Show CONFERENCE HAS MANY T PROPOSALS I I Washington Jan 10 When Wen When the Industria in industrial In- In I conference cl called d by President Wilson reassembles Monday It will wi before It a mass of oC proposals re received re me- ed during tho time holiday recess In re response roT ro- ro T to its public request for constructive constructive con con- criticism of the tho tentative plan published December 28 The machiner machinery machinery ma ma- chinery chiner for fo conciliating Industrial disputes disputes dis dis- puteH suggested d by the conference Included in included In- In Washington Washington Wash ash a a national tribunal at ington Inston and aud regional boards of ot Inquiry and and Tho The conference also plans to hear bear some somo men who have volunteered to appear appear appear ap ap- ap- ap pear before It I. I Tho program for Cor the tho hearings hearing's probably will be bu agreed upon Monday Secretary Wilson Is chairman of or tho the conference and Herbert Hoover vice vico chairman S |