Show Two 1 New Mew SIal's I To 1 Appear 7 1 Soon I Two n new v w stars are about to glitter sUtter in the film tUrn constellation Albert E E. Smith president of Vita Vita- graph has returned from a a. visit to the West Coast Const studio at Hollywood Cal with Ith tho the interesting announcement announcement announcement announce announce- ment that Joo Joe Ryan nan and Jean Paige e will bo ho costarred In tho the next Vita Vita- graph serial following Antonio Mo- Mo Joreno's Jo- Jo renos reno's serial The Thc Invisible Hand lIand which Is nearing release date Joe JoeR R Ryan an tho best known and loved badman bad badman badman man on the screen has appeared Ina Inn in ina a n number of ot serials an and Miss s Pals Pals-o hl has been lea leading woman in hi big feature pro production at Brooklyn BrookIn studio The new nev serial with the Joo Joe nanJean Ryan Ryan- Jean Paige combination stirring starring will willbe willbe be ma made e un under er tho the tentative title o of Moods of or Evil It was written by Albert E E. E Smith and ln Cyrus Townsend Brad Brady The scenario was made mado b by Graham Baker Baler who ho has 1118 scores of or successful successful suc suc- ce scenarios to his credit Like Lika Tho The Invisible Hand Han with Its secret service theme the forthcoming forthcoming- serial is If a n radical departure from the stereotyped ped sort of or episode play in which thrills are dragged ge In b by the heels on the tho least provocation and al almost almost al- al most without or reason Mr Ir Smith nn and his collaborator have o ha had a I. I long IonS an and varied experience in writing this form of ot motion picture entertainment entertain entertain- ment and are aro adepts in working in the tho necessary thrills in a logical manner Joe Joo Ryan RYlon known lenon as 15 the screens screen's mos most lovable ba bad man will have o an ln entirely r ly new typo of ot role in the n nw new w serial serial serial-a. a dual personality rol role Ono One characterization gives him tho the opportunity opportunity to appear aa as a bad man a apart apart apart part so clot closely ely associated with his previous screen activities and the other other oth OUI- er part will be a most sympathetic straight part Both parts it la Is said will afford him an opportunity to do o much of ot his like Cossack riding Ryan Hyan Great Grent JUd Rider r Thousands of ot persons have hae gone to see ace serials for the express purpose of or seeing Joe Joc Ryan Ran ride R Ryan Ran an has ridden bronks almost since he was a n child in in rompers Ho He was as horn on his gran grandfathers grandfather's ranch Tho Tito Campstool at th the base of or Devils Devil's Tower in Crool Crook county Wyoming an anIs and andis Is now 3 32 years ears old As a boy he lie roamed the plains and mountains learned to ride an and shoot and gained distinction in other accomplishments which have o stood him in good stel stead as asa asa a n motion picture actor When hon tho the Wodell Wodell Wo- Wo dell homesteaders' homesteaders bill was passed an and the tune plains fenced in he went to Den Den- ver Ho He gave gl up tip his cowpunchers cowpuncher's re ro- ro galls galia and bou bought h t an ln outfit of or fashionable fash tash- tashI I clothes A prize of ot 50 to nn anyone anyone any any- one who could ride Dynamite a a. bucking steer at lot an amusement resort there attracted him an and ho he won the tho mone money an and also alao stayed with the tho show Throe Three weeks later hater he was ma made c manager manager man man- 1 ager cr and ho he remained with tho the organization organization organization or or- for two years yean Between seasons ho played with the Louis Lavelle La- La velle stock company compan and antI later ho organized organized or or- a I. I company compan of or cowboys for tor a n. vaudeville ilIe act It was v tho the vaudeville act that led to his entering tho the motion picture field The Colorado Motion Picture company compan composed of influential influential Denver Den men wanted wante a n man with dramatic ability lb III t and horsemanship qualifications and the they found toun that Joe Ryan nyan filled tho the bill bilk From this organization ho lie went to tho the Eclair Film lIm company where ho directed and played leads leada in Westerns made n at a 1 Tucson ArU Ariz an and later Liter he ho Joined it 11 at al Its western stu studio lo He the has since been playing hoa heavies les Almost over o every motion picture devotee otee remembers remembers bers his Shoestring in The Tho ll Fighting Trail and his Sacrifice in The Man Manof Manof of or Might oUght as aswell wen well wens as s his Head Bull Bulger in Smashing Barriers Ml I lu Paige A Athletic Jean Paige who becomes a n costar with Joe Ryan Is exceptionally well wen qualified for aerial serial work Sh She will be seen as 19 Madeline Stanton the tho only child of or a wealthy father who becomes mixed up in tho the machinations of or tho the band of or which Joe Ryan In Ryan in his Lad bail Ladman Ladman man characterization Is la tho the head Miss Afire Paige's entire career before the camera has been spent with She was wa born horn on hor her fathers father's model farm n a few te miles from Paris Ill nt and received her education in that city Being Being DeInS' DeInS Be De- ing InS brought up to outdoor life she naturally nat nat- learned to ride swim climb trees and ln many other things that wIllbo will willbe willbo bo be of or great a assistance to her In her new newfield newfield field of ot endeavor After completing her e education at Paris Miss 1155 Paige a wen went t to PH Pittsburgh to begin a course in elocution but she heard tho the call of ot the camera nn and went to Now New York was the first pro producer she fhe visited an and sho has remained with that organization ors ever since Her lIer first work was done in the O. O Henry two-reel two subjects subjects subjects sub sub- and sho was soon playing lea leadIng leading lead lead- Ing InS roles She le played a prominent part partIn partin partin in tho the Francis X Y Bushman Beverly BIl Bayno no pro production Daring Hearts and was later assigned ne to a no leading lending role rolo Inn in ina ina a n feature production directed by Ralph Ince Too Many Crooks where many of or tho the reviewers declared that her work overshadowed that of or the star Serial Is h Promising Jigs s Paige's most recent work Tork has been as ns leading woman for tor Harr Harry T Bore fn and L' L 1 ar 1 lams ith t the n ith the y u o former she appeared in The Tho Darkest Hour ar and d Tho The Birth of ot a Soul Sho She was Mr Williams Williams' leading leaching woman Inthe inthe in inthe the special production of ot Smiths Smith's pIa play Tho The Fortune Hunter Miss Paige Js Just out of her teens is rather Under tinder n cr th the average height ht for a woman has dark hair and eyes and Is unusually good looking Sho Just bubbles bub bub- bles over o with personality and will wm be bea ben a n welcome addition l. l to the constellation constellation constella constella- tion of ot star stars rho The launching l of or a new serial with new stars and a complete stun now organization organization z llon Including directors camera monand monand mon men and supporting company ta is further evidence evi l dence of Mr Ir Smiths Smith's faith In the lar liking for tor this particular form of ot entertainment Mo 10 has always been a firm believer er In the serial ara and has been coauthor as well as producer of or tho thu successful serials The Thc Fighting Fl Trail Vengeance Vengeance and and and the Woman oman A Fight for Cor Millions The Iron Test Tesi The Man Ian of ot Might anI and Smashing Barriers also of or Hand which nearing is 18 release date Hang sorrow Care will kill a cat and an therefore lots lot's bo ho I corgo Wither |