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Show Amum; our most welcome exchanges wj ntimUr tr,o St. Lou'h "KepuMi-cin." "KepuMi-cin." L-'oibwii; the example of the lcadiug papers of the country, the '"Re; .uV.ican" has j-ist adopted the quarto fur in and its neat and hand some appearance in thu. new chape, ma'ic? it more welcome than before. This paptr is now printed upon the cclebra'ed Walter press, invented by tho proprietor of the Lon-lon "Titti:-1." ail upoa whioh tho "Tliuo U rer" is printed. This prc.-u pr tjt- thirty miles of paper an hour, lifty-on: ihous-iol copies of the "Republican'' "Re-publican'' are printed and folded in three hairs. The speed of the paper papains throuch the machine i siid to equal that of an ordinary passenger train about thirty miles an hour. Wo corgratuUtc the "Republican" upon its coterpri.-o. |