Show SMART HAMILTONS SHOP PARIS ARIS SALT LAKE NEW YORK YORE EXTRA SPECIALS r less Than Th 1 2 1 2 Off Sale SIe VALUES t l SUCH 1 i t AS VE WE HAVE l' l NEVER BEFORE OFFERED i 11 WILL M MARK I ARK THIS EVENT 1 MONDAY A WORLD 1 OF OI OFF 1 MAGNIFICENT GOODS A AT T. T OFF AND LESS AND TD LESS This Off Half S Sale 1 e Is the Most ost Gigantic AYo We o Have ITayo Ever Had We ro 1 Must St Reduce Our l Stock at 1 U Off and Less Tess A SPLENDID TY I To Invest in 11 Our Ole II Handsome and Well AVell ell Selected Furs Long Furs Long Coats Goatees and all Wraps Traps Sets and Separate I Pieces p D COATS COArS AND VR WRAPS PS DI DRESSES ESS S Sr Smart v Velvets c l 1 v l' e c t s 5 Velvets r Furs Cloths 1 J S G Gabardines 1 fa Serges Off crocs a S Sand 1 and l Materials l tT Fancy 10 T Off ff II 2 and cloths Velours 1 all 11 fiU C a materials ma ill fi 2 F Fur 1 ur Tri Trimmed 1 and aIle 1 I PI Plain aln AND LESS tennis for morning and afternoon wear ear AND A LESS GOWNS WAISTS Evening D ll r c e s s es 1 Handsome elite oIne L Lac Laces a c e c s 1 Dinner Gowns and 2 Off Off ff 2 Georg G 0 cites tt c c Silks 1 and H 1 f 2 Sm Smart art Supper Dance id Frocks s LESS r Tailored V Waists AND AND LESS SUITS SEI SEPARATE IAl SKIRTS Two and Three tailored Piece J 1 2 11 Off in ill t 1 3 9 Off Suits in Velvet r r Cloth 2 W V Mixtures Serge and SilI Silks s Velvet chet r Cloth r i ne AND AUD LESS AND LESS IT ns n's Selections Are Always Alays the n Smartest and an anost DR 11 Most ost Exclusive IIII III I Curl Hair This W Way ay ayI I and Keep I It t H Health Healthy J JIt I It has been found toun that tho occasional use of a n harmless and inexpensive fluid which druggists know w as 38 sll morino morine will keep koep tho the hair In curl perpetually giving ln the appear appear- 1 of or true naturalness besides k keep keep- ep- ep Ing lag the hair softer an and g than possible with tho the heated iron The liquid may b be applied with n It clean tooth brush this being drawn through the hair hall from crown to tip lip and allowed to dry over O night In the tue morning tho the hair hall will be beautifully beautifully beau heau- wavy waY and curling and will lie ea it 5 and loosely on the tho head hend as It should considering its welfare from a l hygienic h standpoint A few tew ounces of or liquid will last for months montha and as is it is really beneficial to tho the I hair hall which cannot bo be an said Id of or the heated boated Iron it Il I should be bo generally adopted b by bythe bythe the fair Calr sex It will not spot or er discolor discolor discolor dis dis- dis- dis j I color scalp or hair nor leave an any sediment sediment sedi sedi- ment grease greaso or stickiness Ad Adv I I I Dandruff Soon 1 I I Rul Ruins The Sa t of or tl tb this C Girls Girls it if you rou want plenty b by do bYJ DJ hair silky beautiful glossy Sloss It rid of or da dandruff for means get ot It It 1 ruin starve your our hair and don dont don't t try ttY much good nod to It doesn't do 6 oak sa saw brush or wash it out Tho to di f is 15 isit w way to got ol rid of oC dandruff entire solve selve it it then you eu destroy It o ounces ounce about four or To 10 do this get Jcl it ull ordinary liquid arvon Irvon ap apply h t mo to wh when n retiring u us o enough og with fl t in gently nits vw-a vw the scalp and rub rull It t finger tips If Ie not net all Of ot 10 C morning most By three dandruff will wilt be gone one and three will four more applications overt 1 dl dissolve solve and entirely destroy glo lo sign and trade ur of It all itC neb You will Undo find too too that SU of ortho the scalp will Pd and lUd diS head your our hair will look luok and leel n a hUI uon u. u et times bettor You cau an Ie get It Is ip ont t at any drug store von on all Is hi hu and four ounces mUch d dan need no matter how you OU ha have vc This |