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Show THE EMMA. HI.XE. From the London "Mining World" of October 19th wo clip the following communication addressed to the editor of that paper : Bir, I'm imps you will allow me to lay a few facts before those of your readers who arc shareholders, in order to induce them not to saorifico their interest tor the bearing speculators. 1. At the lowest computation the sales at the mine and the ore shipped to England will give 600,000 per annum clear profit, while the present dividend of JS per cent, requires only 130,000. 2. All who have seen tho mine, more especially since the "cavo," have never attempted to call in question either its present or progressive value. On the contrary, it has been described by eminent American mineralogists, Mr. Anderson. M.P., Mr. WiJlyams, M.P., and others of like authority who have seen it, as practically inexhaustible 3. The very accident which tho bears played so much upon has only revealed re-vealed the great cxtcnt-of tho vein. Instead of tho cavo causing a collapse, col-lapse, it has only discovered as much and nearly as good ore, while the debris de-bris and water having been nearly all cleared away, tho old workings aro as good as ever, and will shortly ho dsi productive. Mr. Park, one of the di- j rectors, wrote from the mine in July i last: "In the new explorations we havo a vein over twenty foot thick at points, and at points much more than that, and it is now in depth over UoO , feet from the top to the bottom, all tho way in ore increasing in quality as it goes down, with no sign of giving out vortically.or laterally." 4. As good a feature as any, A market has been opened up at tbo mine by the erection of independent smelting works, whioh I will enable the Emma to realise sales 1 all the year through, and not make such realizations dependent on the Btato of the weather and roads, as was formerly tho case. With these few facts I leave it to the shareholders if they will allow themselves to be fright-ened fright-ened out of their shares by the opcra- tions of the bears. Let them rcmcm-I rcmcm-I ber that the latter will require to cover j their sales sooner or later, and thoy will cease their unscrupulous transac-' transac-' tions all the sooner if tho shareholders i keep firm. I am, &o. I A SMALL BUT BONA VIDE SUAIVZ HOLD I R. Oct. 10, |