Show c cI y V I I Tea Table Gnat Chat tat I RS A. A T T. MOON lOO has been MRS spending several weeks celts In Salt Lake will wUl leave lc early carly In tho the week CorLos for Cor Los Angeles accompanied by her two little nieces where they will spend the remainder of oC tho the winter During the absence of or Mr and Mrs Irs Grant Hampton and antI their daughter Miss Anna Lowe Hampton In San Francisco Aurelia Hampton will be bo at home with her r grandmother Mrs rs George A A. A Lowe Jowe on en I E. E First South street 1 j Miss Jessie Harroun has returned from Berkeley whore where she has spent several months Mr and Mrs Hand Jorgensen and and children of oC Hyrum Byrum arc are spending the winter In Venice and Ocean Park Cal Miss Hannah Jorgensen Is la visiting with friends in Los Angeles X Jt H Howard l McGurrin cl eldest cst son sen of ot Mr and Mrs Edward dward McGurrin left yesterday yesterday yes yes- erter er ter ny for Berkeley Cal after atter spendIn spending spending spend spend- In ing tho the holidays with his parents i k Mr and Mrs Grant Hampton accompanied by their dau daughter Miss 1188 Anna Lowe Hampton left Wednesday for San Francisco and will later go to southern California where the they will stay several we Tho The Misses Marion farlon and an Joan Jonn Bird accompanied ac nc- accompanied companied b by their cousin Miss Margaret Margaret Mar Mar- garet McCornick and Jean loft left Tuesday ln for tor Menlo Park Paris Cal Cat after spending the tho holidays with their parents par par- Dr and andrs Mrs rs I Frederick Taylor of oC Provo have havo returned to their homo home after spending the holidays with Mrs Irs Taylors Taylor's parents Mr and Mrs Irs Walter Jennings at ot their homo home on Laird avenue ave o. nue ft y ic F J. J Mrs rs Fred A. A Hale will leave leavo in the tho I Inear near future for tor San Francisco where I she will spend some somei time with her daughter Mrs Thomas Thomos Hunter Miss Edythe Halo Haley I c t Mrs Irs F. F I L. L Seh Schroder roJer accompanied b by I her young oung son Eon Lawrence L will leave leavo about bout January 20 O for tor Baltimore where the they will Join Mr r. r Schroder who re recently recently re- re returned from military service ser In France Prance and who Is in the tho quartermasters quartermaster's quartermasters quartermaster's quartermasters quartermaster's quarter quarter- masters master's corps cerps In ben Baltimore Mr Schroder Schroder Schroder der was cited for bravery braver In Prance France Mrs Irs W. W H. H Bintz has hos sol sold her hor homo home on Sixth East street and II la is now ne at nt home at the Fifth East hotel Mr rr and J Mrs Mra I L. L M. M Osborne and family are at at home In tho the hints Bintz hou house e. e c Miss Myra Irn Mills who has spout spent the holidays holiday's with Mrs Elizabeth II hi Corn Corny Coray In tho the Kensington apartments has re returned returned ro- ro turned to her home c Mr Ir and Mrs Harold left cl Tuesday Tues Times day for ter southern California where they will spend several weeks rhe They will revisit the family in Salt Lake Lako before returning to their home heme In New NewYork York where Mr Ir will complete completo work on several productions x Mrs James P P. ONell OZell t two o eons sons and ha baby b dau daughter accompanied b by her sister sister sister sis sis- sis sis- ter Miss Mss Ruth Muth Dau Daugherty hert have re returned returned ro- ro turned turnell to their homo home In Wells Yells Nov XO after aCter spending tho the holl holidays ays with wilh their mother Mrs M. M A. A D Daugherty at nt her homo on Third avenue if c Ie 5 Miss Iss Marion Grden Green and nd Miss lIss Ruth Rutlt Green of oC Toronto Canada visitors atthe nt at I tho the Lafayette L. Hanchett homo home a n. year cor I I ago recently returned from Crom a visit to the tho battlefields of oC Prance Franco is I Mrs II T. T Covey and children ha have vc to Los Angeles antI anil limo tho beaches benches they will wm spend the next two months c c I Miss Mary Stua Stuart t of t New cw Orleans new secretary for lor the Y W. W C C. A A. arrived arrived arrived ar ar- ar- ar rived In Salt Lake Lako Tuesday Miss Mary Lynch and and Miss Mss Margaret OBrien O'Brien left lert during luring the week for St. St Marys Mary's of ot tho Woods In Ind where they will resume their studies having spent the tho holidays with their parents c Mrs Jeannette Jeannetto Fer Ferguson will leave leavo in tho the near future for New cw York where she sho will Ill spend several weeks with Mr and Mrs William Ferguson Her Hor son eon Fergus FerJus Ferguson has returned to Berkeley Cal where he will resume I I his studies I I 1 C 5 sc Miss Margaret Ero Brown n ho has returned from New cw York where she sho has spent I the tho past three weeks I VV y 4 Mrs Irs A. A M. M f Good GOd has as her guest Miss I Marcella Sullivan of af Eureka Jj c Miss Dora Thomas daughter of ot Mr l and Mrs oIls L L. Thomas has hns re returned returned re- re rc-I rc turned to Virginia college e. Roanoke I Va after spending the tho holidays with MaJ and Mrs William WlllIam Stoll at Camp Dix N. N J. J 1 |