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Show NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. HALT LAKE THEATRE TUESDAUIovember 5, '72. Last NiEMJnffitl Gaunt. Mr. T. M. BATES As GRIFFITH GAUNT. MissJaan Clara WALTERS As KATE PEYTON. Miss Florence KENT A; MERCY VINT. Will bo iirosoDtcil for tbo last time, tho ro-mMrneti ro-mMrneti eonsntional pluy, driimatiicil Iroui Clmrlos Hoado's putmlar novl of ttio satao Dame, by tho well-known American tlramati.t. Amutin Daly ,rj,i., ta 5 acts, entitled GRIFFITH GAUNT: OK JEALOUSY. A DRAMA OF THE PASSIONS I Friday Evening, Nov. 8th, 1872, DENtiFIT of tbo FAVORITE ACTOR Mr. A. THORNE. In telivt proparatton, STJSIPIECTEIDl THE MORAL BRAND. MAUD' S PERIL. DESERET National Bank or SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. raid up Capital, - $200,000. Autl.0ri7.0d Capital 1. 000.000. HUMi) I. AM Y'MMi. Tre-i-lont. I 11. s. i:i.diu:im;i;. vi iwt, i V. 11. HOUPKIt, Ww. .IENNINUS, ! Dirwlora. .fiillN SHAKP. I Fi:ilAM'il!. LITTLE, I L. S. lULUi, Cashier, j I'HM. IN (01. n in sr. roix, Kn an;e, I.,VM WAIIKVMTS, fOt- Li;ti v. st un, vie. Collootiotis Dialo nd promptly remitted. re-mitted. FOREIGN EXCHANGE FOR SALE. I NTElt K,T I'AID ON JBI v -v 1 n (5 m ZD posits. n't BOILER MAKING AMD BEPAIKINO-. JOHN SLOAN, PRACTICAL BOILER MAKER. Will rniair, on tho shortest notico. mil kiujs of portable, stationary or upright boilers. Kcfrri, by permission, to Messrs. II. 6. J ucoba Co. (UT Orders bj telcraib or ranil, addressed caro of "UtiiLu" Uillco, will bo jiruaiiiily attend at-tend od to. o-ll JOHN SLOA. COGSWELL & CO. jouutats OF WATCHES, JEWELRY And 5 very thing in tho wy.,f JEAVELERS' SUPPLIES, 30 Wost Madison Kl., ;.uucauo. MmIO SPECIAL ADYERTISEMEHS WASTED. BY A YOUNG GENTLEMAN, A ROOM, with or without buard, in a private family fam-ily whoro ue of pluno can o had. City refer-unco, Addrtwa "C," box 7:W, P. 0. novi yyAITKlt WANTED ; ALSO BOY do3 WWlW ' WASHINGTON HOl'SE- A SERVANT TO DO GENERAL I10USE wurk.nt No. li Clilt place: worm from thrpo to lour dollaiua wook, accurdins tocapa-bility. tocapa-bility. no- FOK SALE. A GOOD AND WELL FINISHED FOl'R roomed lluse. with full t. Mablo and granury attached, situated in tho 'J'th Ward. Aptdy to John C. Graham' alt Lako I Thoalro. n0J rpEX THOUSAND AOOBTES. J. - U. K. Savac.e, no3 l'iouocr Art Gallery. THIRD CLASS TICKET FOR NEW J York. Ai'ply immediately to Camoron A Co., labor exchant two doors north ui Walker Ilouso, up Etiiirs. Ticket unlimited for lime. FOll 11ENT. WANTED IMMEDIATELY ! SEVERAL first-class Boo! and Shoo milkers. Apply Ap-ply to "Uii; Boot," W Eiut Tomplo slroet-oc'-T! ONE A No. 1 COOK: AND ONE GOnD pmetkal M'nitor. Apply to D. Grenit:, Eiust Touiplo sUooL Witi DR. GROVES, office, Second outh Strett. Threo doors wo't of Grcnt Western Hotel, half blocs: east of Eiopbant btore, Salt Lake City - OB tram 9i.ni. to 5 j.. mil SNOW! SHOW! SNOW! FALL &U1NTER SEASON, 1872. Goods Suitable at Teasuel & Cos. Rubbers & Cioth Overshoes at Teasdel & Co's. Ffannels.Linseys & Blankets at Teasdel & Co's. Ladies & Children's Furs at Teasdel & Co's. BREAKFAST SHAWLS, NUBIAS AND HOODS AT TeastleS- Go's. SHAWLS, DOUBLE AND SINGLE, SIN-GLE, AND SCABFS ATj J Teasdel Co's. GENTS' OVERCOATS, OVER-SACKS OVER-SACKS AND TRAVELING SHAWLS, AT TEASDEL & CO S. A FULL AND UOMl'LETE STOCK OF ALL CLASSES OF GENE-HAL GENE-HAL MERCHANDISE AT TEASDEL & CO S. AT PRICES TO ENSURE SATISFACTION. SAT-ISFACTION. THE E3LEES Sewing Machine -AT- TEASDEL Sc CO'S, EOLl HOUSE, 01TOS1TE SALT LAKE UOlE. 5 icSSis: 3 IS ' CS3 IMMENSE SACRIFICE ! CARL C. ASMUSSEN WILL St -Li W Id 1-Mir.E nIOi k Of VALUABLE JEWELRY Ladies' Diamond. XXD OTirCB WATC 8 , French & American Clocks, Etc., Etc., FOR TWO MONTHS ONLY. ?&A.X3T STREET, XEAliLY OH'usn'E Uili I'OSI OFFICE. 4v.ll MISCELLANEOUS. FENCING ACADEMY Richards' Buildings, 2d South St. Upon for tho Winter Season. MONDAY. WEDNESDAY, k 1' RID AY KVENINUS. froraTtolO. Ladies CIil-'s forCalrthenicafroui4to6r.nl. 1'rivato Ijc-vons if dosirod. For terms apply toS. I. Kichnrda, Bt Tarlor A Cutler's Storo, or at tho Academy. HbII to Rout. ocl8 iYYimFICEDESRS From Mauufactarors direct. A. H. ANDREWS & Co. 119 131 West Washington St. CHICAGO, Manufacturers of SCHOOL. CHCKCB HALL and FINE OFFICE FURNITURE Will ihip SCHOOL DESKS A.D SEATS. SKTTKR-l for Churches, Hlls or Hotela, Offico Dosks and Counter Fitting!, from oar Stock or mud o to order in the most elegant niannor. D1KECT TO CUSTOM Ettd in Utah. Colorado, or other western States and Terri-turif. Terri-turif. t-&-uri"H the very lowont froights. and SAVINO UF.TA ILEHS' PUUF1TS. Pond for illustratoii Catalogue. Sent free. Address, A. 11. ANDKEWS J:Co.. iiaand 121 West WnshinEton streoL CHICAGO." invlf EVANSTON COAL! At Depot, $7.50 Special Rates For Car Loads. WYOMING COAL AND MINING COMPANY. ARTHUR STAYNER Agent, 0IT1CE So. 3 MAIM STIIEET. Next to Savage's Gallery. FAR TOT FREIGHT GOi Head Quarters, St. Louis, Mo. DUR ANT &CUTTING, FORWARDING ARO COMMISSION MERCHANTS AGENTS SALT LAKE CITY, UTAR. WE are prepared to contract for shlr-ments shlr-ments from all parts of the East, our T.in fcuvinn m&ii s nMial ajraDsementS for the safe and speedy transportation of all Freight from New York, Boston. Baltimore, Chtii7o. St, Louis and ail Eastern Cities, to Salt Lake City. We are offering Btrndttcomentaorth points.. Offici i Wabehoubi: First block south of EH pot, Bait ta.ka City DURAIST A. CUTTING HAYDEH, WILSOKS & ALLEN Manufacturers aad Dealers in Saddlery Hardware CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS, BENT STOCK, LEATHER, Etc., No. 514 Korth main itr.et, mrl9 ST. LOUIS. MO. If yon want the best, boy Buck's Brilliant It is tho most Perfect Baker. It is the most Durable. It burns the least Wood. It always lives Satisfaction. More of Buck's Stovos bare been sold and are Id ase than any stove erer made. Every Stove is warmth BUCK'S Guarantee, For Coal and Wood, has only been in as two j-earfl. It is now the leading; Coal Cook Stove. Why, it is a Perfect Baker. It is t i with our PATENT CHILLED IKON. Fire Linings which will last lonitor than Fire Sets of common Lin- Ings. It will draw in any Rood flue, and il tho only Coal C -okirit Stove that gives ; en tiro Satisfaction. BUCK & WRIGHT, 70 nml 7'-14 Mftln Street, Nalnt Lout i, Manufacturers of all varieties of COOKINU and il BAT I NO STOVKS. Hum-pie Hum-pie Cards nul l'rlce Lint furnished on application. tnylS $soo7oooT MISSOURI STATE LOTTERY. Lfffalizcd by State Authority and Drawn iu TuMic in St. Louis. Grand Single Number Scheme. 50,000 NUMBERS. Class L, t b Unwn Xov. 30, 1 879. 5,880 Prizes, Amounting to $300,000. lria oftno.UOOi OOOpr!t.Pf 10 X Jirlr of 13,AU OprltMoi' 1,000 1 prro of lO.t'OO Bprie..of J'0 prlf.o of 7,Ou 0 ptli-for 300 prlroi of ft.OHOi Oprlimof M0 prl.- of H.JVtMII 3rtprirMof Ufln SO pnaaaut .'"', 3n.-0r TiO ao )iritM ur ft"o ; i no .ritM ot i 5o 4UnrirMr -i30 N.OO.I ,,rl. n o Tiokata, tlO. Il.tr Tickets, I UuarUn, M.OO, Our lottlM ar ehanrI by th 8tt, ar ..ri ilrmwn tl thn Hmo iftmv.1. and all ilraolnn ""''r l'1 uirTiiion aT ..ru MmrnluloDrn. Tho efllclal trwlnR will Iw pnl.llaliMl In th. 8t. Lout prr, uj s, ooyj I urlnc MUt to pun-Iint,ra ol Hi-hula. - W will rtrw a similar tchme ths last dj of pii-ry month ihirtun tli yw IfTi lUnilt at onr rlh by POnT Offin alON K Y URI'KJIJ. HKH IMTKKKU LKl l'KIt UllAfT, or KXIMtRfS (.") f t cirrular. AU-Jrr AU-Jrr ni'KUAV, IIIILLkU - Co., Pol Offlae Boa6. B'l. LOUifl, M0, WALKKHBRO S. CU2fSW0T0H 00. Walker Bros & Co., i WHOLESALE AI BETAII. BEAI.EBH IS WINES, LIQUORS & CIGARS. Havo a splondid stock of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC WINES, BRANDIES, GINS &C, BEST KENTUCKY WHISKIES, And no imruenso quantity of CAS K J.IQUORS AND .HITTERS, AND HAVANA AND DOMESTIC CIGARS. Having opened an EXCLUSIVE LIQUOR HOUSE and keeping THE LARGEST STOCK EVER HELD IN UTAH we oiler SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO THE TRADE. Solo Agents in Utah for J. H. CUTTER and S. T. Suit & Uo's oelebratod Kentucky whiskies. WALKER BRO S & CO. au2l Ono door East of Elcphaot Store. STOVES! Z. C. M. I. Grocery and Hardware Department, MONITOR, CHARTER OAK, NEW ERA, LOYAL COOK; Also great variety of other COOKING and HEATING- STOVES, com-prisine com-prisine the largest assortment to bo found in any stook in Utah; prices very '"octlo" "d H. B. CLAWSON, SupL k jj oo j S CO I d a K r I- o "g l O J . z o ui a o 1 5 tL O d s , : 1 P a g o - J 1 a B o r Jl r n. i O iglg A 5 S 3 1 1 im S a CD is a i s ; . x g O . ij r S 3 I I- s s - I f i S .M i ; a 0 cd 1 i S i J s rO " i 7 2 - R W tj I I S3 r . , , .2 x UJ a uj - 2 Ws ! S CQ t . i 03 o u3 2 O i 8 i s " So oo s r fa s Pure Manilla Rope. WK UA VK been ai'iwintej by Tubbs JL Co nRonts for tho sulo of their roro. To tniocrs it is particularly rccpuiiuended boiriK all puro nnnllln and not mixed with Sisal or other inferior niatoiioL dpeulKl prlc given to the Trntlu. STURTEVANT BLOWERS. Several fiiw on hand, titw not in Stock ordered or-dered at lowest rates by tho tKcnts- st w rr, uiMi tu & t o Golden City Fire Brick, A Stock or Arch and Square Brick now on band. SCOTT, lt MIAT1 CO. STOVES! STOVESI THE CflfilPBST STOVES OF THE- CREATEST VARIETY -AI- W. HARRISON'S I T I I V I -AND- STOVE STORE. OPPOSITE lilS1101 lll NTL'R-S EAST TEMPLE STREET. mTtIiCU nd EmlllB; w m 'u(4b' UNITED STATES OF AIERICA, DISTRICT OF KETADA, In llie Office of tbe Clerk of th U. B. District Court, To wltf &. T!!sSv Be it ro- S -- i- "V membered. .'L' - A That on the ? i v Se venteenth day of Octo- ' C "ber. Anno - 2r - - 1 Domini, One t J- r ,t. - tbouiand f f --- cil : J J e i g h t hun- i- !j - j"' 7 dred andsix- xZ&y- "z-i jy-five-chai V T1' T". , - - . S- Hammer -d f tbe eaid - ' District .hath y1 u fi deposited in "" this office a -tW onaaed "II AMMER'S COLLAK GALL OI.MMt;:rt Oi-.ritit wVreof he elnim m Proprietor, in conformity witn uj Act of Congress, Con-gress, entitled "An Act to amend the several Acts respecting copyrights.-- W. P. RODGERS. skal Clerk of said District, TT. S. District Conrt, by Geo. S. Ajuioxd, District of Nevada. I .Deputy OINTMENT For Collar Galls. Vneonalled for the eorresefiil cire wf C.41.ir (..lib. S.re Rickff. Ku.-e Blcmihe, Cracked I1.--K Cucw. nnd nil trvuMefon Sir. fli" This OiotmcDt doa not ivib oit, bnt driif up. and ht-al ft n'tr from tho bolKTo. lYt'u.l flt-h cannot fi-rrn where It if xirvd. c 1'rfjKtrai only l-y KING & CO., Proprietors. Carson City, Nevada, frTittiihtm.-,rorcelcbr3lnl Kn;li-ih Vrtnirrlti Eedington & Co., Wholesale Agents, ta-Srelh.il iWivriorrn VP. S. ITAMMER V b Ttnltfa rrm th:- 1-iWl in ml be cmoioe. J. D. LAMB & CO., GENERAL AGENTS. SALT LAKE OITy. LOW FOR CASH. UK) Bushels Choice O.NtON'S. COO ,, POTATOES. 25,tHiO I'ounJs t'hoioe BARLKY. 7U,tKH) ,, OATS. itW.OOO ,, CORN. 20,000 Corn MEAL. 22,000 Cracked CORN. 300 Sacks Choice KLOUK. ALSO 1UIAN. tlloKTS. HAMS. UltOCKKIt-. Krc., vrc. WANTED, 2,000 Bl'SUELS WHEAT, Delivered at Allen's, Millor's, or City Creek Mills. IKil,r.t I'l l,-, l'slil In t'a.l,. DHIKD PKAUUK3 WANTF.l'. GEORGE II. KXOWLDEN, Grain Dealer, West siJo Maio Streot, Opi-vaito W oils. Faxtu A Co'a Offlce. DCPL1T U. BT1KLI. SAM'L B- JOHVBOR STEELK &, JOHXSON, H'b.lMaU itlr In Staple anil Fancy GROCEBIto .JS.JiSJ. Coundil 5'uffs, la. 8o)0 Ai.nt. Tr Ih. Ort.nt.1 ui Dapoal SAN FRANCISCO TRADE. ESTABLISHED 1V). Importers of Teas, East India goods and general groceries 2l3a?irflil6 Front Street, ' San Francisco. Q2g I1ECHT, BRO'S k Co. BOOTS, SHOES & LEATHER ICHJt 1M 8aBom8t.t 8r li mnujjj And 9 12 Pearl St., Boston. B UCKIAGHAJX A HBOBT, Uinohctann of tbe "(ITU "DALrTT" ULIFMI1A ITS AM MnL oU Ilamesa Saddlery Leatlwr. J. G. JOHNSON A (70., 10A & 106 Front Street, SAN FRANClAca Jti-r by perm Ltriot to Mr. H. fl Mn, bupvrltUoruimt of lAs Z. C. M. X. ,lS) S. L, Stanley, 0. 0. Catbau, John Spraane. Spruance, Stanley & Co., Saocessors to H. Webster k Oo. aud J. A j, Sproaooe. Importers and Dealers U WINES AND LIQUORS, lift 410 FRO.VC BTHETT. Lindenberger & Burke. COMMISSION IMP0RT1.N& MERCHANTS, SOLE AGENTS OC THE Willamette Woolen Miila of Salem, Oregon, Xoi. UB 30 SAXSOME BTBEET, 8AS FKAJiCUStO, CA1. BMets. Flannels, Cassiiera, REDUCED PRICE LUT, Wearo now rrerared to furniih tothetrUi at greatly reduced rrices all th toodi mid, bj the Willamette Mills, of Salenj, Orsroa. Blankeu, all graded aud colors; Flannels, ail culors, red. white, trsj- Cass i mores, all gradoe aod stries; ' Heavy Wateniroofs; Ueavy red, white and grey V.S.& Drawers-Teamsters' Drawers-Teamsters' heavy plaid Flannel Orenh iru ' Teamsters' heavy grey Flannel GTenairts-' Caseimero Ovcrahinj, etc, kc. etc. Orders fur ail kinds el Goods jolwitei For sale at Low Kates by LIXDEXBLRUER k BURKE, Xo, 28 and 30 Sanorne Street, oil Sxs FaACTsre, Cu. CHICAGO TRADE. JOHN V. FARWELL & Ct., WHOLESALE NOTIONS, DRY GOODS, -AJJ- WOOLENS . Largest Stock West of New York, Monroe & Franklin Sts1, CHICAGO. yil PAGE, BRO. & CO., vn porters and Dealers ia LEATHER AND FISDIS681, 35 3T So a tli Ca&al street, W. W. Page, Boston, CHICAGO, Orrille Page.1 nh- . ILL. joyl9 (WHITE LEAD 170 t 172 RANDOLPH STBffiT. Offer Special inducements te large bvm and the Jobbing Trade of Utak IsmMJ. yl6 (EsUbUshed 1S55. Williams, Miller 4 Olmslead, (Formerly Fiwh, Williami k OfcJ Wholesale Dealers ia Hats, Caps, Furs and BnctGcsS . 135 ud 127 MARKET SIKKSI. aaI4 ClUCAttO. Damon, Temple & Co-i Importers, Manafaetnrersaad Jobbmid NEOK-TIES AndaUOoodsfor GENT'S NECK WSAE, LINBN AND PAPER! COLLARS AND WI 111 and US Wat&ih Av, jyj CHICAGO, Ul. "The Old Salamander." SCHAACK, STEVENSON & Rtiu Wholes alt DRUGGISTS and Paint Dealers, Have remtred 10 thetr New Stor ' 9 LAKK hTHKICT, corner StrMt, too tb old Site) u,,faVS5 with butldlors ereteJ eirrewU " buiiiees. Steam Electors. &, JLj opened up an immease Stook, warpa"-in warpa"-in the oerthwest. T.ieriJ tibial au.nUoo liren to Twri' busineaa. M. D. WELLS & CO, Mmaf"ar, ,fmdWhollI1, Boots and Shoe FIRE .ml BfRSUVR Th. B..t .f. 1 "' ' flERRINQ CO., 46 Sato alreet, and oonier ltl uw' and Indiana ATTnue, OmOAGO. uU. |