Show Child C I 11 i I d Culture u It I t U Lir rei Club CIuL I LII Holds bids 1 ds I Meeting j j i iI I Orten Ogden Jan 10 The ThO Tho Child Culture Calure I club mot met Thursday afternoon at nt th thu University club Mrs W. W J. J Watt Wattis J was chairman for or tho the afternoon She he I Io Week Book gave o a n. paper on Bettor Better eUer The hostesses for or tho afternoon w rc Mrs Iu Thomas T. T Deo Det and Mrs Charles Empol- Empol EmpeY i i Mrs Irs John lol en entertained the members of ot tho Liberty Libert club Wednes Wednesday eln ca day afternoon at her homo home on Grant avenue a Mrs Irs Charlca as assisted t the thc hostess Mrs Irs W. W E. E Moore entertained the members of oC tho the Hom Culture dJ ji cl Saturday afternoon at h her bOr r homo home on 01 T en Twenty eighth street Th subject for forthe forthe or orthe b b the afternoon was Tho uTho School by Mrs lr W. W 1 L. L Peterson Mrs N. N W. W Cummings daughter f n 1 Mr Irs and Mrs John M. M 1 Browning h h- h returned to her home home In l. l L- L Jolla Jola c Cl II l. l after oter spending tho the holiday acajou in baa il O n. n J J. J len T. T Rushmer has lass returned iron a trip t-ip to the Pacific coast coat Mrs Irs Rushmer Rush I mer and children remained In I In n lava a for the thc remainder of the thc 1 I IThe Josephs Joseph's SWIM SWIM- of oC The Thc members St. St t. society met Thursday afternoon In tl tb I. I I church hall ball hal I Miss Kathryn Kathrn of or Jt Cv n- n I ston stone IlL Il arrived cl In O Ogden len l ne v-d v lh the he east cast She is un en m route to 10 L Li Angeles Angelos Cal where she wilt will wil spend in ta l remainder of or the months mouths Mi- Mi I 1 Fitzgerald will wi visit Og Ogden n friends f rc several days Us U's before fo for tin ti I. I i co coast t. t Miss Helen Rich filch daughter o of Dr m aad I d I Mrs Ezra Clark Rich who 11 his has i. i n u II spending the hold holidays s 's in OS Ogden I. I h hr hI i 10 resumed to Washington ln D. D C. C wh r I seminary she is attending the National ark I Mrs Ir Ralph E. E Bristol spent part parl r of lo I the c week in Salt Lako Lake with friends friend Sai Mrs Mr r D. D C. C Eccles has gone to lt J. J Lo i's Angeles to visit her p parents Mr r. r anu nuu Mrs Irs Angus AnGus Taylor Ta Wright rl ht who ho ar spen spending ln the winter on the tue coast Ralph E. E Bristol and anal Chapin D Day i d tie tie- Parted the week for ur the tho coa oat t t. t will wil spend several se weeks In Cai el- el I fornia Cornia Elmond LIndford ta tn returned to tn a Ogden Osden after afler spending the tho lao holidays holls holl's In i Brigham City his par parents Mr r. r I Is a student at the Weber eber ac m mind Wood son of Mr Ir and nc Mrs I HU Hugh Hugli h Wood oo has returned to C California Califor Califor- lor- lor nat nia after a ta stay o of r two weeks weel In O Mr r. r Wood is attending Stanford university Dr E. E E of oC Brigham lam City visited O Ogden den friends elne Wednesday da Dr has recent recently returned fron New ew York ork where ho lao took a post post- postgraduate post grad rac- rac unto course in sur surgery e Mr It and Mrs frs T. T D. D P Ryan an will wi 1 leave lea ac this coming cominS week weel for or the coast They will wU spend the r remainder o of the winter inter months In California Mrs Is R. R F. F Kirkendal will len leave I short shortly for tho ea east t. t where sho she will wil visit Isi her mother Mrs I will i fI Cn several months in tho ho east cast I Mrs Irs Archie Biglow HIlow nud nd Mrs east Irs W. W II l. Shearman will 1 lea leave vc soon for Florida FlorMa for a sta stay of several eral months Miss Florence Riser Piser has returned to opan I JAJan after spending the thc holidays In Ol en with wih her mother Mr Mrs Orson n Riser cro croas Miss Ms as Margaret and Mi Miss s Lr Lf-h Lf Fri Farm have ha returned to Moscow Ida where I here the they arc attending tho un univ I r- r s Ity t Mss Collins has returned to o I O Ogder er after spen spending ln ten days with wih in American Fork la 9 Mrs Edward M. M L Conro Conroy will 11 ho he ho 11 ho- ho I toss tess to the members of If the he Martha fartha m- m n I t Monday afternoon at nt I 7 I Twenty Twenty- fourth street treet Miss Mary Brown has returned to her home borne In Logan aft after r spending tho ho holl- holl hol- hol dava dav In Ogden Olden with wih friends Lowell Boyle lole who ha has been spen spendIng spend spend- In ing the thc past two weeks with his moth moth- er Cr Mr Mrs C. C B 8 n has returned to Delfield Wis where ho he is attending school Paul Wallis Wattis John nee Pec Mack and Tremor Homer left during the tho week for Delfield WIs I where th tW they y arc re attending school at St. St Johns John's Military academy Mrs J. J O ermeT has as tier her s for the thc week end Miss Alta Alia 4 Batem n. n Mr 11 and Mrs f Walter aler Hampton and Mis ls Louise Thomas Thom u of or Lehl Lehi Utah Uth I Mr fr ani and anal Mrs Mrs F. F X N. Bletcher departed the thc week for or the thc Pacific cois coas' The They will wil spend several 50 weeks visiting the thc principal cities cites of oC California Mrs rs rs II I. I C. C was hostess to lo lothe the thc members o of the thc Utopia club cub Thursday Thursday Thurs Thurs- da day afternoon at her home borne Mrs J J. G. G Poorman was ho hostess les to tho the members of oC her tier card club Wednesday Wednes- Wednes day daj lay afternoon at nt her home Miss Dorothy Madsen departed durInS during during dur dur- ing InS the thc week weel for eastern points Mss I Madsen will vill wil spend several sc crl weeks with relatives In the cat cast cast before returning to o Ogden Mr Ir and ant Mrs Ir J. J R. R P. P Cooper Coope have ha e tone gono toneto on onto to o California for the remainder of oC the winter r season Meason They will wil probably sail sai for or Honolulu during tho the week eel for fora a short sta stay Miss Ruth Huth McBride and Miss I s Nellie have returned from front Salt Sal Lake where they visited relatives for several days day Miss Claudia Claud In Roberts daughter of oC Mr Ir and ant Mrs Ralph Roberts has r re returned returned re- re turned to Palo Alto Alo Cal Cl where she Is s attending Stanford uni university r lt Miss Roberts spent the holiday season in n XVI with til her Vior hlf Miss Dla Blanche ri was host s sto to Lo the members o of tho the Bluebird club Monday afternoon at her homo home Ch Chester ster Hess and Dick Graves Grves have returned to Stanford university they are attending school Thc They spent Jent 1 the holidays In Ogden Miss Ruth fluth Winters who has been is via via- I thug ItnA her brother Sidney Winters at t 4 Colorado Colora o Springs Colo Cob has returned to toa a Ogden en The m members of ot the he Sego Soo LI Lily Lly Thimble Thimble Thim Thim- 1 ble club cub were the guests of Mrs hs Clari Thursday afternoon at Rt JUT her home on Gramercy avenue p Miss Margaret Johnson and anal Miss Burford flair Bur ford Johnson who have been leera visiting I their parents during 11 the holiday season have to California where thc they arc are attending sCho school Mr Ir and Mrs Irs Joseph Joceph Wright rl ht have gone ono to California for a i sta stay of of several se weeks vee ks Miss Ruth Boyle Bole has haq returned to f r arnie Wyo o to continue her bier school Itu studios los at the thc The rho Marha society hold held an nn open house Sunday Sunda an A large e number num niam- her ber u of 11 people cale called during Iru the tho after after- noon Miss Vera Vora n Cl Cleaver 1 of Lincoln Neb Xh I Is In the tho city visitIng friends g. g Mr Ir and ct Mr Mrs Ir 1 U. R. R Wheelwright and nd two children t 1 have ha gone on to C California Mr Ir and Mr Mra J. J R. R Anderson on hl have have- gone Jonc to California for Cor a n gt stay of ur several sc vc Myron Iron Runyon will wll leave lea tomorrow for the const coast He lie Is It a student at ft the University of oC California and spent the holda holidays In O Ogden en with wih his parents Mr and Mr O. O M. M L Runyon |