Show I t l t. t 1 tr A ii 1 11 II iI t t t r Super Press Agent is 1 x Located in California Jim im Tynan Himself Unsung Provides Unlimited Publicity Publicity Public Public- It ity for Ince luce Stars Douglas McLean l Smokes The Jakins I s IJ Enid Be BeB Bennett L Is Amenable l T to 10 Orders B By Br Herb Jf i esten 11 WEBSTER present MISTEn residence unknown defines a n press agent as a person employed cd to look after newspaper a advertising press notices etc eta of or a n theatre theatrical company or the lilts like From the time of or th the Bab Babylonian roof gar gardens garden past this tho ho neat nent press agent yarn pulled l by y Walter r s publicist which i grained l him more publicity than the antics antics an an- tics of or a twentieth c century musical comedy star tar press agents have been l defined more or loss 15 differently b by cIty editors In language e which Mr Ir Webster couldn't possibly 1 Toda Today yo O P. P A. A Is looked upon as 8 a modern Jesse James a n. GOO good source of free entertainment n and d a person to bo be deeply l scorned when seen approaching nL naive e iJ J the city desk In his way hiding furtively the scrap of or paper But nut let it be bc said and It Is a 10 trade secret that most mood oo press agents Wo word d mood good us used rl n advisedly h arc are former former for tor- mer newspaper men Just where the distinction cornea conies com s In wo WI cannot cy say r. r rs cs t f tho the life insurance policy has lapsed 9 since th tho holidays However Howe to know 0 Jim Tynan purveyor purveyor pur pur- eor of publicity de da for the Thomas II Jr Ines studios lu los near Los Angeles An n neles geles eles press agent b by avocation and rc resident l ent of oC L L. i A. A by ho necessity Is to be allowed tho the acquaintance of one real press pres o. o agent ent who has numerous friends It 1 union mong the motion picture stars hl has bc been n said Raid that a good bood press agent cant can't ha have friends sot s. s Not ot c Path An old saying goes goos oos The wants 0 of the white man are arc Immense Multiply Multiply Multi Multi- pi ply said wants b by thirteen add I ty threw for temperament double the sun sum um on a I. I strictly business ss basis an and add tift fifty on general principles and md you ou will vIll 11 have ha somewhere near the sum tot total 1 of or the tho wants of or tho press a agent gent r r accor according ln to City lt editors But Dul to proceed When n he Tom lace Ince the tho f famous pro producer wants to announce to tho the world worM that he ho is really ready to a add I another mother star to the famous l men movie lc Ie con- con I ho he calls cans on Jim Tynan When hen I Perry ferry th the stunning male lead wishes to announce that he ho has changed his bran braid of or he he calls callson on U Jim Tynan When hen the appealing lIt lIt- 1 lb Ins wishes to make male public a denial that she Is engaged to a Pasadena Pasadena Pasa Pasa- I dena millionaire favorite fa Indoor sport she she- calls on Jim Tynan and Tynan-and and probably gives si him Hades for framing such a s astory story story story-or or making It public And so 50 Jim Tynan's reputation his has flourished Ballyhoo artists on the tho big bl- rubberneck cl lu busies bucs es point to Jim T Tynan's Tynan's Ty Ty- I nans nan's house with pride as tho they thov pas as I Apropos this Is iM tho the first point of or interest in- in in interest In-I In terest for a a. visiting n newspaper r man 1111 rn m n Los IMS Angeles Is 15 Jim T Tynan So Stephe J J. J former Herald reporter rapo and amI known In L. L A. A as s the wild Irish poet myself J T T T. and Llo Lloyd Hughes hes a promising young oun Thespian who Is soon to be bo starred h by himself made the lot at nt the tho Inco Ince plant at Culver City after Gol Goldwyn wn had h refused ll tho the two former ormer of or us admission on the grounds roun that we wo were suspicious char characters Snit Salt Shocked I received my first shock when we C I Imet met Douglas McLean ho who starred In Twenty three and Ono half Hours Hours' Leave Leav tho the famous comedy corned which played In Salt Lal Lake e at nt the Paramount Paramount- Empress Dressed er very fashionably and to outward rd appearances a a. man much coveted co b by tho the ladles ladies t les m my first tradition was shattered when I in indulged indulged in- in ed In ht my usual occupation of or bum bum- ming a In Instead tea of or tho the gol gold gold- tipped lipped perfumed variety he pulled l out the makings While birdies twitted I tried to adjust m myself b by rolling tn my myown own The Inco Inca plant Is a marvel from start to Its completeness in le demonstrated by bO the fact that every even step in tho the production of or motion pictures pictures pic pic- tures from the time the director first casts his peepers over tho the script until tho the finished film Is turned out developed developed devel el Is made on the lot Tho The second shock shock and and the one which closed m my visit came visit came when whon Tynan approached Enid Enl Bennett an and with the nerve possessed only b by a l lm m member of or the Amalgamated Association Association tion of oC P P. A. A As A.'s Los Angeles nc chapter local No Xo o O tol told her not asked IosI cd that she sho must arise at lot a a. most unearthly unearth unearth- ly h hour on the morrow morro as he had a n press agent stunt framed for tor her and she sho was wa to act as a starter for some automobile race racer I trembled for him at Jt his temerity But Dut Mi li Miss 5 s B Bennett B tt meekly consented For J. J Tynan was a press s agent |