Show Utah Senator I Is U. U S. S Asset Speakers Say C I INDORSE unequivocally j. j everything Miss Hay s said d about Senator Smoot Reed Smoot is the greatest national asset in the Senate today He is saving the t taxpayers payers a 3 year That is his exact worth to the people of the United States Vill Will Will H. H Hays Miss Hay No senator is more more valuable S Jo to the country than Senator Smoot No other senator did as much for the tie federal suffrage amendment as Senator Smoot He is a a figure to be a admired mired in Washington I can never say sar hat that Senator S Smoot oot never ap appeared ap P- P not to be glad slad to receive me whenever I called at his of- of of of- fice flee I want to comment upon his two charming office assist assist- ants Senator Smoot should be re retUrned returned returned re- re turned to his seat in Washing Washing- ton foti I see no uncertainty of his re election but the people of Utah should see to it that he is sent back to office offic He has never failed his 1 8 country when the need arose He has the national national national na na- na- na viewpoint and looks after interests of other states stat as well as his own |