiirr ('',). in the Ti;-jf Ir.de, in Li'.Ue 0tUjawt")d r.nyn, and hnlrl the n by ddi fr'-m the ontmal locat -r; .r.i have ecKi'litd wiui the lawi tti tae iir triri in eTery rwreot And we bereby ctitifin 11 jvereoai sotto trade, bnj or bj-tar lor aaid olaimi, witioat otu oonienU C.H. EASSBTT, AdmlBiFtraton ol the I.IVISb, J MUM Of ADtar.BJ lTlfll deceased. LSB.AKL IVT5& ; Salt Lal'tCltj. Jul 21ft, LIT). 1 MISCELLANEOUS. Taylor & Cutler, Uavejuit oi in another bis stock of LnSTSEYS, And eror thinc in the Dry Goods Line; also .CHOICE JAPAN TEAS, BOOTS & SHOES, CLOCKS, &c, &c, Which they are determined to sell as low ae any one. CHEAPEST STOVES IN TOWN. Under Taylor's Hotel. EAST TEMPLE STREET. nil. MUSIC ! MUSIC! MLSICAL INSTMMEm Of all kinds, includinc the BAUER IMPROVED ORGANS, ' Cheaper than ever J. PAYNES & SON, First South Street, Two doors east of Oodbo'a l)rug tiloro. aqglt Fumacemen, Attention. i A 1 Fire Brick. SCOTT, DUNHAM & CO. ari aokktb roa thi ani.D.H CITY FIH It BRICK, Which are equal if not superior to tho Vt F-lish. Srtvi .l r(w :irn br theoarloa. ontlS DISSOUTiOHO? CD-FARTNESSHIF. 'I'lIK CO-lM'tTXKHSHlP IIERKT'irOHK I usli-tiiiK botivoca Duvid Day and F. H. I Ciihner. undi-r llio firm niuno ul' Duv A "ul- I uer, is thin liny dissolvisl l)y mutual cun-cnL i'lio liiidini'M will bo cuntinuod lit tho nino Innd by linvid Hay, by whnin nil indeM-il-ihvik ul tb firm will ho noKl.-d. All 'irona kin'winK theui'dvc-i indt'liiod tn tho firm aro requested to nettle tho ."amo Itnmcdintuly. PA VID DAY, V. ti. CL'LUKR. ?ntt LnkaCity, Met. 12, la7i old The Bsst Stock of Candies AT 11. WAl.LiVUK'S. Nuts, Raisins, Figs and Dates AT n. WALLACE'S. Canned Mackerel A Specialty AT II. WAI.LACK-N. GENUINE ANCHOVY SAUCE AT It. W AULAI E'H. ENGLISH DI8CUIT8 AT II. W.tlXAt K N. CRACKNEED'S BISCUITS AT. I. WAI,I,A( fS. CHOSS4 BLACKWKLL'l P1CKI.K8 At II. Wallace'!. All Kln.l nf.Fn.ni, Jrlllra, and Prt- rr vca, nt II. MA I.I, 1 f'K'N, BoH Klmtoulh K(r-t. BICKER'S Mttle Washer, THE BE T AND CHEAPEST 1 TUB MARKET, Only $7.00. J, G. COLTRIN, Agent, Sl'ociuicci, 13th Wnrd Co-operative Store. Thi hiRbeit i-riroin Ca,i j.rj for Midea and folto. J. i. l,TltlS a CO., a28 At V. Pdrmler' i annnry. Itb Wnrd. Right About Face I I Co-operativB Store Keepers 1 AND OTHER. Who wi.h to .aruln tho,. br wbo.o l.bor r. liT.I BUY OP THE WOOL! and bore it naBufKTured at home, end threbr tare fouf-fil ttia of the "'oer you will hare to vT f'r erouDd up hatn. race, etc., in the ibare of Cloth, from the tut. rz WILL PAY T0U THE J7Ifi(l KBT MAKKKT PRICK F'iR WOOL nnd id! yu Ur,od for tue Lowent Caa Pri"e ad cuarantee arerr article, aa recmentM by m. W wiU also EXCHANCE CLOTH rot PHOViaiONS, Wh"re we en mk" th"in Tihi for ur bDdi, and reoeiTe Uxem aud Lhe Wool at our bloro. We are nakinc, and hart 01 hand, READY-MAJJK CLOTHING, MINERS' SHIRTS, etc; FULLED CLOTH, of firt-rli ftrle anJ TQfc! i 17. kino .'ran, LI j , both i-lsin aarj Urry; V nli of kU wilor'r t'l Innntl'a, tA pnn toKri, T him Cloilia Tnurllnit, Lui.k 1 11 ff, llofktni Vrti, all w-'.l and part C'.lton, Fa-nty Wool Var, for prniUir.e. Cotton Cot-ton Btlln, Carpel 1 am, 1 to eto eto. Yon will plea's to ohnerYe that w pni nnilvo f.n harioB the h oolnrd cnr.de In the Territory and workmen who oa&n(, I he ex ceiled. JOSEPH BIRCH, Aint of X- C. RtoVirfev Kannfaetarinj Oo Bu George mai WaMu&rttn, K- . BANKERS. WELLS, FARGO & CO.. EXPRESS FORWARDERS, Baakers and Dealers in Exchange Dratuoa Evrrr. Karoian CollMtlonJ promi tlj aiteoid to. t,it Ttmpl trat, SavU take) Olty. Dill Tho. . Tai-CT, Ant. First National Bank of Utah! SALT LAKE CITY. ApeHoJ Adrian Third iV. bjs A. W. WHITE & CO, B A XT E H S BAST TKSPLK STKICKT, Salt LtakeHCUy. Deaden la GOLD DUST,C0IN AND BULLION. Exchange on all rflff Principal Ottif of the United States and Ettrope. Particnlar attention given to Collection! and proceeds remitted at L urrenl rate of xohance on day of nay menu GEO. B. WHITNEY, Altorneyl COOEESFUNDKHTSi BankefOalifornta Ban KrancUce L A Wallr - N- V.'tk OkwkOA-unty Natioeal Bank ihiuwo Hkll Buk 81. State Bank of Nebraska - - Omaha aylt IBANK o DESERET Salt Lake City, Utah Thl jSank hat organiied a SAVINGS DEPARTMENT, i and will rooeive dercniU of one dollar end upwards, on which internal will be allowed at tha rate of eight per cent, per annum oompoandediemi-annually. fjo I.. 8 1111-L Caeltler. SALT LAKE CITY NATIONAL BANK Malt Intake Cily( Utah Tcr. i Authorized Capital - $500,000 BcnJ. n. DnUell, PreaitUnt. Hag H White, CaeHler. BlMMTllD A KlKKFATKIOK, AttomtJ!. C0RRE8P0NDINT8 I mow vnw rNntlonal Park IlanV. NSW l0RF-Donn'l. Lawaon Jt Co, SAN S.tANCISCO-Cadfornia Truil Co. LONDON Jay Oooke, MoCullooh X 0" THE VICTOR SEWIftJG MACHINE With all tha latest Improvements Improve-ments is running the MARKET EVERYWHERE. lay ? BECAUSK it HAS tho self SET TING STRAIGHT NEUDUi. RECAU8E Lbc ttiiuttlo occltt nu tbroadiDg. BEUAUSK tho tctmion in tlio ttliut-Uo ttliut-Uo U poribot, witothor Itlio bohbio bo full or not. 1SEOAUSE it in rjninolcm. RKCJAIJSK it i., tho maoljiDO made. lil'X'AUSK it omtn'lici nil lie latest improvement am aitai-hmrritH, iaclu'iiriK tlio KKKNUII Till MM Kit and the celebrated embroidery atlacli-rncnt. UKCAUdK tho elylcs ara clcumit aod scrvi coal ilc HKfJAI.'SK with all ihcc n,l il in nold just an rlinap n any othor firfll clans m';liinc in thcI Initcd State a. Ladies please call and see them; examine all others, and then see THE VICTOR Ciis. W. Stay.nek, Nsil Door to B.i-mo-1 (i.Iltry.MiinSlTMU SALT LAKE CITY. KUt |