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Show THIRD DJJTBICT COTBT, At the opening of the ecrt yesterday, yester-day, the evidence in the cac of the Emma company ex. the Cincinnati and Illinois Tunnel company was resumed. William Pasooe was the only wit-nee? wit-nee? examined. He testified that he was employed by the Emma company in September, 1871, and had been in the employ of the company ever since then; that he was forty-six years old and had been engaged in mining since he was ten years of age; that he had never followed fol-lowed any other occupation. Witness described the workings in the Emma since he had been in charge of the underground work, for more than a year past He also described the effects of the flood and caving in of the mine in April last .Witness was subjected to a very rigid cross examination, when he confessed con-fessed that he was not a mining expert, ex-pert, but simply a working and practical prac-tical underground miner. Witness did not know the boundaries, bound-aries, on the surface, of the Emma company's property. In order to properly prop-erly appreciate the testimony of this witness and also tbe evidence of Mr. Williams, the superintendent of the Emma, the maps exhibited io court, to which both witnesses referred. should bo examined and it is almost impossible without the maps to make up an intelligent report for the public At tho adjournment of court last evening eve-ning an interesting point was raised relative to the introduction of certificates certifi-cates of incorporation of tho Emma Co., limited, objection being raised as to the Buffioiency of the authentication of tbe certificate. Before a decision was had on this question the 'court adjourned ad-journed until this morning at ten a, m. |