Show FRENCH BOXERS COMBINE AMERICAN STRENGTH AND SCIENCE OF BRITAIN By Georges Carpentier I Champion of ue Europe I I I J 1 LO T T. T ONDON DOX Jan dan 10 Boxing Boxing is such a ai ail l subtle art aft that Individuality must I perforce play a tr tremendous part there there there-f in B By that time I mean to e convey m my belief belle that although apparently similar sun sim im- im lIar ilar in stylo no two boxers adopt exactly ex ex- the same methods when in time the ring There certainly exists what arc generally generally gen Jen- termed various arlom schools of or boxing box box- ing lag The Tho oldest of ot these comes from rom England It Is even remarkable to no notice notice no- no tice Uce how the ol old English school of 0 boxing still flourishes nourishes With a rampant rampant rampant ram ram- I pant con conservatism that hat i is really ex extraordinary extraordinary ex- ex in these go-ahead go days some boxers persist in confiding in inthe th the old fashioned metho methods s. s There Thero is no doubt that the tho cnn fundamental funda a- a mental principles of 0 boxi boxing g arc are to bo be found in the works and manners of or old time heroes but new schools have h rI risen en and the they arc nrc worth study stud I ing lag p 1 pS S S m 4 America Ml New CtT Era frn I After itei nn Ln undisturbed reign rel-n of nearly nearly nearly near near- ly a century In England ho boxing ln sud- sud donly found foun itself threatened by a now no force This took birth In America in inthe inthe the last twenty year 3 and grew brew to such proportions as practically to lo create cre ate ale a now era in hi the history of ot the ring Far from to what is known as the English method method metho the thc Americans developed l tho time boxing art until toda today at least the they stand practically pre pro I do lb not wish to disparage Fn English lI h b boxers or their national methods of boxing On the contrary I r trust that they lucy will take talo these remarks in the i roaH really Cr fraternal and anil c sense In which they are rc offered S That France now possesses a e. style stylo of ot I of or its Hs own Is beyond question ami tiLls this fact must surely bring Interest Intorn InterI Inter Inter- est to boar on International contests I 1 While n n h Americans in their fighting In dominance there lucre Is II reason to e that when once French boxers box box- ers cr have acquired this science in Us Its entirety they tho thoma ma may bo be boo oven even superior to the former Th This Is theor theory Is In based on n the fact that thal while whilo the he English anil n 1 American methods ma may each ach posses pOSH the Vcr very best principles of ot tho the pugilistic tic art French method Is II striving to unite them into a 1 perfect whole I use the word may arI for 1 m my own method motho of or boxing has so 0 far tar proved a n. good friend to me T I do not claim infallibility All Jl I 1 can n do o is lr to 10 give to others that which has I boon of or service to mo nio o of The psychology of ot boxing s seems to tobe tobe be he but Little understood I by the average boxer and n yet ct this often otten is the tho pivot Ot upon which contests COl revolve Tako pu pugilists pugilists pu- pu of or the time Fred Welch damp Jamp amp for or in instance in- in stance Such as he owe their success to the working of ot their brain during a 1 combat to the continual calculation of ot causes and anil the putt putting In of these th-Ro to tho test often otten at a 1 great reat risk and seeing those mental problems solved by bv the natural workings working's of ot physical phenomena Inspired b by these doctrines as aswell well as possessing tho the necessary pu pugilistic accomplishments a no boxer Is bound to lo succeed against the one who although endowed with c exceptional l talent and physical Advantages has not tho ho brain to put these to tb the ho hl highest he t profit There exists a tendency to treat boxing boxing box box- ing In- as at a mere mero sport port demanding little el chol o than an orthodox knowledge c 0 of ot I t coupled with brute hrut stTen strength th A greater mistake was never made mad Boxing I In really an art which la Is capable cap cap- I able ahll of being brought to a cr very line fine I point ci mm t. t Unfortunately but few people and fewer fower ho cr will really this thin or aT take talco tho the trouble to fathom It It- p cholo l- l I leal cal side au ancl while that bat Is tho the case caso casei I I i o long bug ong will the noble art remain under a cloud of or sl skepticism In no branch Sport ot-Sport is JS the human note so d developed an and I challenge anyone to name one wherein the emotional clement Is more predominant Masculine il There is something Intensely vall mp-vall masculine about It ft Tho The wonder won won- tier der to me is that it does docs not rank rankin in the tho general mind as the grandest of ill all forms o of athletics Here Bere is a sport that not only oni develops de tIme the man but disciplines his lower nature I maintain that a n. boxers boxer's life is the tho i cleanest morally morall or should bo 1 If It he really means to succeed As for tho the fallacy that hat boxing brings bring's out brutal 1 Instincts it can exist but hut in t the tho e mind of or the time weakling or mentally deficient from rom that ft it is lH an ennobling en en- sport sport one one that th while developing develop In ing the self protective spirit within him also Instills the quality of 0 mercy This i is the real boxer for boxer for I am amnot amnot amnot not alluding to tho tIme few fow exceptions to tobe tobe to be bc found In every branch of ot sport who arc ever n. n disgrace to themselves I IThe The Tho conscientious boxer I T sa say rs at once well behaved behave a n. good oo fellow a n. gentleman in nature and a credit to hl his countr country While referring to what is known as the En English method I casually brought In tho more modern American Ameri can ditto Now r much flinch OB as R it may go O against the grain r h we must I that thal our friends across C o s th the hii Atlantic aro capable of showing us Europeans sonic some new moves mO In the time game mme I There is a r reason f for alf in inthis inthis inthis this world worl arid and this hits this to tobo bo boxing x I n g. g In France Franc we WI had hind hoard heard a good oo deal eal ealor of or American boxers bovers Jon long before wo we had haden even en sot set ct our nul eyes oyeR on one The reverence rC In which wo WI lucid hold thorn was next to lous Cor the Appeared a as gods in tho the firmament lh There rl was a time lime oven before 1 then hen when English h boxers w were ro held bob up as In Invincible invincible In- In ami for a time the they prove proved so ro 0 Studied Sd Science lIce Boxing was vas then in its infancy In Franc an and apart from Crom lime Iho natural ou nr nervousness we Wl experienced 1 as IS I e in- in ners It w wis as x soon tWP apparent lr nt Jh fh t t. t there was a t good deal to bo be b learned from rom the rn English lI h metho methods An French boxers box box- box box- CT cr ers gradually mastered th these sc intricacies cbs cies and acquired certain skill in th the orthodox straight left or old English h tle th the Am American invasion set Het In I 1 At t first we wa were literally dazzled h by byth th time science of a I. I Lewis Levig wi and anil for fora a A. time wo we wondered l whether this wan WI duo duc to any new element yet el unknown I to ua ua Un As Lewis H went vent from victory vIctor to vic fc tory the fact dawned on us that these the successes were In a great measure duo due to superior method method- s Then cause camo other othor Am Americans s until auch stich men inert as t Klaus l' and op opened our om e eyes CR still wider to further arid greater po I- I s. s These Thre wore oro centered on OTt the Infighting qualities I of ot these Piece two f middleweight and once onCA moro more French underwent some ome Improvement This brings mo mc to a 11 question of or schools of ot which whelm th there rc now n undoubtedly exist three English American and French Three U UThe The Tho three in it question linn form tori-n forma torina a 3 dl distinct r as az the they do In the time s scientific j nl th th- od or Infighting and the tho in whir which compiles hot both h herr herr- Although 11 hou h America t to have produced time most t formidable formidable for for- boxers boxer of or the tho last tw two tl sides there thero la is every reason nn i t bt I ti t French methods will In super Imo cite The rime reason for this thIN Is Pu Iu for or youn r is w W v. v are tr In h Ii Imi the boxing game gani our school chool h. h lims lim's producer and is Iii producing a class ot of boxer that can but hut go o o om 01 lm i Already in a a. er very short phort time and quite exclusive of ot myself French boxers boxers box box- ers ens have at ut a u standard f short hort of 0 those thore of ot other countries When hon French or medium methods havo as aa long as thou those of or other schools there thore uro itro possibilities that France Fiance will stand stan on an equal footing tooting In tho raco race for world championship honors honora What la is this style of or boxIng box box- o In Ing zig Simply English science blended I with American rugge rugged nest ness There Is I little doubt that tho ho latter nation was i the th first t to di discover er co tho thio efficacy of In InCI Infighting In- In CI fighting hUns and most of their ther victories I have been gained owing to a thorough knowle knowledge ge of or this particular branch of or the Iho noble art I Method f Wo So in France recognized the tho potentialities poten of or this new weapon an and havIn having hav hay In ing tested tho time same arne adopted it as s spart part and parcel of ot our own method I 1 might een even sa say that too much Im Importance Irn- Irn is being given h by my own countrymen to that particular style stylo of hC boxing detrimentally to the more mor entitle A tendency now exists to tl m e gg r- r lect leet th firmer finer points of ot boxing while developing the thc rugged There IH Is perhaps rC reason Wn to 10 believe that a rough fighter will iii luit the thc less ies aggressive although h moro more scientific oiin title boxer but hut if IC a man h be formed l so 11 that h he lie c combiner lIme tw two the the an arid and tho tb methods methods lie 1 hod h lie is sUre sUre- 1 ly hr moro moru complete than time the f fellow who possesses only emily on one of these tice r My y own method changed with circumstances cir t dr-t that I is to to soy say with witt th the lie exl exigencies an and development of lr time the II art urt in Prance France When lIon I 1 first lr t tool took up boxing there are nrc reasons rN to suppose sup sup- up- up pose that my stylo wan particularly English En Time The straight left right cross coun ter or aided by fast footwork about made up the Hum sum total o of ot m my learning I This 1 I mn may state came cam naturally JI to tome I Ime me just a as It should to al amy young oung I Iman I man who tal takes ps up boxing either as a I or profession To pro b b bo successful III In boxing la Is to lo be bewell bewell I well equipped cd not only with a sound pugilistic c education hut but with that I firmness of ot and well veli balanced confidence In 1 0 oneself e 11 I C without which j I jall all nIl spells disaster I From a 0 L ho boy and without e egotists egotism I j I hail had Implicit faith In myself Given GI I good training ruining and normal normol cu conditions I 1 always alwa's felt Celt conflUent confident of ot victory This was wat duo to no mo vainglorious J I I vaunting disposition but hut to the tact fact that I felt m myself elf possessed of the j i ar qualities to carl carry mo mile i I successfully through any n t I that my nH manager I might Ii I have havo arranged cd for me I r positively loved boxing as a a. moore mero stripling stripPing of ot l 12 IH an and before I ever eH haYing having such Been a pair of or boxing gloves r f felt th t I 1 could whip any n bo boy or of my age ae My I fy very ery r first spat spar convinced and In me inc tint tho t l I J had 1101 the right stuff and amid time the former forthwith undertook to tu brim nic me out The Tho art of 01 boxing fa ts not nol acquired Lu but t a n gift It 11 mn may nevertheless bo lie developed de do 0 in tho those 6 whoso enthusiasm I Is that tuut way Inclined |