Show o p- p 0 0 I I 3 Manti I I 0 0 M Manti antl Jan 10 Mr r. r and nOI Mrs E. E D. D Mrs Irs E. E T. T Parry and Mr Irand Ir and and- Mrs C. C H. H Deal Deal motored to Salt Lake Sunday Miss Coo Anderson return return- returned to Provo Prove Su Sunday n da y Mrs Mrs J. J C. C Carter Cartor of ot Nephi Is tho the guest of ot her sister Mrs George Chris Chrls- tenson Miss Parr Parry was a n Salt Sal Lake visitor the early part of or the week Tho The Misses Virginia and Elaine Christensen returned to Provo Pro o Sunday Sunda accompanied b by Miss S Jennio Hibert of oC Arizona who has hns been their guest during dur dUI in lag ing tho the holidays Mr and Mrs J. J H. H Clark entertained at dinner Sunday un a afternoon Those present were ivero Mr lr and Mrs Glen Jensen Jenson Mr lr and Mrs Mra Elliot Jensen Jonson Clark Keller Kel lCd ler An Anderson erson Dr and Mrs rs II 11 I. I R. R Clark and family Camly Mrs F. F C. C Keller Koler and family faintly Mrs T. T E. E Clark and Miss Iss Grace Clar Clark Mrs Ira Mildred Peacock loft left ler Saturday to attend school at the A. A C. C U. U Mrs Peacocks Peacock's place pIneo In tho the public school faculty has been filled b by Dewey Ol Ol- Ol sen Samuel Brooks left for tor Devils Devil's Is Dc Slide Monday after spend spending In two weeks at lh E K E. T T. Par hr mr Miss Myrtle r- r rF F Farnsworth T I Sunday after aCer spending tho the wih with l her r parents In D Beaver a Mrs rs A. A II 11 I Christensen entertained at cards Sunday evening Favors were wore awarded to Miss Ruby Dyreng and Edward Edward Ed gd- ward P. P Cox At 11 1 o'clock a ch chicken dinner was ns served at the Savoy Sao lintel hotel hotel Those rhose present were Mrs Irl Laura J J. J Tut Tut- tie tle tc Miss tIM Maud faul Tuttle TulIo Miss SM Leah Miss liss ls Hub Ruby Dyreng Miss Myrtle Farnsworth Miss Frances Mad Mad- lad sen Miss L Leona onn Kel Kelley II n. Hales Lowry Low Low- ry r Nelson olson Ford ler A Alder leer Edward P. P Cox x and A. A H. H Christensen Miss Iss Laura Tuttle rulle returned Sunday Sunda to le where here she IB is teaching school Miss Beatrice Tuttle and brother Ralph left lef for Cor Salt Lake Sauria Saturday after upending spending a weck hero haro Tho The Armada was the scone acetic of a bril bril- lancing dancing party Friday Frida evening C The hosts and hostesses were and Mesdames P. P C C. Madsen In Spencer I Moffitt E. E G. G E George Georgc Christenson Chris Chrls- tenson J. J w. w Shand Hhand Lawrence Lowry L C. C S. S Shan M. M 1 II I Sperry and Fred Mn Madson ci ann Miss URS ne a And Anderson entertained at nt u the tho home ot of r her parents Mr Ir antI and Mrs A. A D. D Anderson Sunday evening in ho honor Vr or of f Mr lr and Mrs Irs Samuel Brooks Miss Mibs Emma Parry Parr entertained Satur ta day evening Those present were svere Mr and Mrs ln Brooks Mr and Mrs hs 13 g. 11 T. T Parry Nat ParI Parry Pany and amid Mr lr and Mrs In Bernard Parry Parr und and The reviewers reviewers' nl section of or the Ladles Ladies Literary club mt at the thc homo home of ot Mrs W. W D. D Tuesday y evening Mrs Irs P. P W. W Tuttle rend read On Christmas Day In the an and l On n Christmas Day a In the Evening g Refreshments r rn worn served r ed to Mesdames 8 L. L F I H. H S. S Kerr herr G G. G W. W Martin John Fred i Hall Hal E. E I g j E. E p Johnson T 13 g. T T. Reid Rold L L. R. R Howard Cox E. E G G. g Fc- Fc Samuel Samu l Brooks A A. A O O. Anderson Anderon Ander inder- son on F. F W. W Yo Tuttle and Miss Myrtle nl larn Farnsworth worth The club will wil moot meet next Tuesday evening with sith Mrs Samuel J liro Brooks oh S. S I Tho The Hopeless club met with wih M Mius H 1 Frances Francos Monday tonda o veiling veiling- c A s. s business meeting was ivas hell held to arrange for toh toli annual banquet which will be he held the last of this month Sixteen wil I members were present rho Those assist assist- In lug Miss were Parry Maggio lo Tennant a and ml nil t n n I rod Brooks I Mr and anti Mrs IrR S S. S C C. Barton enter enter- at t a a. C dinner New W Years Year's day clay I cay to Dr R TI R. R J I of or Salt Sal Lake Lak OVUM r were laid for far if- if e. e I teen Mr I and Mrs E. E A. A Morgan Mural were t special guests |