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Show Demonstrations against the Sun- 1 day dosing of saloons at Liverpool were made on Sunday. An assemblage assem-blage of 10,000 persons, being addressed ad-dressed by speakers, was dispersed by tho police. The registration returns from 103 counties in Missouri give 312,000 names, an increase of J3,000 since 1870. It is expected the eleven counties coun-ties to hear from will swoll the registration regis-tration to 410.000. A Chicago horse, in epizootic agonies, ago-nies, threw a hog over a fence, kicked a cow, toro up several young trees, knocked down a fence, and finally fled to the prairie where ho was shot. That's an epopoe ! Mr. Percy Fitzgerald, of England, is writing the "Litb and Adventures of Alexandre Dumas," in which the singular sin-gular career of Dumas and his strange system of manufacturing books will be related. The work will ho ready in November. The election for members of parliament parlia-ment at Liventon, England, yesterday, were conducted amid great excitement Vigilance committees wore formed by both parties. Tho Liberal candidate was W. N. Massey, tho conservative J. N. Waldron, A large Fenian amnesty mas meet- I ;nr wno h.-AA or Hv,lr. nrl- V.r,.n,l ing was held at Hyde Park, England, on Sunday. Tho authorities refrained from interference. Everything was orderly. Speeches were mado and resolutions adopted demanding the release re-lease of prisoners. Washington specials say that the President, secretary Delano, the board of peace commissioners, the young men's Christian association and all the Methodist conferences are Be ressing Cowan to accept the office of Indian commissioner. How can he refuse? At the Evanston, Illinois, Baptist ohurch, on Sunday, during the rite of baptism, the place gave way, precipitating precipi-tating half of the assembly fourteen feet to the ground. Although there was a large crowd of peoplo, but four or five were injured, and only two severely. se-verely. An inquest was held yesterday en the body of Georgians Lovoring, of Concord, N. H., the young girl who was found dead in the woods. It appears ap-pears that she had been decoyed thcro, ravished, and then murdered by her uncle T. B. Evans, a man sixty years of age. Evans is in custody. |