Show I to ro t o Be E a Addition J Add in i 11 Him Fi I In FieldI Held Field I 1 fans tans in Salt Ll Lake are arc to be b. ben n I treated to one more picture palace de for within the near future the Universal Film company compan will trill open open a moving picture theatre the tho in inI inthe inthe the tho Clift building It will be practically practically I cally where the old th theatre formerly was The new theatre will be bea I a feature house exclusively according to William Cults Cutts who has be been n en engaged engaged en- en Sc U by the Universal people as man man- ager s Among the entirely new features to tobe tobe be introduced will be a system of or concealed concealed con con- coaled lighting known as the sunrise t lighting lis A An JJ n ob observation er operating projecting projecting- room is to be bo introduced forthe forthe for tor the first time in Salt Snit Lake o picture houses making it possible for patrons to view the tho projection of ot the lie films if it the they so desire Directors will start to work on the Interior of the building this week and while no definite date has been set for forthe forthe forthe the opening it probably will be bo the tho carl early part rt of or February The house will include a seating capacity of or 1000 Several So big pictures have ha already been booked with special pc cat catering rin made to feature comedies While the tho will in a n wa way re replace replace replace re- re place the theatre being located located lo- lo In practically the same place the tho has leas had a resurrection in Pasadena Pas Pas- adena Cal Edward Ellward former Cormer motion pIcture picture picture pic pIc- ture man of or Salt Sall Lake Is at present manager of an apartment house In Pasadena Believing in all tho the comforts comforts com com- forts torts and pastimes s of ot the twentieth century he has opened a moving mo picture picture pic plc- ture turc theatre in the basement of the apartment house so that tenants ma may enjoy enjoy- their favorite ta diversion at home |