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Show GENERAL. Fire In Kansas City. Kansas City, 4. A fire broke out this morning in a commission bouse in the rear of the Union depot, and burnt three buildings, and damaged a fourth. Loss $10,000. Insured $1,700-The $1,700-The Hone filaeaae. Kingston, N. T., 4. Four deaths from horso disease reported to-day. Tho infection is spreading widely. Now York, 4. Several stage compa nies have brought suit to restrain Bergh from stopping thoir horses and arresting their drivers. The argument in the case whs adjourned to Wednesday. TI.. f !,. vn tbo olmro have increased to-day, as alau tho number num-ber of street cars. A physician of Jersey City has four patients, who have been taken down within the past two days with complaints com-plaints similar to the horse epidomic. The doctor states that about thirty years ago an epidsmic broke out somewhat similar to this one, and was followed by a like epidemic among the human species. spe-cies. Cleveland, Ohio, 4. There is no abatement in the horse disease. Four thousand are affected. Albany, r. Y., 4. No abatement in the horse disease here. Rochester, 4. The horse disease is rapidly abating. Most of the horses are convalescent and many have recovered. Goldsboro, N. U., 4. Tho horso dis-easo dis-easo has appeared hare. Louisiana, Election New Orleans, 4. The KepublicanB claim that they have carried the State by 30,000. The Democratic State Central Cen-tral committee claim the State by 20.-000, 20.-000, and tho city by 10,000 to 12,000. Gov. War moth thinks the State has gone for Greeley and Brown by 15,000 majority, and claims three and probably four congressmen. Hew York Intelligence. New York, 4. Tho usual bustle and excitement attending tho eve of tbe political battle is prevalent to-day. The candidates are industriously working for their personal in to rests; politicians are giving instructions to their followers and pamphlets, setting forth tho claims of the nominees, are (nattered broadcast through the city. James O'Brien has an enthusiastic troupe ia every ward, and feels confident of his election to the mayoralty, and hopos for over 20,000 majority. Many of his adherents claim that ho has been promised a large Republican Re-publican vote. Largo Funis of money are reported to have been distributed in his name amont; tho laboring men in the up-to wd wards. Tbe enthusiasm for O' Brien on the east side has occasioned occa-sioned a report thai, a preconcerted attack will be made upon the Havo-moyer Havo-moyer boxs to-morrow. A rumor ; has boon spread to-day thet Havemeyer had withdrawn and was the theme ot universal remark; the rumour proved entirely unfounded. Tammany Hall is crowded with politicians who are en- . thusiastic for Lawrence. In the bolting O'Brion is the favorite, with Havemeyer close to him, and Lawronce far behind. The contest for governor excites the greatest interest, and the betting has been nearly two to one on Dix. In the case of Woodhull & Claflin, today, to-day, bench warranU were served upon them, and tho bail fixed at S8.CO0 each, in default of which they were remanded to Ludlow street to await their trial. General Burnside arrived from Europe Eu-rope to-day. The St. Jo. Bridge. St Joseph, Mo., 4. Tho pivot pier of the bridge at this point has reached the bed rock. Two more piers remain to be sunk. The contrtctori assert they will have the work completed ready for the crossing of the cars by January 10th. Political. Topeka. Ks., 4. The Republican State Central committee, having made a careful canvas, estimate the majority for the Republican ticket at 25,UU0. |