Show MINERS I INERS SE SENT TO WORK BULLION BULION PROPERTY General Manager A. A O. O Jacobson s sent ent some somo miners to the Bullion Bulon property prop prop- c crt erty toda today and Mr Ir Jacobson will wi leave f for or tho property early in the coming coming- week eek to r resume sume operations Tho The mine h has as been idle for tho the past few months months The property properly which was as shipping q quite Quio regularly before the operations ceased is situated near the famous Yellow Pine mine at Good Coed Springs Spring I Nov e and Is well wel equipped with wih modern modern mod mod- e ern m machinery an aerial tramway and a concentrating mill mm It I is tho the i Intention of or the tho company compan to commence t the he shipment of oro and concentrates at an early date Tho The Bullion Bulon was controlled by E. E E E. Jenkins and J. J J. J Daynes of or Salt Sl Lake Lako CI- CI City but the tho control recently passed t to o A. A A O. O Jacobson and associates The Tho new directors have decided on a vigorous vigorous vig vig- orous campaign of or development de assell as aswell well sell wel as ore are extraction Mr Il J Jacobson has hns ma made mado o a complete survey surveyor of tho the workings at tho the mine and made mado his general report to tho the directors A meeting of oC the thc directors new was recently held at ot the company's office at ot Scott Scott building and the follow following I ing Ins ng directors were named F. F I. I Copening Copening Cop- Cop ening president Richard P. P Morris Ioris vice-president vice and treasurer Willard croC director Pingree Jr directors A. A O. O Jacobson general manager Melvyn C C. Morris secretary |