Show Stage g e Carpenters Brave 1 4 t. c-t. a z z 1 Fear Not Insomnia Relief B By II Herb I erb Westen N NOW NO OW that all this fight stuff is flying pro and con COll mostly eon with eon with I Jack Dempsey Salt Lakes Lake's heavyweight and the worlds world's champion in the center it mi might ht be ue well to lo remark at this period that there thero is one individual in this world who is not afraid of Dempsey and apparently would just as soon lake take the Dempsey cure for insomnia as the time 1920 model of the Drunkard would take lake tile the Neal Keal and treatment Town A 10 Awl 1 I h I I. I roo roo i. i n. n t I. I u n. n A t f 11 r nn n tint tin I Keeley I I u 11 Ilia iia i i JO 03 I V i v y but carpenter To lo be more mor explicit When hen Demp Dempsey eY strolls down Broadway wa in iii Ios Angeles he is looked upon as the time heavyweight hen champion of or tho the world with all time the necessary attributes accorded a champion cham chani- pion However Howe when he lie steps inside tIme the lot at tho Robert Hobert Brunton stu studio io where ho is making his motion mo mime- ion tion picture ho lie becomes a motion picture pie pic ture turo mire actor pure actor pure and amid simple Note te Some accent the time lot last t word A t few w days So ago surrounded c by 1 California Call Cali fornia sun sunshine anti and moonshine I took occasion to visit tho the champion on the time Brunton lot arid anti caught him In tho the ml midst st of or an interior set lie belittled tho ho day ny of or m my visit and expressed dis l appointment that Unit 1 I could not have ha called on the tho following da day for or us lUJ he admitted In naive candor ho was to tobe tobe tobe be shanghaied b by a n bunch of or black black- guards 8 But Dut to got get ct back to tho time stage carpon- carpon ter tel While we were lan talking and antI k's ks s 's coat t rested sted on u a nearby a suddenly enly loud and raucous voice olce smote our car drums and AVO wo finally Were made to realize c that the owner of ot that coat cool had a a. line of ancestors which seemed I to bo th time the object of or n a flow of or expletives that would have ha boon beon a credit lt to any ammy pirate or or motion n icI ic I turo director I awoke to tho time realization that lint Dempsey was removing romo his coat oat I ly li apologizing apologizing- In iii time tho meanwhile for monopolizing the tho The car- car pouter somewhat mollified wont went away talking to lo All Au o of which ZOOS goes to Lo show how that lint though sometimes SeVIn serving serving SeV In ing the time same purpose tho thu squared amid ind a motion picture studio ar are arc run on elm widely d standards standard ar Dempsey is IS' having the time limo time o of imis hlA young oung life making malin picture pictures Everything Every N thing timing is new to him him and though hO nor admits that he ho would rather rathor fight the Interest betrayed Is 8 i human And its it's no soft sort game either cither rs S s ways says Arising at G C I working out put and amid then lieu to lo the lie studio a at I Ito S Sto Sto to keo keep grinding ing until C S o'clock In tho the afternoon is not met exactly an aim afternoon newspaper Job as aH Jack puts It i Kearns earns keeps hands hand strictly off of tho the artistic end of the time game ame Ing a private ate office downtown u and d meeting only In tho the evening o when both arrive home hornC J JOck Jack cl is ls hJ leaving ln e everything in Limo tho hands hand of or his manager my un manager as ns he ho designates I earns and bo boveen wt n the wo o of them they have created cle quite an aim Impression Ion in the time film Ihn cOln colony |