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Show MISCELLANEOUS. Dr. J.P.P.YASMBEM, From Prussia, THE G-MIAT EXTERMINATOR, . Lato ofSan Francisco, Cat. Remarkable Curd Tliic U I cert if v that ray wife. I In Ida rrk, has iiuoti afflu-ttfd lor tho lt ei;ht years with rlironk- livM'iitery, with iain in tier ;tmRfh, b.irk, sido-, and xm-cro hoaducho: in met sho was novor fruo from vain ami miseries. ha Oui'lorLHl u (treat iK'iil j t It tlio bout duct org wo ouuld li. ar ut. and I am sorry to ay without n:iy relief. Wo heard ol many cures whieh Dr. J. 1'. P- YanUeuber.:h bad nerlormed in - midiibuiu Salt Lako City, which induced us t eiiii-ult hi iii ; and the Doctor at one told u tint all hor complaints and uiMOnu were cmi.-i'd tiv worms ?o 'ho commenced Ink irk in.- modicum on tho 17th of Aumist. and inoe that time oil rains and excessive Chronic hventery are cured, and in tact she con.ndord '"" "m" fi.5ffii . PARK. 11 is X mark. Ckstkevillk Wakp. Utah, tieiitonibcr 3d, 1S72. Over 1,000 'Worm Expelled from Mr, litsby. Aly gratiludo eoiniels mo to innko tho fol-Inwinc fol-Inwinc riateinent: 1 had been nlllicted for ninny years with a complaint in my stouiach. 'llimr.m- 1 was troubled with worms. 1 con-EUlled con-EUlled Ur. J. 1'. 1'- Van Donbonrh. Ho confirmed con-firmed my belief, and, ttranh-o to say, he gavo mo only tivoot his Worm Powders and in tivo hours 1 miw ruhoved of over l.wO peculiar looking wuruis, and indued I fool liko another wuman ouco more. MATILDA M.BISBY. Salt Lake City, Sept. od, laTi Wo, tho imdor?imcd, will testify thai we were rreaont duiim, tho time tho above wormi MARY IIOOTII, Mrs. K. L. BEA RDM AN, 11. A. I'EKUUSOX. l-'ive llimUvcd U'oruu Expelled from it clilltl only two years oltl by Dr. j, J. l. Vnn Deuborgli'ii Worm Syrnp. I think it my duly fostato tho followinft facta : Mv child, only twenty months old, had boon sick fur some time and wasted away to a more skeleton, trying many remedies without aDy relief, '.Thinking the child had worms led mo tu buy a boiiio ot Vr. J. 1 1'. Van DonberBh'a Worm Syrup, and after riving tho Syrup, over r0 worms passed away from the child. Sines thi-n tho Chronic Diarrlnea and the other complaints com-plaints are cured. Thank ilea von I my dear child ia woll oneo more Mrs. M. A. O'FATtftELL, Second South Street, half-a-block from tho Court House, Salt Lake- Citj, U. T. Letter from W. E. Horutr, lleber 'ity, Wmtatcb, Utah, September S J b7 54. Dk. J. P. P. Vas Dsbkrgu: I think it to bo a public benefit and rrati- : tudo towards you compels mo to mako tho fol- : lowing Mutomcnt: 1 huvo been suffering for hi any years with a constant growing rain and a ()UiverinR sensation in my chest and heart; my food would not digest, and a constant nnstv, tough and ropy phlegm in my mouth and throat. I was o nervous that with ditli-culty ditli-culty 1 could pet around; in fact, from thocon-staiit thocon-staiit pain and misery 1 had wasted away to a lucre skeleton. 1 had byon doctoring a great deal without any benefit, and belioved that death only could release mo from all my suffering. suffer-ing. Seeinu some friends who had received great benefit from Dr. J. 1'. P. Van Denbersh'a medical treatment, induced mo tu consult him. llolated that 1 was troubled with worms, aaid said I was curable. I took his modicine tor a month, and 1 must say all my pains and miseries huvo leit inc. Jly bowels are regular, regu-lar, and 1 fool onoo inoro as if I could live twenty or thirty years longer in tho enjoyment of tit o creates! nf blo'sinss, which is (tood health, i would further say my ace is jixty uvoyoars. Wm. K. iluKXKK. i nrd li oui J mlgc Frier, of l'ollt t un I y. Dr. J. P. P. Ya Dt-suEKUn: Di:ai; Sn;: I tako pleasure in thanking ou I'uldiely for iho restoration of my health aitur nineieeu years of preat autToring mentally men-tally and bodily. . I doctored a great deal; was lUllieted with almoit every imaginable I'ain, and despaired of seeing a well day a,;ain. When 1 camo to seo you at Salem, urn .-aid on would remove the causo of 'nineteen y oars' suiTering. in uvd hours. I rtnild hardly beliovo it. but after taking tho live tatele-s powders you gavo me, about 'M worms passed irom me, and now, fourteen il.iys aiterwards, i feel like another man. and am ablo to lollow my business without pain or inconvenience. 1 remain, Yours respoccfullv, A. II. FRIER. Ucthel, Polk county, October 10, led. ocU'J SI3I1LU SUIIUBtS CtRAMrR. HUMPHREY'S HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFICS. HAVE PROVED, FROM THE MOST ample oiperience, an on tiro success: Simple Sim-ple Prompt tfiicient and Reliable- They are tho only medicines perfectly adapted to popular U.-0-30 simple that mistakos can not be mado in using ihem; so harmless as to bo free from danger, and so efficient as te be always reliable. They have raised the highest high-est eomuiondation from all,- and will always render satisfaction, Nos. Cents. Cures I, " Fevers, Congestion, Inflflmmations25 " 'Wuruis, Worm Fever, Worm Colic. ..25 3, " Crj-tug-Clie or teething of Infants. 4, " l)inrrhwft,uf Childron or AdulU...."JS j, " Ilytt-nteryi tirii ing. Bilious Colic... 25 (!, " t'liolrra-MorbiiH, Vomiting 7, " C ouylis. Colds, Bronchitis llj j. " riiralirla, Toothache, i'aceacho 25 V, " Ueatacles, fjick Headache, Vertigo 25 10, " Iypepia, BUlious Stomach 23 II. " SuppresaeU, or Painful Periods 23 U, " bites, too Profuse Periods 25 hi, " Croup, Cough. Didicult Breathing...23 11, ' Suit Hbcum, Erysipelas, KruiaionsJiS 1',, ' Klieuuiatlsm, Rheumatic Pains 25 lo, " lever and Ague, Chili Fever, Agues 50 17, " PUes, blind or bleeding ...60 lt, " OphtbJauiy, and sore or weak Kyos ..50 ' Cntnrrb, acuteor chronic Influenia-.oU " W booplus-Contjb, violent C-jUgho ,t0 SI, " Asthma, oppressed Breathing ..60 " tar Dlsclmrgct, impaired hearing 00 2j, " Scrotuia, enlared glands, Swellings Swell-ings 50 I, " Geuerul Debility, physical weak ness 50 '2, " Dropsy and scanty Secretions 50 . ". Sra-.Mck.iies, jickness from riJiag..'iO 17, " Kidney-Disease, U ravel 50 .. 2n " Strvoui Debllliy, Seminal EmmlBsloiis, involuntary Discharses ..100 Five Bum, with one S2 vial of powder, verv necessary in serious ser-ious cases o00 2), " Rove Moulb, Canker V) ji.i, " I rt nary "cakncis, wotting bwL..W ol, " Painful Periods, Spasms 30 3-j, " Su He rings at chaago of life ..luO jj, " Epllepny, Si-asuis, st. Vitus' Dar.co 100 34, " Dlptberia, ulcerated sore throat j0 FAMILY CASES 1 Of 35 to 6U I.nrge rliU, mo rue co or rutctvooil cnc, loulnluln a spec I Ho for ;T every urUiuary disease a t; : I'auiily is ulJtf t to, and books ot dlr actions,. ..from $10 to $33 Smaller Family and Travel-Iny Travel-Iny eas-s, with to viaLi.fromt3 to $8 Speoit-e for all Private Il- 1 l),ith fr nrlng anii f,,r I'rrvtuiivr treatment, in viuli and i'vckel cased to 93 Poml's Extract, 4 'ii res Burns Ilrulses, Lnmrnriii, Si) rone st., Sure Throat, Sprni lis, 1 in. til in lie, Jirnclir, ura Ith.uiunlUiu, Lumbago, p Us, Ho I Is, Mtiis, Nure ltlccd In oT I be I '"'-" No,i-, rirminvh, or of Pllcs( luru, Llcers,OIU norcs. I'riir, I'. ot jO ceutM Pints- 1 1 n Price, f. o jO ctuts) Pints, tl-30 ((uarls, SI. 7 J. t.-rTh'-so remedies, except POND'S EX-Ti.Af EX-Ti.Af 1 . by ih ca-o or sirlo bx, are sent to .iny l :i:t i-f liie O'untry, by mHil or eiprcss, rreoot charge, uu receipt of tho price. Ad- Humphreys' Specific Homeopathic Medicine Co. l-jand leit, No. Bp.'japway, "kw tuli SALE HY ALL DKfr,(JISTS, And at L C. M. I. and tiodbo's Drug Store. Herald Bindery. OL R BiSDF.RY IS PREPARED no Rpair, in a workmanlike manner, A litioi, Old lloulu, sic-, etCuMfJ And BlnJI MA'iAiWLb. PERlODlUALfl. TRAVEL. GILMER S SALISBURY'S i DAILY STAGE LINES THROUGH Utah, South - cast Nevada & Montana. Mon-tana. Leaving Salt Lake City Dally, km-nlpg km-nlpg 6ouU to Tintic, Amenoan Fork, Mount Nobo, Sovier, St. Georco, Utah ; and Pioche, Nevada ; Ptnlaf through Provo, Sprinsrville, Spanish Fork,Pay-son. Fork,Pay-son. Salt Crook, Chicken Creek, Ilound Valley, FUlmorc,Corn Creek, Boavor, Miner-viUe, Miner-viUe, and AH the principal tenon and mining aivipi in southern Utah and south-east Nevada. Also leave Corlnne, Ctab, dally, runmlng narth to Viririnia City, Helena, Fort Bonton, Doer Lodgo, Gcdar Creek miaes, and passing through all the pnnoipal towns and mining min-ing oamps in Montana. PHIHCIPAIi OFPICK, Wells, Frgo & Co. Building" os4 6alt LAke City j Len Wines. H.P.Kimball. SALT LAKE, OPH1R And Tintic Stage and Express RUNNING DAILY FROM BALI L&KK CITY, via LARK TOWN. TOOK LB CITY, STOCKTON AMD OPIIIB. TO TIJTTIO. Tho route has been re-stocked with iplen-did iplen-did Concord Coach oa, fine Stock, caiefoJ and attentive Drivem and every attention i paid to the oomfort an i eonveoienoe of pusen-ters. pusen-ters. Good accoinvwdaiion on iht road, THROUGH BY DAYLIGHT. Cheap fara-and- Quick Jime Oflit at Weill) Farro Co.'e, Bait Lak Ctty, WINES & KIMBALL, apH Proprietor!. UTAH SOUTHERN RAILROAD. On and after Krptcntbcr M3d, 1873 MIXED TKAINS WILL nxjosr BAIL Going Sontb. Leave tho Utah Central R.R. Depot, Salt Lake City, at 7 a.m. and 2.20 p.m. Sandy, (neareBt point to Little Cottonwood Canon,) at 8.10 a.m. and 3.30 p.m., arrive at Lehi at 9.10 a.m. and 4.30 p.m. Going North. Leave Lehi at 9.30 a.m. and 4.50 p.m.; Sandy at 10.50 a.m. and 6.10 p.m; arrive at Salt Lake City at 11.40 a.m. and 7 p.m. FAHb : Bait Lake to Cottonwood Station. Wcti Sandy 11.00 Drantr ' 1.2ft " " Point " " 1.75 Lehi " " 2 25 rafaenren will pltu purchase tioketi at the office. VI. H. DAVIS, Oen. Freight acd Tloket AgenL fKHAHOEZ L1TTL& IHPiaWTlKD tNT, UTAH CENTRAL IIAILIIOAU. PIOHEER LINE OF UTAH. On Ml after Monday, July IT, Jell Daily Tralun Leare Salt Lake City at 5 a.m. and 2:V p.m Arrive at Oedon 7 a. m, and 4:46 p. m. Leave Ogden at S a. m. and 5:3U p. m. Arrive at Salt Lake Citj 10 a.m. and 70 p.m In addition to the above TVTT-XBT) THAUNTes WIU raa DAILY, SUNDAYS EXCEPTED Leavlni Bait Lake City at 63) p.m., and Olden at 5a.m. aiitmriri will pi ease Pare has tbelr TUkeU at the OQleee. fifty Cents additional will be charred when the fare li oelloeud on the train. fol all Information ooneemlns freight or passage, aoidj to n. H. DAVIS, general Jreijht and Iloket Ar't JOHS SHAEP, vruitmiUT 0. IVH. 2. RETAIL DRY GOODS DEPfiRTfilEllT. Just Received A OHOICB LOT OF CLOTH TALMAS, FUR TRIMMED; ELEGANTLY ASSORTED ottoman shawls; SIXjK velours, A Very Fashionable Trimming; FRENCH BLACK AND COLORED VELVETS, Ball Dresses, In Silks. Tissues.TMoire Antiques. Ami other Desirable Styles, all of ivliich ive offer at LOW FIGURES. m29 H. B. CLAWSON, SupcriDtoDdont BUM BOOKS, STATIONERY, SBW1XG 31ACHLXES. ii ssb m CALDER & SEARS. Woar Acenisfor iho ARIOX, STEIN WAY & SONS, CHICKEItTNG & SOAS, DECKER & BARNS and other IcadiD makora sod reppecllully ioviteour Patrons and tho Public to call and examine our stock of the above named instruments. We are also General Apents for the MASON & HAMLIN world-renowned CABINET- ORGANS, Which we have proved beyond all doub.t to be the best and most suitable organs for this climate; and have also the WOODS, ESTEY, SMITH and other ORGANS in stock. We have the Largest Stock west of CbicaRo of Musical Merchandise, INSTRUMENTS, SHEET MUSIC, MUSICAL STUDIES, and everything required by Amateurs, TcacherB and Musicians. MUSI GAL INSTRUMENTS. Our Stock consists in part of ohuans, lsi.(ii)uss,' vwu;yi:uiM, it "ark nit! n. HAJfJOS, ntllJAS, 11COI.OS, ' ViOlS.Elc.V'Klc. MUSICAL MEECHANDISE. VlanoStooIi, Violin Strings, Onltar Strings, Violin Fiirnl-hlnire, nl(Mr nrul.lt lite. Accordeon Fur ulhlt tiin. Drum Furnlihlnen, Tunlim Forks ami plpa, .Unslc Paper, UUnk .lliiilc Uonki and Cards. Sliert Music, Instructlou llooki fur all Instruments, Etc, Etc., Kie. IVe anTo seourod tho servicoa of Professor Carelcs, so lonit and farorably known in this community, com-munity, that our patrons may hare tho benefit of his profe&ional Berricoa in making tnoir iolection of instruments and mimical morchandiso. BOOKS -A-ISTID STATIONERY. Our Stock consista in part of Tl,,'.r'.'I'":!,,"i".r,"", A'"'''"" Tract SoeC.ly, Ml.cetlixirooa nl Ki.b-crlptlon Ki.b-crlptlon Book., lllank Ilooka of nil iloc rlpl Ion., Ik,,,l,. Krlllns Ink., Stcrl I-c..., In ri v.. I.ly, Pra lloldrr., Pencil., KnBll.li I oek.t Uulve. and ScU.orii, Uiu.'i Patent ParcUment Copying Uooksi allaualiiiej nail wcighiauf atJ-B.ts:ai'3r,aB.cr! jp sa h, Note, Letter, Cap, Bill, Legal, Flat Cap, Folio Po.t. French Note, Initial ote, Knvelope,, all.Ue. d qualm.., Card Board, all color,, Foreign Tissue Paper, all color., lirawlng Paper, Drawing llook.. SCHOOL FDBXII1I1NQS OF EVERY J E & C R I I T I O H , SUNDAY SCHOOL PRESENTS. L. PRANG & CO'8 PUBLICATIONS. THE WILSON SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE. We respcolfully invito tho Publio to call and eiamino our Sowing Machines botorc purchasing elsowhcrc, which wo claim to bo Iho best, oiicapest, and most durable in tho market. We guarantoo every Machine wo sell to give entire satisfaction. All aro warranted to sew, with perfect caso, Beaver DSD",' Tiding Denims, Domostio, Cambrio, Linen. Muslin, Laoo, &c, and will luck, Hem, loll, Braid, Bind, Cord, Gathor, in fact will do all kinds ol work. A Iiue l'am guarantee givon with each machine. Instructions froo by an expert on tho premises. f3 GROCERY DEP'l WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Groceries, Hardware. Plows, isioves, Crockery Glassware, Tinware, Miners' Supplies. We do not throw out any Baits by Advertizing a few Leading Articles at Low Prices. ALL OUR GOODS -A-IRE OHBAPI DGALERd LN THE 8ETTLEMOT8 AND MINING TOWNS WILL FIND IT TO Til EI K INTEREST TO CALL IAND ENQUIRE PRICKS BEFORE PURCHASING. 31 U. B. CLAW8US, wprltMitaa Z. C. M. I. SHOE FACTORY DEPARTMENT, 99 East Temple Street, SKIN 01' Till! -J I G- - 1 OPT GENTS' BOOTS, LADIliS' BOOTS, , CHILDREN'S BOOTS, GENTS' SHOES, LADIES' SHOES, CIIILDUEN'S SHOES, GENTS' SLII'I'EHS, LADIES' SLIPPERS, CllILUKEN'S SLII'I'EHS, For lino ivoathor ur M"ruiy woulhor; IW wtilk-intr. wtilk-intr. duni'iiii,-, imikiiin, pakmm., cliuil'ins, ridiiiB. lialiiJiK, tuiuiOK, etc, etc. A Inrco mid cIiuuh- iir-crtmoiit ul' the abuvo, our own mako anil iiui'iTtwl, nt tho itiot rva-Bonablc rva-Bonablc i-ricoa. We make to owUr any style and qnnllty (IrNlrril ami lumirc tinllsrnctloii. OLD BOOTS Made (ji-oil as now uliui.';l. SELLING OFF OUK OLD STOCK IJELOW COST! a j . ' ' , v ' Sola Leather! Uppor Leather ! Harness Leather 1 Imported Calfskins, American Calf Skins, Morocco and Kid Skins, Shoe Findings, "KIT" OF ALL KINDS1.! HOUSE COLLARS! Horse Collars ! ! HORSE COLLARS!!! ALL AT LOWEST PRICES, Wholesale and Retail ! Orders by Mali receive special and I prompt attention. HIDES AND WOOL BOUGHT. H, B. CLAWSON, Sup't, RAILROADS. G. P. R, R. ON AXD AFTER NEPTEJ1BEB 10th. 1ST. TRAINS WILL. LEAVE OUDEN DAILY AS FOLLOWS FOL-LOWS I Overland PuMeneer Train for Tonno, Curl in, W innoiimcca. Wads won b, Kqdo, Warysvillo, Kodiling (fur Orocoi,), yucramonto, Stockton, Lftthrvrt Merced (lor Yosemito), Tipton (for Los Angoles), ijaa Joao and San Francisco, - - - - 5.20 Overland Freight and Accommodation Accommoda-tion Train lor Son i'rancbco, - - 5.25 p.m. A. N. TOWXK, T. II- GOODMAN. Uoa'l auj.'t Con. l';i and Ticket AgenL GEO. 11. KICK. Aue.nt, Salt Lake Cttv, . n 01,100 ,riLU Marshall Jt Cnrter, Ovor W. F. k Co's Hank. nju UKIOJV 1JAC1F1C MILROiD TIME TABLE. UNTJ j furthor notieo, Trains will leare and arrive at Ugdon Daily, as follows: IrUVl. i Arbivi. Daily Eireff.S-30a.m. Daily Exp's,5-10 p.m. MixoH. t-.) p.m. Mixed. - 2 35 pm. t'rcinlit, - 10-3.' I Freiuat, - 6-10 a.m. Daily conned ions mado at Ogdon ' ith Ltah Ct'iitral Pticitic Kuad lrom alt Lfiko city and all points in Soutli-orn Soutli-orn Utah. At Bryan with stages for Sweetwater mines. At Clicyenno with Denvoi Vacific Railroad for Donvor, Central city, Utorgeiown and all points in Colorado and New Mexico. At Omaha with Chicago and North Western, Chicago, Hock Island and l'acilic, Burlington und Missouri River, Kansas city. tit. Joe and Council lilutls Railroads and Missouri Kiver Line of ISti'iiuiors for all points Kast and South Tickets for sale to all points East at otlice of VVolls, Kargo & Co., East Tem ple street, and at tho otUce of Utu.h Ctn-iral Ctn-iral lisiilroHd, in ball Lake city; also at Union racitic Railroad ticket office in Ugdon, at which othce benhs on eloop-iiiK eloop-iiiK cars can bo secured. Arrangements haye boon made whereby where-by pasongors desiring to visit Denvor on their way Eatt can avail themselves of an excursion rate from Cheyenne to Denver, and return at greatly roduced rates. .Fur particulars and all information in regard to passage, apply at Ticket Offices. Of-fices. Passengers should bo careful to secure their paestLge tickets to all Eastern and Southern points via OilAHA, and thus avail themselves of the advantages of & through sleeping car, comfortable accommodations ac-commodations and quick time. TUOS. 1. KIMBALL, General Ticket AgonL T. E. SlCKKLS, Chf. Engiieor and Superintendent, J TIME TABLE. BURLINGTON KODTE. ril THE EAST, NORTH AND SOUTHEAST, No. 3. STATIONS. i;Ir"Ji MAIL. -- J - Leave "5 ALT LAKE 5:OTa.m.! 2;15p.m. i " OMAHA 6:30 p,m.j 5:30 i.m. Arrive BURLINGTON 5:00a.m.j 8:p.m. ' OalosbumfC B.JeQ.) 7:00 a.m. 10:50 p.m. " Menaou " LU15a.m. 3:23a.m. " . Chioofto " 3:15 p.m. 7:00 a.m. " Tooria - - - 9:00 a.m. I2a0a.m. I " Ind'pIistl.D.&W, 6:15p.m. 9;25a.m, " Cincinnati - - UOp.m.i 4:15p.m. " Lerarmicirt 555p.mJ 9:20a.m. T. P. k W. " ColpmbuB 2:45 a-m.! 5:30p.m. tlThrouKh Cars from Missouri River to Chicago, Indianapolis. Cincinnati, Logans-r-jtatid Columbus. Connections at those points with lines Undine to the East, North and South. Do not be deceived, butobtain Tieketa Ti the Bar ting ton A Missouri River Railroad. A.E.TOUZALIN, C. E. PERKINS: Qen'l ass: A tent. Gsn'l ap'fc Oen I rass: A tent. (in 1 sup't. THE CHICAGO & NORTH- 1 WESTERN RAILWAY Is tho PIONEER ROUTE between UMAilA and CHICAGO, completed four years ago, since wh-ch time the , Company havo spared neither pains nor expenso in perfecting its road bed and track, and equipping it with rolling tock.of the most modern improvements; this, together with the fact of its being tlio Shortest Line, oilers to the Traveling Travel-ing Public a routo unsurpassed in this country for spoed, comfort, safety and sure connections. ( PARTICULAR CAUTION should bo taken by passengers in selecting , their routo, and not bo deceived by false advertisements and representations by interested parties of competing lines in regard to timo, distances, rates, etc Tins popular route requiros no false stutetnents, relying on its true merits, it needs only to bo known by the traveling travel-ing publio to bo appreciated. TIME: Ban Erancisco to Omaha, four days and seven hours. Via Chicago and North Western Railway, Omaha to Chicago, twenty-three twenty-three hours. Omaha tc Now York, sixty hours. Omaha to Boston, sixty-four hours. Pullman's Pnlacc, Hotel) and Sleep-lug Sleep-lug Cars Aro run on all through trains from Omaha to Chicago. How to Socuro Sleeping Berths Bo-foro Bo-foro Reaching Omaha: Passengers desirous of securing Stooping Stoop-ing Berlb, Sections or State Rooms in the Sleeping Car from Omaha East, can do so by telegraphing from any of the stations on tho Union Pacitic Railroad, to W. A. Carpohter. General Agent, C. & N. "V. Railway, Omaha, Btating what they want. This is all they noed to do until they roach the O. & N. W. Railway Rail-way Depot on the oast side of tho .Missouri .Mis-souri River, thon go to tho Sleoping Car Conductor, give nim their names, as Eor telegram, and they will And that ho as their berths iesorved for them. Passongora going East will consult their own iutorost by securing Through Tickets via C1IIAOO & NORTH WESTERN RAILWAY, which can bo procured at all principal tickot otlicos in California and tho West, and at railroad offices to San Francisco, Salt l.ivko Uitjr, Odon, O ui aha and Council BluU's. JNO. C. UAULT, General Sup't Chicago. U. P. STAN WOOD, General Ticket Agent, Chicago. MINES MINES I Mlin'TlllllTY MINKS. SITU.VTKU IN V LITTLE COTTONWOOD. BINGHAM AND BUTTERFIELD CANYONS. Luts itl'Oru iu mkIiI, ci'nsistiiiK uf Culcim luid Millina Kk. i'yr lurllicr wirticuhirs omuiro of JNO. W. SNKLL, A cent, lPAlTu H'ltE. CORDON & MURRAY, GENERAL Freight Forwarders, - TO fAMp Fl,tVD. TLVTICisTAR MSTRirT. I in,1. UK and nil Points In Siouth-Ks.-iero Mi AHA and AlUZUiSA. havo oi'oucd an Ol'FUE AND MAKLJIOISK IT Ij ltl HI, (Terminus Utah Southern Hnilrond.) And will irlve prtmipt nllonlinn and dinpntch to all mi, Mb marked to tlii'ir earn. ANo AirPnLi Fit the H.-ky .Mountain Coal "I'd Iron I'n" Crliiliriilcd ('UAL, tvliicli weiire now ini'Ured to fujni-h iu luro or mhi.U 'luantititv. a GltOUM) TO KEM. 'invo iirNpurn pekt i'iihxt uv 1 twentv-tit r,.pt dei. lo hU to milt, mi Minnow nt root Juj.t oi.onod out to Kdward M ariin'i tinino, ocinn-iio the southern wing of Ui" lownoond llou-o. Erniuim on the premldM nf , RUili-lU' L, CAlU'BJiLl SAN FRANCISCO TRADE, PABXER, WATTSON fit CO.' (Soooeaaora to Weil k Co..) Importers und Minnfucturen or TOBACCO AND CIGARS, 321, 223 and 225 Front at., oor. Baoramento, BAN VILA NCI SCO, CAL. GRAND IIOTKL On Market, Mew Monteomery and Seoond StreeU. BJkJV FHAJVCIBOO, O A T JOHNSON & Co., Propriktobs. rt. E. A. FAR CO & CO., Importers and Jobbor of Branuies. Wines aui Liquors. 310 Front St., cor. Commercial, D. B. sti. )25 SAN FRANCISCO J. KICK. 1 San Franciaeo M- flBBltR. K. maiEB. ncM. i,L,w York. J. BAUM & CO., Importers and Manufacturers of MEN'S & BOYS' CLOTHING. aa- Hnniomt St., San Francisco. No 18 Warron St.. Now York. Pj BOOTS AND SHOES, California Manufacture, FOR WHOLESALE TllADK, Weaver & Taylor, ' U8 Front Street, San Francisco, California al2 I a.CBOLovioa. wiitma boor. h. a. uuni. i m. OHXXIIjOVICII d CO., ' importers and wholesale dealora In ' FINH WINES . LllCOltg, sols mmi roa 1 IESSE, MOORE & CO'S FINE OLD BOURBON AND RYE WHISKIES. ( ftiaiQT 1101 tOUIBTILLS, EI. i 901 Front Sl. SAN FRANCISCO. at4 EsUblishedin 1861. G. VENARD, Manufaoturer of the Original Cliartres Coffee, And ail kinds of Spices and California Mustard, 62S and 627 Front Street, between Jackson and Pacific. SAN FRANCISCO. a5 A. J. GltlFFITU, Dealer In frr,flffi.te oU IdntU or PICRIiIO BUOKSirj SALMON AND HERRINGS, ISI Washlnfitoai Street. All kinds of Dried, Smoked sod Ploklod Flsb eonstanUy an haod. jt L. A.Sanderson, T. L. Horn. SANDERSON & HORN, llmuortors and Jobbers of CIGARS iD T0B1CC0. (Proprietor! kI Ls Espunola Cicar Factory,) SoU manufacturers oj the ceUbrait 'CHAS. DICKENS' CIGAR 413 Front SsLrce, Between AVaahlngton and Clay, SAN FRANCISCO- ap4 E. MARTIN Sl CO. Wlolesale Lipr Dealers, AUB rront Street, Bam rraaclico. Proprietors of HHLaLKIi'S EXTRA OLD BOURBOR And sole agents for . Y, CUTTER'S EXTRA OLD 20UHB0N WHISKIES CondanUj on hand, a full assortment of all the ird Brands of Whiskies, , Fine u rorilgB sad iiom.iub -Alnea, m5 Bitters, Cordials, . MURPHY.GRANT & GO, Importers of American and Kuropean Staple and Faucy DRY GOODS, SAIN ritAWCIHCO, CALIFORNIA, Call tho attention of the Trade to their laret and oomplete strok of FALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODS Which ther are now roccirini direct from European Manufacturers, comirisinj; in part ranch Ktcrlnoa Wool Satlnes, Wool Ptavlds, Trench and German, Irish stnd French Poplins, Empress Cloths, Tamlae, black and colored, Velveteens, Alpac-vs, black end colored, HLKS, VELVETS, RIBBONS. ALBO O Xj O "V" E S , Kid. Buok. Berlin Ladies', Mis't 9enU1 6ent8' Underwear And all kinds of Gents' Furnishing Goods. Hoslerp, complete In ell Its branches i WUIte Goods, tlandkerchlefa. Slilrtlng laln.m, Uutlta, whttf and colored, Uaiuaaka, brown Iomhi and Lurched, I Tow. Is, llii.-, Diaivr. Turkish. ) 'apalai and Uorlles, .. Etc., Bta. t " 1 Special Notice. i t i CARD TO THE TRADE. ".rUE Mission & Pacific Woolen Mills, lie pot. Sos. SIT A 510 Jlorket St.t SAN FKANCISCO, CAL.' Offsr to tho trade a Liryn and Wcll-seleclcd AMortiuuut ol Woolen (Joous, Msnufaoturcd ai their celebratod Mills, I'onMctir.r of Dl.ANK'I'TS of every dc.-orii'Uon; HOUSE BLANKKTS tid Ilt'OGV IKdlSE and SLUICE Blanketiof. various widths nd qualities; CLOIUS. CASSUMbHSS and TWE1.DS of every description: UF.NTS'. LAD1KS', iilSiliS' and Clill.lHKN'S StlAWLi in groat rrtrioty : OI'KKA and FANCY FLANNELS ; S II 1 K T I N U FLA N N K LS : T W K 1 v U . CASSLMKllK and FLAN N K 1. SHI K T S and UNDKKWKAH. WATEU 1'ltUOKS and KE-I'KLLANTS, KE-I'KLLANTS, various di-idw and stylos. Kmit All-Wool and .Morino t'-iukim kah and HtstKnr for men. women and children, us-rsriALLT us-rsriALLT adapted for tho Pucitic Coast. Woolen Yam in ell shades by tho packnue. All Uoods In our lino mainline tared "ro ohiikr" at short notice, and at tho lowkst Diurkst prices, I'rloo Lilts sent on application, MISSION aM'AC1FIu WOUl.EX MILLS Wepot, No. 8 17 AB1Q Market Nt., BAN FHANCISCO. CAL. aui7 Fall and Winter Notice! ARR V lis OX' Fall & Winter Goods. CLOTHING DEPARTMENT, HAVE ;HOUCHT A I.AKUG AM) WELL SELECTED STOCK OK CL.OTI11.Xt AN D MES'iS FURNISHING FURNISH-ING GOODS, sUITAIILJil FOIl THE SEASON AND WHICH IS NOW OPEN FOR INSPECTION. French, English ami Auiericmi Kuiliiiffs, oatlnRS 1 nud Cassimercs in gvent vurie.lv anil latest lyIeB. mm vnwuucrts in ffreai varieiy anil laiest IleB. Men's anil Boys suits ol" the latest r.tshions. from (he first Houses in New York, Kn-(on, Chicago anil San Francisco. A FULL STOCK OK HOME MADE CASSIilEKES AND JEANS, TO WHICH WE INVITE INSPECTION. MEN'S UNDERCLOTHING, HOSIERY, GLOVES, UMBRELLAS, COLLARS AND GENERAL FURNISHING GOODS, Trunks. Valises. Rugs, Blankets, Capes and Overcoats. MEN'S AND BOYS BOOTS AND SR0ES, EASTERN AND HOME MADE. GRANT, GKEELEV, AND ALL THE JVEWEST STYLES OF HATS AND CAPS. WALL PAPER & DECORATIONS IN GREAT VARIETY. The great success which has attended Our Merchant Tailoring Department Has iDdoced ua to jaalce .Large Purchases for our Fall and Winter Trade, So that g'litleiueii nm- choose from the mo! Varied and .Extensive Stock ive hiTt ever offered. Tailors' Notions and Trimmings of the best quality always on hand. M U E TN I Kin art sn k-. - bis us T ouii, -"pcriuieuaeBl. Sewing Machine. ""yE respectfully invite the Publio to call and see our excellent variety 0 Sewing Machines. in PIaiu,Beautiful and Elaborate Sljlcs of AVorkmanshlp AND GREATLY lilTROVED WITH THK FiVNTON CASTOKS. The Total Salts of Iht Sl.XGER JJACBIXi; are now 1'HHEE QUARTERS OF A MILLION. THE SALES OF LAST YEAR, jL 8 3L, & O An evidence that it is fast winning sui rouio favor la too household. Tho Sisokr Company sold over the other Companies, 62,734. lay The Chicago Rolicf Comuiittoo furnished sutTerers by the Fire to March IS, 1ST2, 3,94-1; S.IjI ifiiier .TUcbilie$v all other makes, 785. Applicants mado their selection, with same discount ou all. OUR SALKS IN UTAH KX0KKD AN 1' OTHKlt HOUSE IN THK SEWING MACHINE LINE TlliS SIDE OIT CHICAGO. Wo court oooslj invito the Ladies to fee our Embrolcioi-y Attaolimon ! It at true Us ireaeral attontioo and admiration. Wo also dosiry you to soo our TUCKERS, CORDERS, RUFFLE RS, BINDERS QUILTERS, HEMMERS, TRIMMERS, PLEATER3, SELF-8A5TERS, SEAM-RIPPERS. NEEDLE-SETTERS. NEEDLE-SETTERS. SUITABLE FOB ALL OF SUUTTLE SEWINU MACHINES. W" "VKANTKE EVERY MACHINE WE SELL TO OlVg EXT1RE PATISFAC uJll.raarrauln; lo .... ,lh oaf. all kmjs of ,ooJ,. (raia th. c.-.r,a.t 1 Ih. StiU L.uce, itluslin, Huilinc, llomt'.tir, Diuinis Tlckinfl, Dm king, Hinvrr, Huck.kin and I.cnlhcr. HirlnsUuction civon I'roe of chuge by oompcnt ttend.ntt, and tenw of .no to 9uit all circunistaiioos. OTHER SEWINC MACHINES REPAIRED ON RCA' SONABLE TERMS. Wo extend a cordial invitation to all to COME AND SEE OUR MACHINES Whether thfv wish to purohaMO or nor, AT THE SI.(;Ell SEIVIM .M.ICIIIXE DEP.lROET Z. C. IYI. I. General Agunts. Two doors aouth of Kagl. Emporium, Salt 1.AU OiIT, |