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Show HOTKL ARRIVALS. Novsmber 3rd and 4th. toavnsend house. A D Limb, Chicago; M C Hartoom, tlelena; w iJ Weils, x baunders, L.t Cottonwood; A A Griffith. Detroit; X Bonnet', Lwistao; Mrs R S Griffin, Fairfield; J Musgrave, Laramie; C Victor, New York; 1-1 Koppel, Hremeoj W Baird and daughter, Philadelphia. J F Woodman; M A Carter- F H TTiciiesrcr, new x ors; a IS Henry, Peun; J P Duvall, Sheeb; W A Eudcy, J II fcudt'y, Ogden; Dr S S Wood, Chicago; P A Eagle, J E Clajtou, Bingham; M A Baldwin, Troy, N Y; B S Dunn,Duonstein;M A Remotrom, P D Mahnrub.N Y. TAYLOR'S HOTEL, J K Barry, Chicago; L F Flood, Big Cottonwood; J T Batcman, J P Williams Wil-liams and friend, G Shuttz. Alta; G C Alexander, Grizzlcy Flat; G W Sunders, Sund-ers, Deer Creek, A F C; J A Thomas, Lehi; J S Fritz, C B Holmes, Alta; J Y McKelley; F A Weldon; E It Howe, San Fran; E C Paxton, Stock-ten. Stock-ten. walker house, L Voorhccs; M H Hecht, San Fran; C Lane, SLDunuaran, M T;W Wain-wright, Wain-wright, H Ilogau, W O'Brien, S H Wallis; J Hcrvey, R Beanfiold, Montreal; Mon-treal; 0 R Coker, W Sbipmau, Quebec; Que-bec; J Stephenson, C J Starling, Kingston; J G McCune, C P It R; Ed Conway, W U Telegraph; A Fell, C PR R;J Lassar.AF It R; J Siegle; G M Marker, Davenport Mine; A S Randall, Chicago; 0 W Ormsboo, F A Nins, Mich; R W Turcmant and lady, B B Turcmant, Mo; J Lehuborth aud wife, M T; E B Kilbourne, M Dollon, W Ford, J Grant, C P K R. Tourists and tue ukavklino Public Pub-lic going east are respectfully notified thafiho Utah llutnl, at Ogdon City, is a tirst-clasa house, and by coming to Ogdon on tho previous evening, either by Mail or Freight Train, they avoid tbe annoyance of rising at 4 o'clock to tako the morning train at Salt Lako City. Io ploasuro seekers Ogdon promises much to inlorosl in its oxcollent Shooting Shoot-ing and Trout liahing, while tho grandeur grand-eur of iu canyons is unsurpassed by anything of itiu kind knuwa io tho United S'atos. The Ilutol is provided with Barber Shop and Bala Kooma, and runs iU coach froo of expanse to guests. The propritilurB, thankful for past favors, will spare no pains to please gueiU, and will provide guns and ammunition, am-munition, with guides and carringes te the shooting or Hulling grounds, by getting get-ting timely notice thereof. Euuky Si Williams, Propr" so 13 |