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Show THE ELECTION- To-day witnesses the closing scene in - gno of the most exciting presidential campaigns known in the country. Probably in nono have thcro been bo bitter personalities or go demoraliz:cg i influences, and, whatever tha result, it is to be sincerely hoped that ere ano 1 ther four years have passed, and we are called upon to enter into another campaign tor president, that such civil reform will have heon adopted, and so great purification of our electoral system sys-tem have taken place, that the Boonca of the present fall will havo no chanco for repetition. It behooves every person who is honored by the name of American citizen to uso to this end whatever influence he may possess. Such struggles as the one closing with iho setting sun, approach very nearly tho personal political contests con-tests of Mexico or tho petty republics of Central America, and disgrace the boasted civilization of our land. Upon the issuo to-day there is no necessity of speaking now. Our dispatches within tho next twenty-four hours will undoubtedly furnish data sufficient to afford a fair indication of the result. |