Show O p 0 O I Murray I o p 0 o Murray Jan 10 Mrs J. J II U. Cham bers bors will entertain Iho S. S S. S S. S club at her home In Salt Lake Wednesday week Mr and Mrs T. T Barlow of Salt Lake were visiting relatives in Murray Thursday Miss Rachel Jansson has been on tIm the e sick Kick list time tho past week Mrs E. E E E. Boggess I Is teaching in her place a at t school until she is able ablo to resume net wo work rk Miss Mibs Ellen of Murray ha has s accepted a position with Morgan Morgan- Adamson Tanner company in Salt Lake The children and grandchildren o of f Mr and Mrs Christian hold a reunion on the tho fathers father's birthday In memory of their parents and this year yea r it was held at time the homo home of Fred Stauf Stauf- for for- January 7 Time The rooms were i in n time the Christmas decorations Tho cen was pink and white sweet peas tied with pink and white ribbons Dinner wa served served at 6 covers being laid for fifty Tim The evening wa was spent in gomes gaines and music A band composed of the Iho younger members supplied time the music Mrs George A A. A entertained the tho Bridge club at her home Thurs Thurs- day dy afternoon Luncheon was served at 1 o'clock and time the game of bridge followed Time The members arc Mrs Wil ham liam Robbing Mrs Sam Sheriff Mrs Floyd Green Mrs Mr J. J A. A Jones Mrs J J. lieu hog Mrs A. A D. D Williams Mrs W W. Churches and Mrs George A. A Mrs Evan loft left for her homo in Logan after a a. two weeks weeks' visit with friends in Murray James Godfrey held a family reunion at his homo in honor of his birthday anniversary Two tables were used and decorations were in iii pink and white roses loses and pink and white carnations The and beautiful birthday cake ua was decorated with eighty candles He lie was with an aim ebony cane with gold handle engraved with his Initials Mr anti and Mrs V. V W. W H. H Godfrey of Newton Kan and Mr and Mrs Gristo of Now New York gave a beautiful book Those from a distance leave to today to- to day for their homes U. U U. U L. L met at lie tho home of Miss Dora Watts Walls Thursday evening Mr and Mrs Joseph Harry have havo their son J. J T. T Harry with them but ho lie expects to heave leavo soon George R. R Doran and amid Miss Miller married time tho past week Mrs A. A A A. Cahoon Mrs Vera Vcra olson anti and two daughters Evelin and May of Salt Lake wore were at tho home of Mr and Mrs N. N W. W Erickson Friday of In last t week Mr and Mrs Ward fa atimer a- a timer ther and mother of Mrs F. F It R. R Ander son enjoyed their fiftieth wedding an ami- ami Monday January 5 They were married In North Egremont Mass coming coating to Utah six years ago Mr Vandusen Is 76 years and Mrs Vandusen is 74 years old The They re reside reside re- re side at the homo home of or their daughter and enjoy good health Mr and Mrs G. G W. W who somo time since lived at the tho Brow apartments are now stopping slopping for n a short time at time the hotel in lii Salt Lake Mrs Moorhouse is spending her time visiting with her Murray friends They will mIll leave leavo today for Kan Kansas Tho rho Ladles Ladies Aid society of the tho Methodist Meth odist church was entertained by Mrs W. W R. R Clark and Mrs J. J P. P Martin at tho timo church There Thero were fourteen present Visitors wore Mrs G. G W. W Moorhouse Mrs V. V S. S Mrs Mary Gordon and the pastor Frank Ward who gave a short talk on time centenary and prayer I I |