Show SCHOOL DRIVE TO BE OPENED ON FEBRUARY 6 80 Speakers Will WiIl Present Childrens Children's Cause in State wide Campaign i At a D. meeting of or the executive committee com corn for the Utah state educational campaign n held beld at nt the Commercial club yesterday It was decided to hold the drive February C G to H 14 14 according to toNo No phi L. L Morris chairman of oC tho the committee corn com I Eighty public speakers will Join In Inthe inthe the wide state speaking tour These will bo ho secured from Crom tho timo various arious educational educational edu edu- Institutions In th time the state and ana educators will bo be obtained from outside out out- side sille of or Utah Instruction to the speakers speak speak- ers era will bo be given In fn Salt Lake Lalo February ary amy 4 to C. C At the meeting Francis V. W. Kirkham said Perry Perr G. G Holdon Holden had hall sent prominent prominent nent educators to states where similar campaigns were conducted Upon molion motion motion mo mo- tion lion of John M. M Hayes It was unanimously unanimously unanimously dt decided to Invite Mr lr Holdon to bring with him to assist In the Utah campaign c as ts man many educational experts as ns his bureau i Is' Is ably bl to supply Present at the meeting wore Nephi L. L Morris torris executive chairman C. C B. B Hawley chairman of or the finance int com corn Herbert Van W. W W W. Armstrong Dam Jr J. J II H. Early of oC tho the Manufacturers association John M. M Hayes Mrs John A. A chairman of oC tho women's women's wom worn ens en's committee Mrs Irs II If S. S Tanner Earl J. J Glade chairman of oC the tho publicity committee H. H S. S Starbuck F. F AV W. Kirkham Kirk Kirk- ham chairman of oC the publication committee com corn ml teo Nathaniel Jackson of ot tho the Commercial Com Corn mercial club and I. I B. B Ball assistant secretary Chairman Morris explained that this educational campaign n Is unique In the United States Ho declared that AmerIcans Americans Amer Amer- havo have become accustomed to drives for poll politics tics and Belgian relief thrift stamps and tho the Red ned Cross but that never before with ono one exception has hasan an army any commonwealth undertaken a campaign campaign cam cam- simply for Cor boys bos and antI girls Chairman Earl J. J Glade Glado of ot tho the publicity publicity pub pub- committee announced that his committee will launch a n most vigorous advertising campaign Monday 1 Five thousand cards and poster sheets will willbe willbo bo be sent out to every ver hamlet and city inthe in inthe the state Ho lie declared that every Utah citizen will bo be thoroughly aroused as aa asto to tho the facts and purposes of ot this first educational campaign n. n |