Show WONDER MA l MACHINES INEs S MAKE 1 BILLS International gem Nt Soviet f fow Now ow York Jan 10 A 10 A wooden box a afoot afoot foot high and several feet Ceet lon long long- longwith with revolving metal plates on tho the top and bottom which by electric manipulation seemingly changed chanced pieces of ot paper Into brand new bills with speed and skill was tho the causo of or the arrest hero of or Henry Klein on the chargo of ot having haying hay hav ing InS a fake tako mon money making r r machine schine In his possession The police believe thoy said that men havo have been operating among foreigners out of ot sellIng sell sell- Ing tho the machine to any buyer who had 00 and was Ignorant of the law At tho police pollee station the machine when hen set In motion with ST great t noise and buzzing exchanged cd pieces of paper paper paper pa pa- per marked with r red d and blue ink marks to represent the threads of or federal federal fed ted eral bank notes t for r three new now bills About a a. year ago according to toh teh police poUce a man named Loper from Crom Pittsburgh together toe with a band of or swindlers operated In this city and I other places selling a similar machine J |