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Show By W. U.Tolo;raih. THE HOUSE DISKASE. Washington, 3. Tho majority of tho bornea licrc aiu now nuftcrin with tho horso disease. Yesterday it made its appearance in the railroad 3lablcs, To day no cars arc running. Very few hajks or private carriages are on the streets to-day. Kingston, New York, 3. The horse disuaso is rapidly increasing. Evory livery stable closed. Horses cannot bo hired in this place. As yet tho horses along the Delaware & Hudson canal don't ticom much a Dec ted. Huston, 3. The horso cars wore withdrawn to duy for protection to tbo horncs against tho cold rain prevailing. A lew hacks needed for hotel guests wero the ouly carriages oo the street. Tho discaic appears to bo slowly but surely passing away. Dispatches from Maioo represent tho disease spreading throughout that State. Su Louis, 3. No traces of tho cpi-zoatic cpi-zoatic Horso owners are prepared i'or itB approach. Philadelphia, 3. Tho horse disease is increasing uudcr tho influence of unfavorable un-favorable weather. An etfort was mado 10 day to run dummies on the city tracks but it was unsuccessful, the en- fiocs constantly jumping the track, 'ew or no oars arc running. Baltimore, 3 Of eight hundred horses belonging to the city railways, all aro sick hut eleven. Thcro are only a few fatal cases. SpriDgfield, Mass., 3. Th "Springfield "Spring-field Roy," a noted trotting horso, and four othor horses, havo died of the epidemic within tho last twenty-four hours. New York, 4. The horse disease iB rapidly abating. Tho streets seem to havo the usual number of horses. Largo numbors, however, still how sight hyujptoujH of tho distempor, Thcro was not mo great mortality yesterday yes-terday as on Saturday, but thoro have beon many deaths sinco the discaw) bc-en bc-en to show itw;li'. YuBtcnlay, in brooklyn, thcro were new and alarming alarm-ing symptoms of nwcltiDg lege, arid ttio discharguof blood from tbo nose, witli oiooratcd throat. Twenty deaths tuvo boon reported, |