Show PLAN hAN CANVASS ASS ASSOF OF SALT LAKE FOR MEMORIAL s' s Mormon I Dat Battalion lion Fund Is Expected to Be Raised Soon SEVEl SEVERAL DISTRICTS GAIN 1 APPORTIONMENT S Speakers Arc Are Assigned to Create Interest and anI Detail Purpose w Hundreds of ot citizens who are re Inter Inter- In lu the erection of oC a monument Ito to commemorate the deeds of oC th the th famous famous fa- fa j Mormon battalion will begin a canvass l-canvass an of or tho the city and state to Monday t according to officials of or tho Mormon F battalion state commission slon Every err block In the city will bo covered That many nn of oC tho the districts will so o over thet tho the t top before beCore the end o of ot tho week Is expected cx- cx F b by members of oC tho the various com com- xi I I In Granito county alone It wa was re reported re- re ported that several se hundred men will make malo the tho canvass Tho The district has been divided dl into wards and the wards Into blocks Reports of or progress s in all districts will be made dally daily to the district dis dis- chairman B By the end of oC tho the week weck ItIs hoped to know definitely how hOv far the thc campaign c. to raise rals-e has pro pro- gressed I S Different rent plans arc to be used In the thet t various districts each district chair chair- mm being given tho the liberty to use any ho cho chooses ses Some districts o planned to havo haYo tho the girls can can- while others ma may receive aid ald prom Wrom the Do Boy Scouts Some chairmen Ibave 1 ha have announced their intention of oC rals- rals the tho fund b by means of oC public gath- gath Ings S Much loch In nearly er e every district reports show i I i unusual interest in the campaign In Indications In- In dl lIons that man many of tho the stakes will far lar exceed their quota is clearly clearl shown I t 1 b liy hy letters pouring dalt daily into the tho of- of ilces B B. H. H Roberts and Prank Frank Evan Evane u. u of oC 1 I executive C S ui UL iu i Ur V special study of tho the deeds of oC the tho battalion is being taken tn in in many of oC the schools of oC tho the state Books supplied supplied sup- sup plied b LV the battalion commission at a. a i maJl aro are being forwarded to different dif dl- ferent Herent towns In Sn Utah and Idaho With Incomplete reports from all Idaho has succeeded In ob- ob taming the quota In man many places Three Idaho stakes havo have announced their ap ap- ap The Tho latest Idaho stake to pass their quo quota is Bear Lake stake Letters from Utah district chairmen show that many of the tho counties have exceeded their quota but are withholding with with- b holding a a. final check until others have hare havea haea a chance to contribute Ve We arc aro vcr very well pleased with the progress ress said Mr Mi Ro Roberts From everywhere como come reports that great t Interest Is b being bing ln Laic taken on in the campaign n. The residents know that It would bo ho little short of ot i a disgrace to fall fail Inthe in inthe inthe the attempt to match the tho already al- al r. r ready ad set aside b by tho the State Le Legisla Legisla- ture On the other hand they know we are only onh performing an act lct of or Justice Jus jus- tice ico to our dead Many Inny Thirty of lot tho the best speakers In Salt Lake Lako will make public addresses es toda today in the Interest of oC the the- campaignS campaign Tile The names of speakers pf and antl their S 'S j places of oC address follow follow- Joseph irnI irn- irn I ball bali ward wardi B. B W. W ward Nicholas Morgan lor an Granite Gran Gran- f 1 ite ward Roscoe Eardle Granger GrangerS S ward Charles s O. O Hyde ward Wesley King Murray First ward Lyman Ly- Ly man R. R Murray S Second cond ward B. B V. V 1 Grant South Cottonwood CottonwoodS S ward Nephi L. L Morris Ta ward J-ward ward S S. S 11 n. Thurman Winder war ward waid C. C t. t tA White hUe Bingham ward P. P P. P Jen- Jen i J ken cn Buff dale lle ward vard 1 IX D. E. E Hammond I Butler ward F. F Y Fox FoK Crescent ward J JT J. Lewis Brown Drown Draper wards ward George GeorgeL U. U Burbidge Granite ward R. R i E. E CaldWell Caldwell Cald- Cald I well ell Herriman ward Irwin Clawson Lark ward Andrew Jensen Riverton i ward Frank Sand Sandy ward ard W. W E. E i f South Jordan ward Joseph F F. Union ward vard Louis T. T Cannon and B. B II Roberts MIdvale IUd vale ward |