Show T I Sauna Salina 10 1 1 I Io o p 0 o 0 Sauna Salina Salna Jun Jan 10 Mrs F. F O. O Bullock BUlock is Js visiting friends In Salt Sal Lake Mr 11 and Mrs A. A S. S Crano Crane entertained the tho at nt their homo home Thursday Thursday Thurs Thurs- t day evening Music dancing and cards cardS ivero tho time evening c features Luncheon was served to Mr r. r anti and nOI Mrs Mas G. G A A. Gates Mr Ir and Mrs lr Rue Hue Mr lr and Mrs rs Arthur Arlhur Prows Mr Ir antI and Mrs Irs Charles Mr r. r and Mrs rs R. R B. B Evans Mr r. r and Mrs rs Foster Funk Mr Ir and Mrs A. A S. S Crane Miss I s Margaret Crane Crne entertained at supper at itt her home after the thc dance New ew Years Year's e c eve ove Miss Iss Petersen Peterson spent a a. a few days cas ca's In Monroe visiting friends nn and andre re relatives I a t I V es W. W IL Brown Drown was a I Salt Lao Lako visitor during tho the week Ho He was accompanied homo home by his daughter Leah who has been visiting relatives and friends there thre Ml Miss s Francis Frncis Bench Deneh has returned to her homo home in Bonita after nCr a a. n pleasant visit visit wl with her cousin Miss Margaret Crane Misses Ruby Hub Allred and anti Zen Zell Soron- Soron Sen entertained at tho the home bomo of oC time the latter lat hat ter tor or Thursday c evening e Luncheon was served to Lois Ils Brown Drown Clara Clarn Draper Ora Or Zelda Zolda Zoa Gee lee AlbIn Helen Andersen Myrtle Ewel Ewels Fa Fay Burns Bunts Hul Ruby lr and Zell Zel Sorensen Vaughn Allred Alred Gerald Gorald Pun Funk I. I La Valle alle Yale Dastrup Harr Harry Steele Albert Morrison Stanley Peterson Petersen Fred Michelson Lealand Lealand Lea- Lea land hand Ellis Els Crano Crane and Ken nard l Larsen arsen Mrs Irs Jessie Steele Is Jt visiting her daughter Mrs J. J E. E Peters In Mid Mid- va vale ale 1 e. e Mrs A. A S. S Crane Crano Crne entertained at nt dinner din din- In- In nOl ner Sunday afternoon Covers w ro laid for COl twelve Tho The Royal Honl Neighbors surprised their retiring oracle Mrs G. G A. A Gat s. s at her home Tuesday evening c tIme the occasion being being be be- ing her hor birthday anniversary The evening evening eve eve- ning was waa spent In pla playing ing five hundred Lunch was ns served ed to tho time following guests Mr lr and Mrs A A. A S. S Crane Crne Mr 11 and Mrs J J. J R. R Ewels Dr and Mrs r C. C C. C I E. E West Vet Mr 1 and Mrs R. R H B. B Evans Evam Mr h and Mrs Foster Funk Mr r. r anti and Mrs rs G. G A. A Gates Gatos Mrs Hazel I Olsen Mrs IrB J.P. J.P. J. J I P. P Madson Madsen Mrs irs H. H S S. S Gates and Ir Mrs A. A S. S Gates Prizes were won WOl b by Mrs Irs Foster oster Funk and amid ant R. R H B. B B Ban Evans an The Tho Royal HOal Neighbors Installed the officers of of- for tor the new year Monday onla evening at tho rhe lodge rooms They are arc as follows fol tol- tol- tol lows Oracle Leah Lah Crane vice oracle Eliza la recorder Hazel Olson Olsen past oracle Ella M. M Gates Gatea receiver Harriet Harriot E. E Gates chancellor chancelor Matilda Nelson Mr Mrs J. J R. R 1 l wels Ewels entertained at dinner din din- ner nor Sunday Sunda afternoon n. n Miss Martin entertained at atI ata ata a I party Tuesday evening e tho the event oit c be being being be- be ing her hor birthday anniversary Luncheon Luncheon Lunch Lunch- eon con was served ser ed to ZoIl Zol Sorensen cn Huh Ruby Mired Allred J en n Blanche Hall Hul Elna Elan Andersen An An- dersen and amid Aritta Martin |